Planeta GNOME Hispano
La actividad Hispana de GNOME 24 x 7

14 de July de 2024

Goodbye Tracker, hello TinySPARQL and LocalSearch

It is our pleasure (Sam’s and mine) to announce the following project renames:

– The Tracker SPARQL library will now be known as TinySPARQL
– The Tracker Miners indexer will now be known as LocalSearch, or GNOME LocalSearch if you prefer.

This on one hand will meet the increasing popular demand to have the terms “Tracker” and “Miner” avoided (In case the subtleties of language evade you, these have gained some bad connotations over the years), and on the other hand fixes the blunder done when Tracker 1.x conceded its name to the SPARQL library when library and indexer were split for 2.x. This has been a source of confusion wrt the extent and intent of each component, even among GNOME peers.

I am personally hopeful for the rename of TinySPARQL, as there has been a great amount of effort spent in making it a most credible implementation of the SPARQL/RDF/RDFS sets of standards, which feels underutilized with the library being mostly typecast as a gateway to the indexer data. Perhaps the new name will help reach to wider audiences that will be appreciative of a lightweight alternative to the available enterprise-level SPARQL engines.

But I shouldn’t diminish the importance of the rename of LocalSearch, especially at a time when other operating systems are approaching search in orwellian ways in the name of convenience, it becomes important to take a stand. We think the new name is a simple enough guide of our goals and non-goals.

This is not just a superficial rename, however we the maintainers have grown wary of approaches that would require us to bump version to 4.x, and updating all the projects depending on TinySPARQL/LocalSearch in a synchronized manner. So we have gone for a soft approach that will be backwards compatible for the most part, and allow a transitional path. Here’s what you can do to “update”:

In C projects

You are encouraged to use the tinysparql-3.0.pc file to detect the TinySPARQL library. The tracker-sparql-3.0.pc file is still provided for backwards compatibility. In code, use #include <tinysparql.h> to include the SPARQL library headers.

In the future we might consider an API migration scheme that deprecates all API under the old namespace and replaces with with objects in the new namespace. Meanwhile, all API objects and symbols keep the “Tracker” namespace.

From gobject-introspection bindings

You can get a “sneak peek” by using the new namespaces right away, e.g. from python code:


import gi, sys
gi.require_version('Tsparql', '3.0')
from gi.repository import GLib, Gio, Tsparql

    connection =
        None, # Database location, None creates it in-memory
        Tsparql.sparql_get_ontology_nepomuk(), # Ontology location

    # Create a resource containing RDF data
    resource =
    resource.set_uri('rdf:type', 'nmm:MusicPiece')

    # Create a batch, and add the resource to it
    batch = connection.create_batch()
    batch.add_resource(None, resource)

    # Execute the batch to insert the data


except Exception as e:
    print('Error: {0}'.format(e))

Remember to make your project depend on tinysparql-3.0.pc to ensure an up-to-date enough version to have these new binding definitions. Of course backwards compatibility is preserved, and there will be GIR/typelib files for the old namespaces.

In Vala code

There is also a new VAPI file, to describe the TinySPARQL API under the Tsparql namespace:

// valac --pkg tsparql-3.0 tsparql.vala
using Tsparql;

int main (string[] argv) {
  try {
    var conn = (Tsparql.ConnectionFlags.NONE, null, Tsparql.get_ontology_nepomuk(), null);

    // Create a resource containing RDF data
    var resource = new Tsparql.Resource(null);
    resource.set_uri ("rdf:type", "nmm:MusicPiece");

    // Create a batch, and add the resource to it
    var batch = conn.create_batch ();
    batch.add_resource (null, resource);

    // Execute the batch to insert the data
    batch.execute ();

    conn.close ();
  } catch (GLib.Error e) {
    stderr.printf ("Error: %s\n", e.message);

  return 0;

And same as before, there will be also a VAPI file with the old namespace.

Accessing LocalSearch data

The LocalSearch indexer data will now alternatively be offered via the org.freedesktop.LocalSearch3 D-Bus name, as well as through the org.freedesktop.Tracker3.Miner.Files D-Bus name for backwards compatibility. This can be used as usual with the TinySPARQL D-Bus based connection, e.g. from Python:


import gi, sys
gi.require_version('Tsparql', '3.0')
from gi.repository import Tsparql

conn = Tsparql.SparqlConnection.bus_new(
    'org.freedesktop.LocalSearch3', None)
cursor = conn.query('select ("Hello World" as ?str) {}', None)

Command line utilities

The command line utilities for both projects have parted ways. Instead of a single command line utility with extensible subcommands, the will be distinct tinysparql and localsearch command line tools, each providing their own sensible set of subcommands. We trust it will be reasonably low effort to adapt to these changes, and reasonably intuitive.

Test utilities

In order to test search-related code, some projects were using the tracker-testutils-3.0.pc file to locate the tracker-sandbox helper script to help them implement a test harness for search features. This has now become more of a first class citizen as a localsearch test-sandbox subcommand. There is no longer a pkgconf file, we recommend to detect the presence of the localsearch command in build systems.

A note to distributors

The repositories for these projects are and, and the tarballs distributed will have tinysparql-x.y.z and localsearch-x.y.z filenames (starting with tinysparql-3.8.alpha and localsearch-3.8.alpha which are already out of the door). We are understanding that a project rename will involve a more changes on your end(s) than ours, but we will greatly appreciate if you help us establish the new identities and follow up on the rename.

13 de May de 2024

Participación en el Wikimedia Hackathon 2024

File:Wikimedia Hackathon 2024.jpg - Wikimedia Commons
Sesión de inauguración del Mediawiki Hackathon 2024.

Mi participación

Algunas cosas han salido bastante bien. Otras, no tanto.

Entre las que bien, estoy muy satisfecho por la asistencia a la presentación de dos de los proyectos que tenemos en marcha (SMALL GLAM SLAM Pilot 1) y propuestos (Wikimedia LEADS) en LaOficina:

También improvisamos un encuentro informal acerca de financiación europea para proyectos Wikimedia que despertó bastante interés entre los asistentes. Al menos hay un consenso en que debemos avanzar en esta línea. Las notas están disponibles para consulta.

Y por esta parte sólo añadir que publiqué algunas cosas en redes sociales en Curiosamente no ha habido demasiada actividad en Mastodon al respecto (#wmhack). Imagino que la mayor parte de los asistentes estaba centrada en picar código.

File:Wikimedia Hackathon 2024-39-.jpg - Wikimedia CommonsFile:Wikimedia Hackathon 2024 20240505 RSKY 236.jpg - Wikimedia Commons
Tomáronme fotos

Wikibase Suite

Otra de las mejores cosas del hackathon fue haber conocido en persona a la madrileña Mónica Pinedo (darthmon_wmde) que forma parte del núcleo duro de Wikibase Suite, que es la distribución oficial de Wikibase para instalaciones locales (en contraparte a Wikibase.Cloud). Wikibase Suite es el corazón de la solución SMALL GLAM SLAM Pilot 1.

Lo peor fue que entre tanta conversación interesantísima y alguna tarea que se me atascó prácticamente no pude trabajar en las dos actividades que me había propuesto:

Sí encontré algo de tiempo para experimentar con la instalación de Wikibase Suite, aprovechando la enorme oportunidad de tener al lado al equipo de desarrollo, pero apenas pude contribuir un aviso de fallo que, a mi pesar, nunca lo fue 🤦‍♂️:

Otro hallazgo que me compartieron es la existencia de la herramienta wikibase-cli.

La cosa GLAM

Creo que estamos consiguiendo que el concepto «very small glam» cale en la comunidad Wikimedia.

Andrew Lih dirigió tres sesiones desarrollando la iniciativa GLAM Wiki CSI (Contribution Study Initiative). A partir de ahí he concluido que debemos contribuir con la user history elemental desde el punto de vista Very Small GLAM: SMALL GLAM SLAM Pilot 1: write GLAM CSI persona, que además conviene para divulgar mejor el concepto.

Fotaza de grupo

Andrew Lih también nos ha regalado esta tremenda foto de grupo:

File:Wikimedia Hackathon 2024 - Group photo, 360 cam.jpg - Wikimedia Commons
Foto de Andrew Lih, CC0.


Wikimedia Foundation logotype

Muchísimas gracias a la Wikimedia Foundation por haber becado mi viaje y estancia. Sé que no ha sido barato. Solamente espero que el gasto haya merecido un poco la pena.

El patrimonio está por los suelos

No podían faltar algunas fotos de tapas de alcantarilla de Tallín:

File:Manhole cover in Tallinn 2.jpg - Wikimedia CommonsFile:Manhole cover in Tallinn 11.jpg - Wikimedia CommonsFile:Manhole cover in Tallinn 17.jpg - Wikimedia CommonsFile:Manhole cover in Tallinn 18.jpg - Wikimedia CommonsFile:Manhole cover in Tallinn 24.jpg - Wikimedia CommonsFile:Manhole cover in Tallinn 29.jpg - Wikimedia Commons
En Tallín, el patrimonio también está por los suelos.

El resto están en Wikimedia Commons.

Y, a continuación, nos fuimos al AI Sauna, en Helsinki.

05 de May de 2024

This website now has GPDR friendly statistics

Libre Counter logotype

Now this website uses a simple statistics system which is GDPR compatible and privacy friendly. It uses Libre Counter which not need user registration neither configuration beyond adding some code like this:

<a href="" target="_blank">
    <img src="" alt="GPDR friendly statistics" width="14" style="filter: grayscale(1);" title="GPDR friendly statistics" referrerpolicy="unsafe-url title="/> 

No cookies also.

Thanks Pinchito!

25 de April de 2024

Small GLAM Slam Pilot 1 project update

Wikibase logotype

This is a project update for the SGS Pilot 1 project. This is a WMF funded project  (ID: 22444585).

They have been created two relevant places:

You can observe que are now using the coined term «Very Small GLAM». This will be the activity scope from now as we consider it short and and precise. The Small GLAM Slam denomination will be kept for the ID: 22444585 project.

What the Very Small GLAM term refers to? It identifies GLAM entities of very small size. How small? We got the inspiration from the concept of VSE (very small entities) coined for the ISO/IEC 29110 Series for software development entities up to 25 members. To set a focus we, a bit arbitrarily, chose the number 5 as «up to 5» members an institution or team working in GLAM. Very Small GLAM non circunscribes to Open GLAM, but Open GLAM would probably be the best approach or complement for this teams with not so much resources.

Wikimedia LEADS logotype

Wikimedia LEADS spin-off

An unexpected spin-off has been the conceptualization of the new initiative, Wikimedia LEADS (Learning Ecosystems and Ameliorating Data Space) when attending EU’s Next Generation Internet (NGI) funding call. The goal is to develop an advanced learning free/open data space and software ecosystem for the Wikimedia Movement.

Wikimedia LEADS first goal is to attend the GLAM Wiki learning needs. GLAM Wiki also shares a lot of commonalities with the Europeana community.

By extension, all practices, tools and many of the specific contents will be applicable to all other areas of the human knowledge.

Project’s activity areas

The SGS Pilot 1 is now structured in these work-packages:

  • WP1—IT system developed with the NAS killer concept with a free software stack for GLAM;
  • WP2—configuration for a locally installed Wikibase suite;
  • WP3—GLAM ontologies and vocabularies;
  • WP4—GLAM practices.
  • WP5—data import.

WP1—IT system, update

The selected operating system is UNRAID. The technical justifications are:

  • it’s a Linux distribution;
  • it features the ZFS file system, probably the best alternative for data preservation;
  • has a graphic administration interface
  • and run on any PC compatible hardware.

At this point the most important update about UNRAID is, since the grant approval, it changed their licensing model and fees.

Current project hardware details are:

  • a received a donated HP Z400 system, which happily includes an SSD disk;
  • procured 24 GB of ECC RAM, PC3-10600E, the maximum supported by the board.

In the next days we’ll buy the three HGST hard drives and other minor components for the firsts tests.

For the system configuration development phase, we’ll use another lend computer as a test server.

Software systems

This is a proposal of software architecture for a local installation of Wikibase in a GLAM context:

There is not advances to report about software.

WP2—Wikibase suite configuration, update

As we are not still familiar with the Wikibase ecosystem we are practicing setting up some instances in Also, we are starting to identify relevant Wikibase features. We are using as inventory of:

WP3—GLAM ontologies and vocabularies, update

Here we have the most juicy results for the moment. After a papers research we identified the CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model (CIDOC-CRM) as an international reference model for museums. It’s more relevant when you find it’s being used as a reference for mapping or extending to other domains like CRMdig (digitalization) and CRMsoc (social phenomena and constructs), which are relevant for the «Memorias del Cine» archive. Very relevant is the availability of a CRM OWL ontology (non official, but apparently up to date) and some minor Wikidata mapping ($s, 24 items) Also, we identified the Records in Contexts–Conceptual Model (RiC-CM), whose ontology is also published in OWL format. RiC-CM is a reference for archival and we found initial works for CRM <-> RiC-CM mapping. The current mapping with Wikidata is anecdotal (, 4 items).

In the context of models of practices we are learning about SEMAT Essence. The formal specifications are expressed in text and in a UML metamodel file (.xmi). The concept of metamodel is practically equivalent to the LOD ontology. It took a while but now we know more about how to manage this XMI formats using Magic Draw. The plan is to import the ontology to Wikibase using the same tools than for CRM and related. We found the Essence «Package Competency» model is relevant for populating a map of competences/abilities for the Movement, as Wikimedia LEADS proposes.

For managing this information we are getting familiar with tools like Protégé, Fuseki, Magic Draw and some others.

A very happily discovery has been a couple set of tools for mapping and importing to Wikibase ontologies based in CIDOC-CRM. They are output of the projects SAF-Lux and GeoKB. We expect we’ll make intensive use of them or their derivatives.

An open question is, do we need to create a new Wikidata property for CRM identifier? Probably yes. I’m keeping some notes about ontologies for archival in my Wikidata user page.

WP4—GLAM practices, update

There is not so much real work on this side, since we are not ready to work modeling with Essence. But we are collecting some relevant bibliography for the project scope:

  • C. Matos, Manual práctico para la digitalización de colecciones para difusión digital, 2022.
  • A. Salvador Benítez, Ed., Patrimonio fotográfico: de la visibilidad a la gestión. en Biblioteconomía y administración cultural, no. 280. Gijón: Trea, 2015.
  • J. M. Sánchez Vigil, A. Salvador Benítez, y M. Olivera Zaldua, Colecciones y fondos fotográficos: criterios metodológicos, estrategias y protocolos de actuación, Primera edición. en Museología y patrimonio cultural. Gijón: Ediciones Trea, 2022.
  • Collections Trust, Spectrum 5.1: UK Collections Management Standard, 2022.
  • Centro de Fotografía de Motevideo, Guía del archivo fotográfico, 2017.
  • L. Bountouri, Archives in the digital age: standards, policies and tools. en Chandos Information Professional Series. Cambridge, MA: Chandos Publishing, an imprint of Elsevier, 2017.

WP5—data import, update

There have been not activity. We’ll start the data import when we have a first server operating.


Strictly focused in the SGS Pilot 1:

Related to Wikimedia LEADS:

What’s next

In the next days we’ll procure the pending hardware component to set up the server prototype. Then we’ll define the configuration and procedure to set up an UNRAID server instance ready for data preservation tasks. Then we’ll migrate the multimedia archive of «Memorias del Cine» to the server. The fun part of cataloging the archive in Wikibase would start as soon as we have an stable ontology model for digital archives.

Also, in May I’ll be attending the Wikimedia Hackathon in Tallinn and the AI Sauna in Helskinki. Reach me there in person if you are interested in our work.

PS: Adding references to WP5 (20240430).

18 de April de 2024

Taller de introducción a Wikibase en la Universidad de Murcia

Wikibase logotype

Aquí están las notas que usé para el taller de introducción a Wikibase que impartí en la Universidad de Murcia.

Por mi parte, en LaOficina vamos a seguir profundizando en estas herramientas en los próximas días.

Sé que como transparencias para un taller son espantosas, pero hacen su función. Espero que sean de utilidad.

PS: Entrada al respecto en la web de la Universidad de Murcia.

16 de April de 2024

Last activity in Wikimedia

Just a little update about my activity around the Wikimedia Movement.

As said in this blog, I have been invited to guide a workshop on Wikibase at the Murcia University.

Also, I’ve sent two poster proposals for Wikimania 2024:

Towards a Very Small GLAM entities solution: This proposal proposes an activity line for empowering very small GLAM entities with limited resources to preserve and document cultural heritage effectively. It comprises:

  • the development an open-source GLAM suite and
  • recommendations on affordable, reliable hardware.

The suite includes:

  • software such as unRAID OS with ZFS for data preservation and
  • Wikibase and packaged software services.
  • Also a preload of metadata for museology (ontologies and vocabularies) and a technical information collection in the form of linked open data and documents.

The proposal outlines the project’s timeline, funding sources, and physical and online community involvement.


Wikimedia LEADS a Learning Ecosystem and Ameliorating Data Space: To create a free ecosystem and data-space for learning in the Wikimedia Movement. Ecosystem will extends the Movement with new classes of knowledge and addressing sustainability needs. With:

  • libraries of:
    • practices, modeled in Wikibase as Linked Open Data (LOD);
    • credentials, also modeled as LOD, based in ELM;
  • software extensions and services required for a working implementation in the Movement.

First will address the GLAM Wiki domain, producing incremental results ready to be adopted. This domain strongly intersects with the Wikimedia Movement. Furthermore, the methodologies, tools and many of the specific contents will be applicable to any other knowledge areas.

We have coined the term Very Small GLAM to refer the community of very small GLAM institutions: private, public, formal or informal, etc. It has not a rigorous definition, but you can think in teams of less than 10 members and reduced budget. So we’ll drop the bombastic term of «Small GLAM SLAM».

About Wikimedia LEADS, this is a new line of work also based in Wikibase to develop a Wikimedia ecosystem of models for Essence practices and microcredentials. It has been proposed for an European Union grant so it has no funding yet. This initiative interesects with Very Small GLAM as both focuses first in contents for the GLAM Wiki domain, as project driver.

15 de April de 2024

Taller de introducción a Wikibase en la Universidad de Murcia

Tomás Saorín y Juan Pastor, de la Facultad de Comunicación y Documentación de la Universidad de Murcia, han tenido a bien invitarme a impartir un taller demostrativo de Wikibase para el Grado en gestión de información y contenidos digitales.

pantallazo de la ficha de solución

Aprovecharé para enseñar alguna de las últimas cosas en las que trabajo en el proyecto SMALL GLAM SLAM Pilot 1 con el que estamos preparando la infraestructura digital del futuro centro de documentación digital de LaOficina.

El taller tendrá lugar el 18 de abril por la tarde en la biblioteca María Moliner y la entrada es libre.

Nos vemos en Murcia.

11 de March de 2024

Ficha de Wikiturismo como solución en la web DTI

Casi justo un año después de presentar por aquí Wikiturismo, la oferta wikimedista para los destinos turísticos inteligentes que hemos creado en LaOficina, SEGITTUR ha aceptado publicar la ficha de solución de Wikiturismo para los Destinos Turísticos Inteligentes.

pantallazo de la ficha de solución

Sólo recordar de nuevo, nuestra prueba de concepto de aplicación móvil para el turista basada en el ecosistema Wikimedia.

10 de March de 2024

Modelling protected areas talks

Just keeping up to date with a talk I gave twice past year. I’m very proud of the work but never shared here neither in my Wikidata User:Olea page.

As a brief introduction, for some time I did a significant work importing to Wikidata the CDDA database of European protected areas as I found we have them completely infra represented. I have previous experience with historical heritage but this showed to be a harder work. I have collected some thoughts about lessons learned and a potential standarizing proposal for natural protected areas but never structured in a comprensive way until being invited to give a couple talks about this.


The first talk was in Lisboa, invited and sponsored by our friends of Wikimedia Portugal, in their Wikidata Days 2023. To be honest, my talk was a little disaster because I didn’t prepared the talk with time enough, but at least I could present a complete draft of the idea.

Then I have the opportunity to talk again about the same issue in the next Data Modelling Days 2023 virtual event.


My participation was sharing the session with VIGNERON, he talk about historical heritage and I did about natural heritage/natural protected area. For this session I was able to rewrite my proposal with the quality a communication requires. Now you have available the video recording of the full session:

And my slides, that would be the final text of my intended proposal:

As a conclusion: yes, I should promote this in Wikidata, but the amount of work it requires (editions and discussions) is, for the moment, outside my interest for my freetime.

Misadventures modelling Andalusian heritage

Related with the previous post, I have pending too to publish my notes about my experience importing, sorting and cleaning the descriptions of the rich Andalusian historical heritage. Our friends of Wikimedia Portugal invited and sponsored my travel to Lisboa to share my, sometimes sad, practical experience in their excellent Wikidata Days 2023 meeting.


I used this invitation as a motivation to finally compile all the experience I learned when importing the Digital Guide to the Cultural Heritage of Andalusia into Wikidata.

The presentation format is really suboptimal. To be honest I’m a bit tired of working a lot in slides with very short live (many times just one ocassion). But I still think the contents are useful enough.

05 de March de 2024

Maintaining downstreams of Chromium: why downstream?

Chromium, the web browser open source project Google Chrome is based on, can be considered nowadays the reference implementation of the web platform. As such, it is the first choice when implementing the web platform in a software platform or product.

Why is it like this? In this blog post I am going to introduce the topic, and then review the different reasons why a downstream Chromium is used in different projects.

A series of blog posts

This is the first of a series of blog posts, where I am going through several aspects and challenges of maintaining a downstream project using Chromium as its upstream project.

They will be mostly based on the discussions in two events. First, on The Web Engines Hackfest 2023 break out session with same title that I chaired in A Coruña. Then, on my BlinkOn 18 talk in November 2023, at Sunnyvale.

Some definitions

Before starting the discussion of the different aspects, let’s clarify how I will use several terms.

Repository vs. project

I am going to refer to a repository as a version controlled storage of code strictly. Then, a project (specifically, a software project) is the community of people that share goals and some kind of organization, to maintain one or several software products.

So, a project may use several repositories for their goals.

In this discussion I will talk about Chromium, an open source project that targets the implementation of the web platform user agent, a web browser, for different platforms. As such, it uses a number of repositories (src, v8 and more).

Downstream and upstream

I will use the downstream and upstream terms, referred to the relationship of different software projects version control repositories.

If there is a software project repository (typically open source), and a new repository is created that contains all or part of the original repository, then:

  • Upstream project will be the original repository.
  • Downstream project is the new repository.

It is important to highlight that different things can happen to the downstream repository:

  • This copy could be a one time event, so the downstream repository becomes an independent fork, and there may be no interest in tracking the upstream evolution. This happens often for abandoned repositories, where a different set of people start an independent project. But there could be other reasons.
  • There is the intent to track the upstream repository changes. So the downstream repository evolves as the upstream repository does too, but with some specific differences maintained on top of the original repository.

Why using Chromium?

Nowadays, web platform is a solid alternative for providing contents to the users. It allows modern user interfaces, based on well known standards, and integrate well with local and remote services. The gap between native applications and web contents has been reduced, so it is a good alternative quite often.

But, when integrating web contents, product integrators need an implementation of the web platform. It is no surprise that Chromium is the most used, for a number of reasons:

  • It is open source, with a license that allows to adapt it for new product needs.
  • It is well maintained and up to date. Even pushing through standardization for improving it continuously.
  • It is secure, both from architecture and maintenance model point of view.
  • It provides integration points to tailor the implementation to ones needs.
  • It supports the most popular software platforms (Windows, Android, Linux, …) for integrating new products.
  • On top of the web platform itself, it provides an implementation for many of the components required to build a modern web browser.

Still, there are other good alternate choices for integrating the web, as WebKit (specially WPE for the embedded use cases), or using the system-provided web components (Android or iOS web view, …).

Though, in this blog post I will focus on the Chromium case.

Why downstreaming Chromium?

But, why do different projects need to use downstream Chromium repositories?

The main simple reason the project needs a downstream repository is adding changes that are not upstream. This can be for a variety of reasons:

  • Downstream changes that are not allowed by upstream. I.e. because they will make upstream project harder to maintain, or it will not be tested often.
  • Downstream changes that downstream project does not want to add to upstream.

Let’s see some examples of changes of both types.

Hardware and OS adaptation

This is when downstream adds support for a hardware target or OS that is not originally supported in upstream Chromium project.

Chromium upstream provides an abstraction layer for that purpose named Ozone, that allows to adapt it to the OS, desktop environment, and system graphics compositor. But there are other abstraction layers for media acceleration, accessibility or input methods.

The Wayland protocol adaptation started as a downstream effort, as upstream Chromium did not intend to support Wayland at that time. Eventually it evolved into an upstream official Ozone backend.

An example? LGE webOS Chromium port.


The previous case mostly forces to have a downstream project or repository. But there are also some cases where this is intended. There is the will to have some features in the downstream repository and not in upstream, an intended differentiation.

Why would anybody want that? Some typical examples:

  • A set of features that the downstream project owners consider to make the project better in some way, and want them to be kept downstream. This can happen when a new browser is shipped, and it contains features that make the product offering different, and, in some ways, better, than upstream Chrome. That can be a different user experience, some security features, better privacy…
  • Adaptation to a different product brand. Each browser or browser-based product will want to have its specific brand instead of upstream Chromium brand.

Examples of this:

  • Brave browser, with completely different privacy and security choices.
  • ARC browser, with an innovative user experience.
  • Microsoft Edge, with tight Windows OS integration and corporate features.

Hybrid application runtimes

And one last interesting case: integrating the web platform for developing hybrid applications: those that mix parts of the user interface implemented in a native toolkit, and parts implemented using the web platform.

Though Chromium includes official support for hybrid applications for Android, with the Android Web View, other toolkits provide also web applications support, and the integration of those belong, in Chromium case, to downstream projects.


What’s next?

In this blog post I presented different reasons why projects end up maintaining a downstream fork of Chromium.

In the next blog post I will present one of the main challenges when maintaining a downstream of Chromium: the different rebase and upgrade strategies.

04 de March de 2024

Installing Linux with USB stick in a HP Z400

Just for the record:

For our SMALL GLAM SLAM project we have received a donated HP Z400 Workstation. It’s has a Xeon CPU and can host 24Gb of ECC RAM, which seems appropiate for the project needs. But I found an annoying trouble installing Linux with a USB stick. It took me more than hour to search in the Internet for a solution. Now I just write here for the record and hoping the next one in this case could save precious time.

The tip is pretty simple: the Z400 HP BIOS doesn’t like booting Linux in USB sticks and the solution is upgrade the machine firmware with a «Linux BIOS» from HP o_O

The procedure:

  • go to the Z400 downloads page;
  • choose «operating system» Linux and «version» Linux;
  • at the BIOS section you’ll find the file to download to disk;
  • now prepare a USB stick formated as VFAT and copy the firmware file inside;
  • plug the stick in the Z400 machine, boot and open BIOS (press F10 key);
  • In the BIOS application choose [File]->[Flash System ROM]
  • then you’ll can select the firmware file from the USB memory and confirm the update process,
  • reboot and that’s all.


After that I could boot my Fedora USB stick and install without any other trouble.

Hope you’ll find useful.

20 de February de 2024

A Clarification About WebKit Switching to Skia

In the previous post I talked about the plans of the WebKit ports currently using Cairo to switch to Skia for 2D rendering. Apple ports don’t use Cairo, so they won’t be switching to Skia. I understand the post title was confusing, I’m sorry about that. The original post has been updated for clarity.

19 de February de 2024

WebKitGTK and WPEWebKit Switching to Skia for 2D Graphics Rendering

In recent years we have had an ongoing effort to improve graphics performance of the WebKit GTK and WPE ports. As a result of this we shipped features like threaded rendering, the DMA-BUF renderer, or proper vertical retrace synchronization (VSync). While these improvements have helped keep WebKit competitive, and even perform better than other engines in some scenarios, it has been clear for a while that we were reaching the limits of what can be achieved with a CPU based 2D renderer.

There was an attempt at making Cairo support GPU rendering, which did not work particularly well due to the library being designed around stateful operation based upon the PostScript model—resulting in a convenient and familiar API, great output quality, but hard to retarget and with some particularly slow corner cases. Meanwhile, other web engines have moved more work to the GPU, including 2D rendering, where many operations are considerably faster.

We checked all the available 2D rendering libraries we could find, but none of them met all our requirements, so we decided to try writing our own library. At the beginning it worked really well, with impressive results in performance even compared to other GPU based alternatives. However, it proved challenging to find the right balance between performance and rendering quality, so we decided to try other alternatives before continuing with its development. Our next option had always been Skia. The main reason why we didn’t choose Skia from the beginning was that it didn’t provide a public library with API stability that distros can package and we can use like most of our dependencies. It still wasn’t what we wanted, but now we have more experience in WebKit maintaining third party dependencies inside the source tree like ANGLE and libwebrtc, so it was no longer a blocker either.

In December 2023 we made the decision of giving Skia a try internally and see if it would be worth the effort of maintaining the project as a third party module inside WebKit. In just one month we had implemented enough features to be able to run all MotionMark tests. The results in the desktop were quite impressive, getting double the score of MotionMark global result. We still had to do more tests in embedded devices which are the actual target of WPE, but it was clear that, at least in the desktop, with this very initial implementation that was not even optimized (we kept our current architecture that is optimized for CPU rendering) we got much better results. We decided that Skia was the option, so we continued working on it and doing more tests in embedded devices. In the boards that we tried we also got better results than CPU rendering, but the difference was not so big, which means that with less powerful GPUs and with our current architecture designed for CPU rendering we were not that far from CPU rendering. That’s the reason why we managed to keep WPE competitive in embeeded devices, but Skia will not only bring performance improvements, it will also simplify the code and will allow us to implement new features . So, we had enough data already to make the final decision of going with Skia.

In February 2024 we reached a point in which our Skia internal branch was in an “upstreamable” state, so there was no reason to continue working privately. We met with several teams from Google, Sony, Apple and Red Hat to discuss with them about our intention to switch from Cairo to Skia, upstreaming what we had as soon as possible. We got really positive feedback from all of them, so we sent an email to the WebKit developers mailing list to make it public. And again we only got positive feedback, so we started to prepare the patches to import Skia into WebKit, add the CMake integration and the initial Skia implementation for the WPE port that already landed in main.

We will continue working on the Skia implementation in upstream WebKit, and we also have plans to change our architecture to better support the GPU rendering case in a more efficient way. We don’t have a deadline, it will be ready when we have implemented everything currently supported by Cairo, we don’t plan to switch with regressions. We are focused on the WPE port for now, but at some point we will start working on GTK too and other ports using cairo will eventually start getting Skia support as well.

04 de February de 2024

Last activity in Wikimedia

A fast update of thing happening to me in the Wikimedia Movement in the last weeks:

  • We asked for a WM Rapid Grant for a new project we have conceptualized at LaOficina: SMALL GLAM SLAM Pilot 1, to low entry barriers of software and practices adoption for very small GLAM organizations.
  • Also, I have been granted an scholarship to attend the Wikimedia Hackathon 2024 event next May in Tallinn.
  • And, as part of my travel connection, I plan to attend the more informal GLAM + Commons + AI sauna in Helsinki. So, another Wikimedia GLAM overdose after the excellent Montevideo’s GLAM Wiki 2023 meeting.

I’ve draft the main tasks for the hackathon. They are very big in scope but they would be adjousted with the results of the Pilot 1. Here they are:

Lot’s of fun to come!

30 de December de 2023

16 de November de 2023

V8 profiling instrumentation overhead

In the last 2 years, I have been contributing to improve the performance of V8 profiling instrumentation in different scenarios, both for Linux (using Perf) and for Windows (using Windows Performance Toolkit).

My work has been mostly improving the stack walk instrumentation that allows Javascript generated code to show in the stack traces, referring to the original code, in the same way native compiled code in C or C++ can provide that information.

In this blog post I run different benchmarks to determine how much overhead this instrumentation introduces.

How can you enable profiling instrumentation?

V8 implements system native profile instrumentation for the Javascript code, Both for Linux Perf and for Windows Performance Toolkit. Though, those are disabled by default.

For Windows, the command line switch --enable-etw-stack-walking instruments the generated Javascript code, to emit the source code information for the compiled functions using ETW (Event Tracing for Windows). This gives a better insight of time spent in different functions, specially when stack profiling is enabled in Windows Performance Toolkit.

For Linux Perf, there are several command line switches:
--perf-basic-prof: this emits, for any Javascript generated code, its memory location and a descriptive name (that includes the source location of the function).
--perf-basic-prof-only-functions: same as the previous one, but only emitting functions, excluding other stubs as regular expressions.
--perf-prof: this is a different way to provide the information for Linux Perf. It generates a more complex format specified here. On top of the addresses of the functions, it also includes source code information, even with details about the exact line of code inside the function that is executed in a sample.
--perf-prof-annotate-wasm: this one extends --perf-prof, to add debugging information to WASM code.
--perf-prof-unwinding-info: This last one also extends --perf-prof, but providing experimental support for unwinding info.

And then, we have interpreted code support. V8 does not generate JIT code for everything, and in many cases it runs interpreted code that calls common builtin code. So, in a stack trace, instead of seeing the Javascript method that eventually runs those methods through the interpreter, we see those common methods. The solution? Using --interpreted-frames-native-stack, that adds additional information that identifies which Javascript method in the stack is actually interpreted. This is basic to understand the attribution of running code, especially if it is not considered hot enough to be compiled.

They are disabled by default, is it a problem?

We would ideally want to have all of this profiling support always enabled when we are profiling code. For that, we would want to avoid having to pass any command line switch, so we can profile Javascript workloads without any additional configuration.

But all these command line switches are disabled by default. Why? There are several reasons.

What happens on Linux?

In Linux, Perf profiling instrumentation will unconditionally generate additional files, as it cannot know if Perf is running or not. --perf-basic-prof backend writes the generated information to .map files, and --perf-prof backend writes additional information to jit-*.dump files that will be used later with perf inject -j.

Additionally, the instrumentation requires code compaction to be disabled. This is because code compaction will change the memory location of the compiled code. V8 generates CODE_MOVE internal events for profiler instrumentation. But ETW and Linux Perf backends do not handle those events for a variety of reasons. It has an impact in memory as there is no way to compact the space allocated for code without code move.

So, when we enable any of the Linux Perf command line switches we both generate extra files and take more memory.

And what about Windows?

In Windows we have the same problem with code compaction. We do not support generating CODE_MOVE events so, while profiling, we cannot enable code compaction.

And the emitted ETW events with JIT code position information do still take memory space and make the profile recordings bigger.

But there is an important difference: Windows ETW API allows applications to know when they are being profiled, and even filter that. V8 only emits the code location information for ETW if the application is being profiled, and code compaction is only disabled when profiling is ongoing.

That means the overhead for enabling --enable-etw-stack-walking is expected to be minimal.

What about --interpreted-frames-native-stack? It has also been optimized to generate the extra stack information only when a profile is being recorded.

Can we enable them by default?

For Linux, the answer is a clear no. Any V8 workload would generate profiling information in files, and disabling code compaction makes memory usage higher. These problems happen no matter if you are recording a profile or not.

But, Windows ETW support adds overhead only when profiling! It looks like it could make sense to enable both --interpreted-frames-native-stack and --enable-etw-stack-walking for Windows.

Are we there yet? Overhead analysis

So first, we need to verify the actual overhead because we do not want to introduce a regression by enabling any of these options. I also want to confirm the actual overhead in Linux matches the expectation. To do that I am showing the result of running CSuite benchmarks, included as part of V8. I am capturing both the CPU and memory usage.

Linux benchmarks

The results obtained in Linux are…

– REC: recording a profile (Yes, No).
– No flag: running the test without any extra command line flag.
– BP: passing --perf-basic-prof.
– IFNS: passing --interpreted-frames-native-stack.
– BP+IFNS: passing both --perf-basic-prof and --interpreted-frames-native-stack.

Linux results – score:

Test REC Better No flag BP IFNS BP+IFNS
Octane No Higher 9101.2 8953.3 9077.1 9097.3
Yes 9112.8 9041.7 9004.8 9093.9
Kraken No Lower 4060.3 4108.9 4076.6 4119.9
Yes 4078.1 4141.7 4083.2 4131.3
Sunspider No Lower 595.7 622.8 595.4 627.8
Yes 598.5 626.6 599.3 633.3

Linux results – memory (in Kilobytes)

Octane No 244040.0 249152.0 243442.7 253533.8
Yes 242234.7 245010.7 245632.9 252108.0
Kraken No 46039.1 46169.5 46009.1 46497.1
Yes 46002.1 46187.0 46024.4 46520.5
Sunspider No 90267.0 90857.2 90214.6 91100.4
Yes 90210.3 90948.4 90195.9 91110.8

What is seen in the results?
– There is apparently no CPU or memory overhead of --interpreted-frames-native-stack alone. Though there is an outlier while recording Octane memory usage, that could be an error in the sampling process. This is expected as the additional information is only generated while any profiling instrumentation is enabled.
– There is no clear extra cost in memory for recording vs not recording. This is expected as the extra information only depends on having the switches enabled. It does not detect when recording is ongoing.
– There is, as expected, a cost in CPU when Perf is ongoing, in most of the cases.
--perf-basic-prof has CPU and memory impact. And combined with --interpreted-frames-native-stack, the impact is even higher as expected.

This is on top of the fact that files are generated. The benchmarks back not enabling Perf --perf-basic-prof by default. But as --interpreted-frames-native-stack has only overhead in combination with profiling switches, it could make sense to consider enabling it on Linux.

Windows benchmarks

What about Windows results?

– No flag: running the test without any extra command line flag.
– ETW: passing --enable-etw-stack-walking.
– IFNS: passing --interpreted-frames-native-stack.
– ETW+IFNS: passing both --enable-etw-stack-walking and --interpreted-frames-native-stack.

Windows results – score:

Test REC Better No flag ETW IFNS ETW+IFNS
Octane No Higher 8323.8 8336.2 8308.7 8310.4
Yes 8050.9 7991.3 8068.8 7900.6
Kraken No Lower 4273.0 4294.4 4303.7 4279.7
Yes 4380.2 4416.4 4433.0 4413.9
Sunspider No Lower 671.1 670.8 672.0 671.5
Yes 693.2 703.9 690.9 716.2

Windows results – memory:

Octane Not recording 202535.1 204944.9 200700.4 203557.8
Recording 205125.8 204801.3 206856.9 209260.4
Kraken Not recording 76188.2 76095.2 76102.1 76188.5
Recording 76031.6 76265.0 76215.6 76662.0
Sunspider Not recording 31784.9 31888.4 31806.9 31882.7
Recording 31848.9 31882.1 31802.7 32339.0

What is observed?
– No memory or CPU overhead is observed when recording is not ongoing, with --enable-etw-stack-walking and/or --interpreted-frames-native-stack.
– Even recording, there is no clearly visible overhead of --interpreted-frames-native-stack.
– When recording, --enable-etw-stack-walking has an impact on CPU. But not on memory.
– When --enable-etw-stack-walking and --interpreted-frames-native-stack are combined, while recording, both memory and CPU overheads are observed.

So, again, it should be possible to enable --interpreted-frames-native-stack on Windows by default as it only has impact while recording a profile with --enable-etw-stack-walking. And it should be possible to enable --enable-etw-stack-walking by default too as, again, the impact happens only when a profile is recorded.

Windows: there are still problems

Is it that simple? Is it just OK only adding overhead when recording a profile?

One problem with this is that there is an impact in system wide recordings, even if the focus is not on Javascript execution.

Also, the CPU impact is not linear. Most of it happens when a profile recording starts, V8 emits the code position of all the methods in all the already existing Javascript functions and builtins. Now, imagine a regular desktop with several V8 based browsers as Chrome and Edge, with all their tabs. Or a server with many NodeJS instances. All that generates the information of all their methods at the same time.

So the impact of the overhead is significant, even if it only happens while recording.

Next steps

For --interpreted-frames-native-stack it looks like it would be better to propose enabling it by default in all studied platforms (Windows and Linux). It significantly improves the profiling instrumentation, and it has impact only when actual instrumentation is used. And then it still allows disabling it for the specific cases where the original builtins recording is preferred.

For --enable-etw-stack-walking, it could make sense to also propose enabling it by default, even with the known overhead while recording profiles. And just make sure there are no surprise regressions.

But, likely, the best option is trying to reduce that overhead. First, by allowing to filter better which processes generate the additional information from Windows Performance Recorder. And then, also, by reducing the initial overhead as much as possible. I.e. a big part of it is emitting the builtins and V8 snapshot compiled functions for each of the contexts again and again. Ideally we want to avoid that duplication if possible.

Wrapping up

While on Linux, enabling profile instrumentation with command line switches is not an option, Windows dynamically enabling instrumentation allows to consider enabling ETW support by default. But there are still optimization opportunities that could be addressed before.


This report has been done as part of the collaboration between Bloomberg and Igalia. Thanks!

06 de November de 2023

Keep GCC running (2023 update)

Last week I attended BlinkOn 18 in Sunnyvale Google offices. For the 5th time I presented the status of Chromium build using the GNU toolchain components: GCC compiler and libstdc++ standard library implementation.

This blog post recaps the current status in 2023, as it was presented in the conference.

Current status

First things first: GCC is still maintained, and working, on the official development releases! Though, as official build bots will not check that, fixes usually take a few extra days to land.

This is the result of the work from contributors of several companies (Igalia, LGE, Vewd and others). But most important, from individual contributors (last 2 years the main contributor, with more than 50% of the commit has been Stephan Hartmann from Gentoo).

GCC support

The work to support GCC is coordinated from the GCC Chromium meta bug.

Since I started tracking the GCC support we have been getting a quite stable number of contributions, 70-100 per year. Though in 2023 (even if we are counting only 8 months on this chart), we are way below 40.

What happened? I am not really sure. Though, I have some ideas. First, simply as we move to newer versions of GCC, the implementation of recent C++ standards have improved. But then, also, this is the result of the great work that has been done recently in both GCC and LLVM, and also in standarization process, to get more interoperable implementations.

Main GCC problems

Now, I will focus on the most frequent causes for build breakage affecting GCC since January 2022.

Variable clashes

The rules for visibility in C++ are slightly different in GCC. An example: if a class declares a getter with the same name of a declared type in current namespace, Clang will be mostly Ok with that. But GCC will fail with an error.


using Foo = int;

class A {
    Foo Foo();

A possible fix is renaming the accessor method name:

Foo GetFoo();

Or using a explicit namespace for the type:

::Foo GetFoo()

Ambiguous constructors

GCC may sometimes fail to resolve which constructor to use when there is an implicit type conversion. To avoid that, we can make that conversion explicit or use all braces initializers.

constexpr is more strict in GCC

In GCC a constexpr method declared as default demands all its parts to be also declared constexpr:


int MethodA() { ... };

constexpr MethodB() { ... MethodA() ... };

Two possible fixes: or dropping constexpr from the using method, or adding constexpr to all used methods.

noexcept strictness

noexcept strictness in GCC and Clang is the same when exceptions are enabled, requiring that all invoked functions used from a noexcept are also noexcept. Though, when exceptions are disabled using -fno-exception, Clang will ignore the errors. But GCC will still check the rules.

This works in Clang and not in GCC if -fno-exception is set:

class A {
    virtual int Method();

class B {
    int Method() noexcept override;

CPU intrinsics casts

Implicit casts of CPU intrinsic types will fail in GCC, requiring explicit conversion or cast.

As example:

int8_t input __attribute__((vector_size(16)));
uint16_t output = _mm_movemask_epi8(input);

If we see the declaration of the intrinsic call:

int _mm_movemask_epi8 (__m128i a);

GCC will not allow implicit casting from an int8_t __attribute__((vector_size(16))), though the storage is the same. In GCC we require a reinterpret_cast:

int8_t input __attribute__((vector_size(16)));
uint16_t output = _mm_movemask_epi8(reinterpret_cast<__m128i>(input));

Template specializations need to be in a namespace scope

Template specializations are not allowed in GCC if they are not in a namespace scope. Usually this error materializes with developers adding the template specialization in the templated class scope.

A failing example:

namespace a {
    class A() {
        template<typename T>
        T Foo(const T&t ) {

        size_ Foo(const size_t& t)

The fix is moving the template specialization to the namespace scope:

namespace a {
    class A() {
        template<typename T>
        T Foo(const T&t ) {

    size_ A::Foo(const size_t& t) {

libstdc++ support

Regarding the C++ standard library implementation from GNU project, the work is coordinated in the libstdc++ Chromium meta bug.

We have definitely observed a big increase of required fixes in 2022, and projection of 2023 is going to be similar.

In this case there are two possible reasons. One is that we are more exhaustively tracking the work using the meta bug.

Main libstdc++ problems

In the case of libstdc++, these are the most frequent causes for build breakage since January 2022.

Missing includes

The libc++ implementation is different from libstdc++. And that implies some library headers that could be indirectly included in libc++ are not in libstdc++.

STL containers not allowing const members

Let’s see this code:

std::vector<const int> v;

In Clang, this is allowed. Though, in GCC there is an explicit assert forbidding it: std::vector must have a non-const, non-volatile value_type.

This is not only specific to std::vector, but also to std::unordered:*, std::list, std::set, std::deque, std::forward_list or std::multiset.

The solution? Just do not use const as members:

std::vector<int> v;

Destructor of unique_ptr requires declaration of contained type

Assigning from nullptr to std::unique_ptr requires destructor declaration

class A;

std::unique_ptr<A> GetValue() {
    return nullptr;

Usually it is just needed to include the full declaration of the class, as it needs the size of the type for the default destructor.

Yocto meta-chromium layer

In my case, to verify GCC and libstdc++ support, on top of building Chromium in Ubuntu using both, I am also maintaining a Yocto layer that builds Chromium development releases. I usually try to verify the build in less than a week after each release.

The layer is available at

I am regularly testing the build using core-image-weston in both Raspberry PI 4 (64 bits) and Intel x86-64 (using Qemu). There I try both X11 and Wayland Ozone backends.

Wrapping up

I would still recommend people to move to use the officially supported Chromium toolchains: libc++ and Clang. With them, downstreams get a far more tested implementation, more security features, or better integration for sanitizers. But, meanwhile, I expect things will still be kept working as several downstreams and distributions will still ship Chromium on top of the GNU toolchains.

Even with the GNU toolchain not being officially supported in Chromium, the community has been successful providing support for both GCC and libstdc++. Thanks to all the contributors!

10 de October de 2023

On CVE-2023-43641

As you might have read already about, there was a vulnerability in libcue that took a side gig demonstrating a sandbox escape in tracker-miners.

The good news first so you can skip the rest, this is fixed in the tracker-miners 3.6.1/3.5.3/3.4.5/3.3.2 versions released on Sept 28th 2023, about a couple weeks ago. The relevant changes are also in the tracker-miners-3.2 and tracker-miners-3.1 branches, but I didn’t wind up to doing releases for those. If you didn’t update yet, please do so already.


The seccomp jail in the metadata extractor is far from new, it was introduced during development for tracker-1.12 in 2016 (yup, tracker, before the tracker-miners indexers spun off the monolithic package). Before that, the file metadata extraction task was already split as a separate process from filesystem structure indexing for stability and resource consumption reasons.

Seccomp comes in different sizes, it allows from creating very permissive sandboxes where system calls are allowed unless blocked by some rule, to creating paranoid sandboxes where every system call is disallowed by default (with a degree of harshness of choice) unless allowed by some rule. Tracker took the most restrictive approach, making every system call fail with SIGSYS by default, and carving the holes necessary for correct operation of the many dependencies within the operational parameters established by yours truly (no outside network access, no filesystem write access, no execution of subprocesses). The list of rules is quite readable in the source code, every syscall there has been individually and painstakingly collected, evaluated, and pondered for inclusion.

But the tracker-extract process as a whole still had to do a number of things that could not work under those parameters:

  1. It wanted to read some settings, and GSettings/Dconf will anyways require r/w access to /run/user/.../dconf/user, or complain loudly.
  2. There is infrastructure to write detailed error reports (visible through the tracker3 status commandline tool) for files where metadata extraction failed. These error reports have helped improve tracker-miners quality and are a valuable resource.
  3. The tracker-extract process depends on GStreamer, and is a likely candidate for being the first to fork and indirectly rewrite the GST registry cache file on gst_init().

While in an ideal world we could work our way through highly specific seccomp rules, in practice the filters based on system call arguments are pretty rudimentary, e.g. not allowing for (sub)string checks. So we cannot carve out allowances for these specific things, not without opening the sandbox significantly.

Rules for thee, but not for me. Given the existing tracker-extract design with threads dedicated to extraction, the pragmatic approach taken back then was to make the main thread (in charge already of dispatching tasks to those dedicated threads) unrestricted and in charge of those other duties, and applying the seccomp ruleset to every thread involved in dealing with the data. While not perfectly airtight, the sandbox in this case is already a defense in depth measure, only applicable after other vulnerabilities (most likely, in 3rd party libraries) were already successfully exploited, all that can be done at that point is to deter and limit the extent of the damage, so the sandbox role is to make it not immediately obvious to make something harmful without needle precision. While the “1-click exploit in GNOME” headline is surely juicy, it had not happened for these 7 years the sandbox existed, despite our uncontrollable hose of dependencies (hi, GStreamer), or our other dependencies with a history of CVEs (hi Poppler, libXML et al), so the sandbox has at least seemed to fulfill the deterrence role.

But there is that, I knew about the potential of a case like this and didn’t act in time. I personally am not sure this is a much better defense than “I didn’t know better!”.

The serenpidity

The discovery of CVE-2023-43641 was doubly serendipitous, on one hand Kevin Backhouse from GitHub Security Lab quickly struck gold, unwittingly managing to corrupt data in a way that it was the unconstrained thread finding the trap being layered. To me, fortune struck by dealing with security issues “the good way”. For something that normally goes as pleasant as a tooth extraction, I must give Kevin five stars in management and diligence.

And as said, this didn’t catch me entirely by surprise. I even talked about the potential case with co-maintainer Sam Thursfield as recently as Fosdem this year, and funnily it was high up in my to-do list, only dropped from 3.6 schedule due to time restrictions. Even though the requirements (to reiterate: no indiscriminate network access, no write access, no execution) and the outliers didn’t budge, there were ideas floating on how to handle them. While the fixes were not as straightforward as just “init seccomp on main(), duh”, there was no moments of hesitation in addressing them, you can read the merge request commits for the details on how those were handled.

The end result is a tracker-extract main() function that pretty literally looks like:

main ()

I.e. the seccomp jail will affect the main thread and every other thread spawned from it, while barely extending the seccomp ruleset (mostly, to make some syscalls fail softly with error codes, instead of hard through SIGSYS), and not giving up in any of the impositions set.

The aftermath

Of course, one does not go willy-nilly adding paranoid sandbox restrictions to a behemoth like GStreamer and call it an early evening, also C library implementations will call different sets of system calls in different architectures and compile-time flags, transitioning to a fully sandboxed process still means adding new restrictions to an non-trivial amount of code, and will definitely stir the SIGSYS bug report pot for some time to come due to legit code hitting the newly set restrictions. This is already being the case, a thank you to the early reporters. The newly confined code is very trotted, so optimistically the grounds will settle back to relatively boring after another round of releases or two.


While we could start splitting hairs about the tracker-extract process being allowed to do this or that while it shouldn’t, I think the current sandbox will keep tracker-miners itself out of the way of CVEs for a long long time after this *knocks on wood*. I’m sure this will result in more pairs of eyes looking, and patches flowing and hahaha who am I kidding. I’ll likely think/work alone through ways to decrease further the exposed surface on future cycles out of the spotlight, after the waves of armchair comments were long waded. For now, any vulnerability exploit do already have a much harder time at succeeding in evil.

I’d like to eventually see some tighter control on the chain of dependencies that tracker-miners has, maintaining a paranoid seccomp sandbox has a very high friction with running arbitrarily large amounts of code out of your control, and I’m sure that didn’t just get better. There are reasons we typically commit to only supporting the latest and greatest upstream, we cannot decently assure forward compatibility of the seccomp sandbox.

And regardless, now more than ever I am happy with relying on third party libraries to deal with parsers and formats. It still is the only way to maintain a generic purpose indexer and keep a piece of your sanity. To the people willing to step up and rewrite prime Rust fodder, there’s gold if you pull from the thread of tracker-extract module dependencies.


I’d personally want to apologize to libcue maintainers, as this likely blew out of proportion to them due to my inaction. Anything less dangerous looking than “1 click exploit” would have likely reduced the severity of the issue and the media coverage significantly.

And thanks again to Kevin for top notch management of the issue. My personal silver lining will be that this was pretty much a triumph of “enough eyes make bugs shallow”.

16 de August de 2023

Entrevista en la sección Wikiverso del programa Gente Despierta de RNE

Pues Florencia Claes y el programa Gente Despierta han tenido a bien entrevistarme un ratito para hablar de wikicosas que hemos hecho en LaOficina sobre la relación e impacto del mundo Wikimedia en el ámbito turístico. Creo que no ha quedado mal:

También se puede escuchar en Spotify.


28 de July de 2023

Speeding up V8 heap snapshot

My last post, Javascript memory profiling with heap snapshot, finished announcing I would write a follow up post about several optimizations I implemented that make heap snapshot faster.

Good news! The post has been accepted in! You can read it here.

29 de June de 2023

De tapas por Almería. Otra Mirada, al suelo, del patrimonio urbano

«Eluviei operculorum amator»

Ahora que le estoy dando vidilla de nuevo a esta web aprovecho para rescatar cosas que fueron saliendo tiempo ha y de las que probablemente sólo hablé en Tuiter. Uno de estos casos fue esta charla tan descerebrada sobre tapas de registro, de alcantarilla o trapas que nos montamos unos amiguetes de Wikimedia España y organizó LaOficina. El resultado le sorprenderá.

Aprovecho para dejar por aquí el mapa mundial geolocalizado de fotografías de tapas de registro que siempre habíais necesitado:

mapa mundial geolocalizado de fotografías de tapas de registro

21 de June de 2023

Wikiviajes + Wikidata, una demostración elemental

Galahad me invitó a participar en el encuentro Wikimanía Venezuela 2022 impartiendo un taller sobre el uso de Wikidata en Wikiviajes. Para facilitar la operativa grabé la charla en vídeo que a su vez fue publicado en Wikimedia Commons. El sonido no es muy bueno por la reverberación de la sala, pero creo que sigue siendo útil. Aprovecho para publicarlo aquí y que ojalá os sirva.

Wikiviajes + Wikidata, una demostración elemental.

16 de June de 2023

Getting the best of tablet pads

In case they needed introduction, pads are these collections of buttons and tactile sensors (ring or strip shaped) most typically found along the side of drawing tablets. These devices will be the topic of today.

Picture of someone using a pad
The Wacom ExpressKey Remote is a rare case of disembodied pad. Picture from Wacom.

A bit of context

The concept behind pads is simple, a collection of triggers with no specific action associated, so users can configure the actions that best suit their tastes and setups. Other quality differences like the number of pressure levels aside, entry-level consumer tablets often have few buttons, more advanced tablets typically get more buttons, and “modes” that multiply the amount of available mappable actions. It you are a pro, it is likely that you want quick access to more features, and so on.

When this kind of devices came around back in many years ago, and support for them was added in X11, they sat on a rough spot. As a X11 input driver, you either tell the X server that you are adding a device with buttons and valuators that drives the pointer sprite (e.g. a mouse), or you are adding a device with keycodes and levels (e.g. keyboards) subject to keymap translations. A pad device is notably neither of those things, the way to shove the square peg on the round hole was to make them pointers, thus they would send button and scroll events directed towards the pointer position, they would just not move the pointer.

We are here also talking about a time that applications had (many still do) a hard time recognizing input from different source devices, to them a button press is just a button press, so those pads as-is would just click and scroll on things, quite far from the customizable actions promised land. The pragmatic approach taken in GNOME (Shell now, settings-daemon back in the day) was grabbing those devices at the session level, not letting them be seen by applications and converting them into something immediately useful. Given the limit of choices, these pad button and scroll events got converted to keycombos.

This at least kept two promises, it’s a) customizable and b) universal. Although it felt like falling short for long, since keycombos have some implicit problems associated:

  1. A small set of keycombos is close to universal, but many are not. So the typical choice is either universal but seldom used settings, or highly app-specific keycombos that are latently bollocks in any other application.
  2. Keycombos are also subject to developer/translator changes, etc. You might find your keycombos no longer hold if you change locale, or environment, or update your app.

But along came Wayland! Pads would not need to be subject to the limitations of X server driver API and could become their own entity with their own semantics, and indeed they became a first class citizen of the Wayland tablet protocol available in wayland-protocols. This allowed us to let pad events be sent to clients, have it be either correctly interpreted in clients/toolkits as input from a pad device or safely ignored, instead of misinterpreted as another kind of input. The Wayland protocol opened even further the possibilities like being able to provide readable strings for compositor feedback. I blogged about this… in 2016.

What since?

A drawback from the previous state of things and the massive change of approach is that no client was prepared to be in charge of pad events, so any integral support for pads had to start from the very bottom. But also, pads are most useful in very specific setups and applications, that at the time were nowhere near having Wayland support. In the GTK world, the requisites for it to work were:

  1. Using GTK >= 3.22
  2. Using GAction for application actions
  3. Using GtkPadController to hook actions

While that looks simple enough, the flagship applications were barely taking bits at the first step at the time, and after that, the second was not a small undertaking either with applications with hundreds of options.

Some weeks ago, I was fortunate to attend the Wilber Week at Amsterdam, and was very glad to meet my GIMP friends again (and Inkscape/Blender folks!) despite my week-long stint with a commuter’s life after so long.

Picture of a baked Wilber.
A moment I missed, immortalized at a splash screen.


Over there, I learned that not long ago, GIMP did finally port away from GtkAction into GAction, finally lifting the last barrier to get pad actions working as envisioned, in one app at least :).

Since this is something I’ve been touting for so long to GIMP maintainers, of course I had to volunteer for the task, now up in a merge request.

Of course, most of the gist there is the configuration UI, and the configuration serialization/deserialization, the conversion to actions is still done using GtkPadController created from the configuration.

Screenshot of GIMP pad configuration
While the UI could get more polish by using libwacom (e.g. nicer names, or pre-populating buttons/rings/strips in the available modes), it also needs to work with tablets not recognized by libwacom, or (maybe someday) in other platforms. The important part is that the application may define the action associated with a pad feature, and give it a friendly name. These do also show in the GNOME Shell pad OSD:

Screenshot of the pad OSD

Which in this case works as a cheat sheet of sorts, since there are pads with extreme combinations of buttons/modes (e.g. the Express Key Remote has 17 buttons by 3 modes), and per-app mapping does not make things easier to remember on itself.


An improved form of pad support has been stalled for too long, and it is amazing that it can already start to roll out. It looks like Inkscape is also ripe for such improvements, and during Wilber Week I was glad to hear a very positive attitude towards Wayland from Blender developers. Maybe the tides are turning to make this often neglected device shine?

A call to GNOME app developers

While these flagship applications are key for a major leap in support for pad devices, perhaps your application can do a little bit to help, if you see your app as possible part of a designer/artist/etc workflow. Using GtkPadController is rather easy with a fixed set of actions, so exposing an small set of useful actions could extend the usefulness of pad devices even further. This is for example what Nautilus does. You can also draw inspiration from the “Paint” GTK demo.

11 de June de 2023

Entrevista en el podcast Código Fuente

Hace casi exactamente dos años Psy me invitó a participar en su, entonces, nuevo podcast, Código Fuente, un podcast hecho por hackers y para hackers, y hasta hoy no se me había ocurrido contarlo por aquí. Tampoco me considero alguien representativo para el tema, pero Psy lo tuvo a bien y aquí estamos.

La entrevista se puede oir en

o en Ivoox:

No dejéis de suscribiros a Código Fuente :-)

18 de May de 2023

Javascript memory profiling with heap snapshot

In both web and NodeJS worlds, the main runtime for executing program logic is the Javascript runtime. Because of that, a huge number of applications and user interfaces are using it. As any software component, Javascript code uses resources of the system, that are not unlimited. We should be careful when using CPU time, application storage, or memory.

In this blog post we are going to focus on the latter.

Where’s my memory!

Usually the objects allocated by a web page are not a lot, so they do not eat a huge amount of memory for a modern and beefy computer. But we find problems like:

  • Oh, but I don’t have a single web page loaded. I like those 40-80 tabs all open for some reason… Well, no, there’s no reason for that! But that’s another topic.
  • Many users are not using beefy phones or computers. So using memory has an impact on what they can do.

The user may not be happy with the web application developer implementation choices. And this developer may want to be… more efficient. Do something.

Where’s my memory! The cloud strikes back

Now… Think about the cloud providers. And developers implementing software using NodeJS in the cloud. The contract with the provider may limit the available memory… Or get money depending on the actual usage.

So… An innocent script that takes 10MB, but is run thousands or millions or times for a few seconds. That is expensive!

These developers will need to make their apps… again, more efficient.

A new hope

In performance problems, we usually want to have reliable data of what is happening, and when. Memory problems are no different. We need some observability of the memory usage.

Chromium and NodeJS share their Javascript runtime, V8, and it provides some tools to help with memory investigation.

In this post we are going to focus on the family of tools around a V8 feature named heap snapshot, that allows capturing the memory usage at any time in a Javascript execution context.

About the heap

❗ This is a fast recap on how Javascript heap works, you can skip it if you want

In V8 Javascript runtime, variables, no matter their scope, are allocated on a heap. No matter if it is a number, a string, an object or a function, all of them are stored there. Not only that, in V8 even the code is stored in the heap.

But, in Javascript, memory is freed lazily, with a garbage collection. This means that, when an object is not used anymore, its memory is not immediately disposed. Garbage collector will explore which objects are disposable later, and free them when it is convenient.

How do we know if an object is still used? The idea is simple: objects are used if they can be accessed. To find out which ones, the runtime will take the root objects, and explore recursively all the object references. Any object that has not been found in that exploration can be discarded.

OK, and what is a root object? In a script it can be the objects in the global context. But also Javascript objects referred from native objects.

More details of how the V8 garbage collector works are out of the scope of this post. If you want to learn more, this post should provide a good overview of current implementation: Trash talk: the Orinoco garbage collector.

Heap snapshot: how does it work?

OK, so we know all the Javascript memory allocation goes through the heap. And, as I said, heap snapshot is a tool to investigate memory problems.

The name is quite explicit about how it works. Heap snapshot will stop the Javascript execution, traverse all the heap, analyze it, and dump it in a meaningful format that can be investigated.

What kind of information does it have?

  • Which objects are in the heap, and their types.
  • How much memory each object takes.
  • The references between them, so we can understand which object is keeping another one from being disposed.
  • In some of the tools, it can also store the stack trace of the code that allocated that memory.

The format of those snapshots is using JSON, and it can be opened from Chromium developer tools for analysis.

Heap snapshots from Chromium

In the Chromium browser, heap snapshots can be obtained from the Chrome developer tools, accessed through the Inspect right button menu option.

This is common to any browser based in Chromium exposing those developer tools locally or remotely.

Once the developer tools are visible, there is the Memory tab:

We can select three profiling types:

  • Heap snapshot: it just captures the heap at the specific moment it is captured.
  • Allocation instrumentation on timeline: this records all the allocations over time, in a session, allowing to check the allocation that happened in a specific time range. This is quite expensive, and suitable only for short profiling sessions.
  • Allocation sampling: instead of capturing all allocations, this one records them with sampling. Not as accurate as allocation instrumentation, but very lightweight, allowing to give a good approximation for a long profiling session.

In all cases, we will get a profiling report that we can analyze later.

Heap snapshots from NodeJS

Using Chromium dev tools UI

In NodeJS, we can attach the Chrome dev tools passing --inspect through the command line or the NODE_OPTIONS environment variable. This will attach the inspector to NodeJS, but it does not stop execution. The variant --inspect-brk will break on debugger at start of the user script.

How does it work? It will open a port in localhost:9229, and then this can be accessed from Chromium browser URL chrome://inspect. The UI allows users to select which hosts to listen to for Node sessions. The end point can be modified using --inspect=[HOST:]PORT, --inspect-brk=[HOST:]PORT or with the specific command line argument --inspect-port=[HOST:]PORT.

Once you attach dev tools inspector, you can access the Memory tab as in the case of Chromium

There is a problem, though, when we are using NODE_OPTIONS. All instances of NodeJS will take the same parameter, so they will try to attach to the same host and port. And only the first instance will get the port. So it is less useful than we would expect for a session running multiple NodeJS processes (as it can be just running NPM or YARN to run stuff).

Oh, but there are some tricks!:

  • If you pass port 0 it will allocate a port (and report it through the console!). So you can inspect any arbitrary session (more details).
  • In POSIX systems such as Linux, the inspector will be enabled if the process receives SIGUSR1. This will run in default localhost:9229 unless a different setting is specified with --inspect-port=[HOST:]PORT (more details).

Using command line

Also, there are other ways to obtain heap snapshots directly, without using developer tools UI. NodeJS allows to pass different command line parameters for programming heap snapshot capture/profiling:

  • --heapsnapshot-near-heap-limit=N will dump a heap snapshot when the V8 heap is close to its maximum size limit. The N parameter is the number of times it will dump a new snapshot. This is important because, when V8 is reaching the heap limit, it will take measures to free memory through garbage collection, so in a pattern of growing usage we will hit the limit several times.
  • --heapsnapshot-signal=SIGNAL will dump heap snapshots every time the NodeJS process gets the UNIX signal SIGNAL.

We can also record a heap profiling session from the start of the process to the end (same kind of profiling we obtain from Dev Tools using Allocation sampling option) using command line option --heap-prof. This will sample continuously the memory allocations, and can be tuned using different command line parameters as documented here.

Analysis of heap snapshots

The scope of this post is about how to capture heap snapshots in different scenarios. But… once you have them… You will want to use that information to actually understand memory usage. Here are some good reads about how to use heap snapshots.

First, from Chrome DevTools documentation:

  • Memory terminology: it gives a great tour on how memory is allocated, and what heap snapshots try to represent.
  • Fix memory problems: this one provides some examples of how to use different tools in Chromium to understand memory usage, including some heap snapshot and profiling examples.
  • View snapshots: a high level view of the different heap snapshot and profiling tools.
  • How to Use the Allocation Profiler Tool: this one specific to the allocation profiler.

And then, from NodeJS, you have also a couple of interesting things:

  • Memory Diagnostics: some of this has been covered in this post, but still has an example of how to find a memory leak using Comparison.
  • Heap snapshot exercise: this is an exercise including a memory leak, that you can hunt with heap snapshot.


  • Memory is a valuable resource that Javascript (both web and NodeJS) application developers may want to profile.
  • As usual, when there are resource allocation problems, we need reliable and accurate information about what is happening and when.
  • V8 heap snapshots provide such information, integrated with Chromium and NodeJS.


In a follow up post, I will talk about several optimizations we worked on, that make V8 heap snapshot implementation faster. Stay tuned!


This work has been thanks to the sponsorship from Igalia and Bloomberg.

09 de May de 2023

Wikipaseo fotográfico por Granada

Aprovechando la reciente visita a Granada aproveché para dar un repasillo al centro de la ciudad con Wikishootme para poner en verde algunos elementos. Me quedan por subir a Wikimedia Commons muchas fotos todavía, sobre todo de la galería de esculturas instaladas en la Avenida de la Constitución.

Para muestra, un botón:

File:Convento de la Piedad.jpg - Wikimedia CommonsFile:Monumento a Gonzalo Fernández de Córdoba.jpg - Wikimedia CommonsFile:Biblioteca de la Universidad de Granada - Biblioteca de la Facultad de Derecho.jpg - Wikimedia CommonsFile:Facultad derecho (1).jpg - Wikimedia CommonsFile:Real Colegio Mayor Universitario San Bartolomé y Santiago.jpg - Wikimedia CommonsFile:Edificio de la Universidad Literaria.jpg - Wikimedia Commons
Wikifotuelas granaínas.

08 de May de 2023

Participación en la XVI Jornada Laicista de Europa Laica

La organización de la XVI Jornada Laicista de Europa Laica ha publicado los vídeos de la jornada en Youtube. Entre ellos está el de mi participación, compartiendo mesa con el admirado Daniel Raventós, titulada «Derecho al conocimiento: Wikipedia y otros proyectos Wikimedia».

Muchas gracias a la organización y en particular a su coordinador local, Pablo Laguna, a quien deseo mucha suerte en su candidatura a la alcaldía de La Zubia en las próximas elecciones municipales.

Ha sido estupendo pasar unos días en Granada.

27 de April de 2023

Próximas charlas en 2023

A través de Wikimedia España me han ofrecido participar en dos eventos en las próximas semanas:

Mi participación en la Jornada Laicista está titulada «Derecho al conocimiento: Wikipedia y otros proyectos Wikimedia». Espero saber estar a la altura de las expectativas del público porque no tengo nada frescos esta clase de detalles del mundo Wikimedia –mis intereses han sido mucho más técnicos y centrados especialmente en Wikidata– y tendré que prepararme más de lo que suelo necesitar. En particular me impone el compartir mesa con Daniel Raventós, al que conocí en una conferencia sobre la renta básica universal que impartió en Almería hace años y que impresionó muchísimo. Veremos a ver.

Por otro lado me sentiré mucho más cómodo en Málaga hablando de Wikidata –«Wikidata: primera aproximación pragmática»– donde espero saber transmitir la pasión que le tengo a este grafo de conocimiento que me fascina.

Allí nos veremos.

10 de April de 2023

Actividades Wikimedia España 2022

La asociación Wikimedia España, de la que soy socio, acaba de publicar la memoria de actividades de 2022. Esto me sirve de excusa para hablar de cosas que hice el año pasado y que no he recogido en la web. Es relevante porque estuve directamente implicado en varias de ellas, de cierta importancia, y realizadas en mi entorno profesional en LaOficina. Recopilo los textos de aquí y allá para hacer un breve resumen.

Editatona 12M, mujeres en el cine

[…] La acción tiene como principal objetivo mejorar la visibilidad de las mujeres en Wikipedia, en este caso las mujeres en el cine en particular y además de ir incorporando nuevas editoras a la comunidad. Actualmente, existe una abismal brecha de género en esta enciclopedia libre: de las 48 000 biografías de cineastas, sólo 7000 corresponden a mujeres, suponiendo un 16 % del total. A nivel de edición, en Wikipedia en español las mujeres representan únicamente un 10 % del total de las personas editoras, en España el porcentaje es 11,3 % […]

Más información de la actividad: Wikiproyecto:Almería/Actividades/20220409

Escuela de WikiCronistas

[…] una iniciativa de la Diputación Provincial de Almería en colaboración con la Asociación LaOficina Producciones Culturales, para mejorar en Wikipedia el contenido de los municipios de Almería. En esta segunda edición participaron 14 municipios.

Más información de la actividad: Escuela de Wikicronistas


[…] También vinculadas con la fotografía, se llevaron a cabo las siguientes acciones. Se promovieron en Wikiviajes en español e inglés las rutas del proyecto de investigación PATRITUR por los paisajes de interés cultural de las provincias de Almería, Huelva y Jaén. La conversión de las guías a formato Wikiviajes fue posible gracias al proyecto del Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico (IAPH) realizado por LaOficina Producciones Culturales, con nuestro apoyo.

Más información de la actividad: Rutas de paisajes culturales en Wikiviajes

Jornadas WMES 2022 en Almería

[…] El fin de semana del 11 al 13 de noviembre la ciudad de Almería acogió las novenas Jornadas de la Asociación Wikimedia España, en la Casa del Cine. Durante todo el fin de semana, medio centenar de asistentes de seis países, personas socias de Wikimedia España, Wikimedia Portugal, de otros grupos del País Vasco, Cataluña e incluso de los grupos más activos que hay para reducir la brecha de género en Wikipedia, se encontraron, por primera vez en el mismo lugar para compartir experiencias.

Más información de la actividad: Jornadas WMES/2022

Aparte de las incluidas en la memoria anual de WMES también fue relevante otra colaboración más con el IAPH:

Safari fotográfico por los Paisajes de Interés Cultural de la Provincia de Almería

[…] Aprovechando esta ocasión, el Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio, a través de su Laboratorio del Paisaje Cultural, promueve esta actividad de ciencia ciudadana en forma de safari fotográfico virtual por los paisajes de interés cultural de la provincia de Almería para documentarlos en imágenes, tanto pretéritas como actuales.

[…] La actividad está enmarcada en el proyecto PATRITUR y las bases para la participación están publicadas en el repositorio de activos digitales.

Más información de la actividad: Safari fotográfico por los Paisajes de Interés Cultural de la Provincia de Almería

Han habido otras muchas más actividades, pero sin suficiente empaque para tratarlas aquí.

03 de April de 2023

WebKitGTK accelerated compositing rendering

Initial accelerated compositing support

When accelerated compositing support was added to WebKitGTK, there was only X11. Our first approach was quite simple, we sent the web view widget Xwindow ID to the web process to be used as rendering target using GLX. This was very efficient, but soon we realized it broke the GTK rendering model so it was not possible to use a web view inside a GtkOverlay, for example, to show status messages on top. The solution was to use a redirected Xcomposite window in the web process, and use its ID as the render target using GLX. The pixmap ID of the redirected Xcomposite window was sent to the UI process to be painted in the web view widget using a Cairo Xlib surface. Since the rendering happens in the web process, this approach required to use Xdamage to monitor when the redirected Xcomposite window was updated to schedule a web view redraw.

Wayland support

To support accelerated compositing under Wayland we initially added a nested Wayland compositor running in the UI process. The web process connected to the nested Wayland compositor and created a surface to be used as the rendering target using EGL. The good thing about this approach compared to the X11 one, is that we can create an EGLImage from Wayland buffers and use a GDK GL context to paint the contents in the web view. This is more efficient than X11 because we can use OpenGL both in web and UI processes.
WPE, when using the fdo backend, uses the same approach of running a nested Wayland compositor, but in a more efficient way, using DMABUF instead of Wayland buffers when available. So, we decided to use libwpe in the GTK port only for rendering under Wayland, and eventually remove our Wayland compositor implementation.
Before the removal of the custom Wayland compositor we had all these possible combinations:

  • UI Process
    • X11: Cairo Xlib surface
    • Wayland: EGL
  • Web Process
    • X11: GLX using redirected Xwindow
    • Wayland (nested Wayland compositor): EGL using Wayland surface
    • Wayland (libwpe): EGL using libwpe to get the Wayland surface

To reduce a bit the differences, and to make it easier to support WebGL with ANGLE we decided to change X11 to prefer EGL if possible, falling back to GLX only if EGL failed.


GTK4 was released and we added support for it. The fact that GTK4 uses GL by default should make the rendering more efficient in accelerated compositing mode. This is definitely true under Wayland, because we are using a GL context already, so we just keep passing a texture to GTK to paint the contents in the web view. However, in the case of X11 we still have a Cairo Xlib surface that GTK paints into a Cairo image surface to be uploaded to the GPU. With GTK4 now we have two more combinations in the UI process side X11 + GTK3, X11 + GTK4, Wayland + GTK3 and Wayland + GTK4.

Reducing all the combinations to (almost) one: DMABUF

All these combinations to support the different platforms made it quite difficult to maintain, every time we get a bug report about something not working in accelerated compositing mode we have to figure out the combination actually used by the reporter, GTK3 or GTK4? X11 or Wayland? using EGL or GLX? custom Wayland compositor or libwpe? driver? version? etc.

We are already using DMABUF in WebKit for different things like WebGL and media rendering, so we thought that we could also use it for sharing the rendered buffer between the web and UI processes. That would be a more efficient solution but it would also drastically reduce the amount of combinations to maintain. The web process always uses the surfaceless platform, so it doesn’t matter if it’s under Wayland or X11. Then we create a surfaceless context as the render target and use EGL and GBM APIs to export the contents as a DMABUF buffer. The UI process imports the DMABUF buffer using EGL and GBM too, to be passed to GTK as a texture that is painted in the web view.

This theoretically recudes all the previous combinations to just one (note that we removed GLX support entirely, making EGL a requirement for accelerated compositing), but there’s a problem under X11: GTK3 doesn’t support EGL on X11 and GTK4 defaults to EGL but falls back to GLX if it doesn’t find an EGL config that perfectly matches the screen visual. In my system it never finds that EGL config because mesa doesn’t expose any 32 bit depth config. So, in the case of GTK3 we have to manually download the buffer to CPU and paint normally using Cairo, but in the case of GTK4 + GLX, GTK uploads the buffer again to be painted using GLX. I don’t think it’s possible to force GTK to use EGL from the API, but at least you can use GDK_DEBUG=gl-egl.

WebKitGTK 2.41.1

WebKitGTK 2.41.1 is the first unstable release of this cycle and already includes the DMABUF support that is used by default. We encourage everybody to try it out and provide feedback or report any issue. Please, export the contents of webkit://gpu and attach it to the bug report when reporting any problem related to graphics. To check if the issue is a regression of the DMABUF implementation you can use WEBKIT_DISABLE_DMABUF_RENDERER=1 to use the WPE renderer or X11 instead. This environment variable and the WPE render/X11 code will be eventually removed if DMABUF works fine.


If this approach works fine we plan to use something similar for the WPE port and get rid of the nested Wayland compositor there too.

14 de March de 2023

Stack walk profiling NodeJS in Windows

Last year I wrote a series of blog posts (1, 2, 3) about stack walk profiling Chromium using Windows native tools around ETW.

A fast recap: ETW support for stack walking in V8 allows to show V8 JIT generated code in the Windows Performance Analyzer. This is a powerful tool to analyze work loads where Javascript execution time is significant.

In this blog post, I will cover the usage of this very same tool, but to analyze NodeJS execution.

Enabling stack walk JIT information in NodeJS

In an ideal situation, V8 engines would always generate stack walk information when Windows is profiling. This is something we will want to consider in the future, as we prove enabling it has no cost if we are not in a tracing session.

Meanwhile, we need to set the V8 flag --enable-etw-stack-walking somehow. This will install hooks that, when a profiling session starts, will emit the JIT generated code addresses, and the information about the source code associated to them.

For a command line execution of NodeJS runtime, it is as simple as passing the command line flag:

node --enable-etw-stack-walking

This will work enabling ETW stack walking for that specific NodeJS session… Good, but not very useful.

Enabling ETW stack walking for a session

What’s the problem here? Usually, NodeJS is invoked indirectly through other tools (based or not in NodeJS). Some examples are Yarn, NPM, or even some Windows scripts or link files.

We could tune all the existing launching scripts to pass --enable-etw-stack-walking to the NodeJS runtime when it is called. But that is not much convenient.

There is a better way though, just using NODE_OPTIONS environment variable. This way, stack walking support can be enabled for all NodeJS calls in a shell session, or even system wide.

Bad news and good news

Some bad news: NodeJS was refusing --enable-etw-stack-walking in NODE_OPTIONS. There is a filter for which V8 options it accepts (mostly for security purposes), and ETW support was not considered.

Good news? I implemented a fix adding the flag to the list accepted by NODE_OPTIONS. It has been landed already, and it is available from NodeJS 19.6.0. Unfortunately, if you are using an older version, then you may need to backport the patch.

Using it: linting TypeScript

To explain how this can be used, I will analyse ESLint on a known workload: TypeScript. For simplicity, we are using the lint task provided by TypeScript.

This example assumes the usage of Git Bash.

First, clone TypeScript from GitHub, and go to the cloned copy:

git clone
cd TypeScript

Then, install hereby and the dependencies of TypeScript:

npm install -g hereby
npm ci

Now, we are ready to profile the lint task. First, set NODE_OPTIONS:

export NODE_OPTIONS="--enable-etw-stack-walking"

Then, launch UIForETW. This tool simplifies capturing traces, and will provide good defaults for Javascript ETW analysis. It provides a very useful keyboard shortcut, <Ctrl>+<Win>+R, to start and then stop a recording.

Switch to Git Bash terminal and do this sequence:

  • Write (without pressing <Enter>): hereby lint
  • Press <Ctrl>+<Win>+R to start recording. Wait 3-4 seconds as recording does not start immediately.
  • Press <Enter>. ESLint will traverse all the TypeScript code.
  • Press again <Ctrl>+<Win>+R to stop recording.

After a few seconds UIForETW will automatically open the trace in Windows Performance Analyzer. Thanks to settings NODE_OPTIONS all the child processes of the parent node.exe execution also have stack walk information.

Randomascii inclusive (stack) analysis

Focusing on node.exe instances, in Randomascii inclusive (stack) view, we can see where time is spent for each of the node.exe processes. If I take the bigger one (that is the longest of the benchmarks I executed), I get some nice insights.

The worker threads take 40% of the CPU processing. What is happening there? I basically see JIT compilation and garbage collection concurrent marking. V8 offloads that work, so there is a benefit from a multicore machine.

Most of the work happens in the main thread, as expected. And most of the time is spent parsing and applying the lint rules (half for each).

If we go deeper in the rules processing, we can see which rules are more expensive.

Memory allocation

In total commit view, we can observe the memory usage pattern of the process running ESLint. For most of the seconds of the workload, allocation grows steadily (to over 2GB of RAM). Then there is a first garbage collection, and a bit later, the process finishes and all the memory is deallocated.

More findings

At first sight, I observe we are creating the rules objects for all the execution of ESLint. What does it mean? Could we run faster reusing those? I can also observe that a big part of the time in main thread leads to leaves doing garbage collection.

This is a good start! You can see how ETW can give you insights of what is happening and how much time it takes. And even correlate that to memory usage, File I/O, etc.

Builtins fix

Using NodeJS, as is today, will still show many missing lines in the stack. I did those tests, and could do a useful analysis, because I applied a very recent patch I landed in V8.

Before the fix, we would have this sequence:

  • Enable ETW recording
  • Run several NodeJS tests.
  • Each of the tests creates one or more JS contexts.
  • That context then sends to ETW the information of any code compiled with JIT.

But there was a problem: any JS context has already a lot of pre-compiled code associated: builtins and V8 snapshot code. Those were missing from the ETW traces captured.

The fix, as said, has been already landed to V8, and hopefully will be available soon in future NodeJS releases.

Wrapping up

There is more work to do:

  • WASM is still not supported.
  • Ideally, we would want to have --enable-etw-stack-walking set by default, as the impact while not tracing is minimal.

In any case, after these new fixes, capturing ETW stack walks of code executed by NodeJS runtime is a bit easier. I hope this gives some joy to your performance research.

One last thing! My work for these fixes is possible thanks to the sponsorship from Igalia and Bloomberg.

21 de December de 2022

Native call stack profiling (3/3): 2022 work in V8

This is the last blog post of the series. In first post I presented some concepts of call stack profiling, and why it is useful. In second post I reviewed Event Tracing for Windows, the native tool for the purpose, and how it can be used to trace Chromium.

This last post will review the work done in 2022 to improve the support in V8 of call stack profiling in Windows.

I worked on several of the fixes this year. This work has been sponsored by Bloomberg and Igalia.

This work was presented as a lightning talk in BlinkOn 17.

Some bad news to start… and a fix

In March I started working on the report that Windows event traces where not properly resolving the Javascript symbols.

After some bisecting I found this was a regression introduced by this commit, that changed the --js-flags handling to a later stage. This happened to be after V8 initialization, so the code that would enable instrumentation would not consider the flag.

The fix I implemented moved flags processing to happen right before platform initialization, so instrumentation worked again.

Simplified method names

Another fix I worked was to improve the methods name generation. Windows tracing would show a quite redundant description of each level, and that was making analysis more difficult.

Before my work, the entries would look like this:

string-tagcloud.js!LazyCompile:~makeTagCloud- string-tagcloud.js:231-232:22 0x0

After my change, now it looks like this:

string-tagcloud.js!makeTagCloud-231:22 0x0

The fix adds a specific implementation for ETW. Instead of reusing the method name that is also used for Perf, it has a specific implementation for function that takes into account what ETW backend exports already, to avoid redundancy. It also takes advantage of the existing method DebugNameCStr to retrieve inferred method names in case there is no name available.

Problem with Javascript code compiled before tracing

The way V8 ETW worked was that, when tracing was ongoing and a new function was compiled in JIT, it would emit information to ETW.

This implied a big problem. If a function was compiled by V8 before tracing started, then ETW would not properly resolve the function names so, when analyzing the traces, it would not be possible to know which function was called at any of the samples.

The solution is conceptually simple. When tracing starts, V8 traverse the living Javascript contexts and emit all the symbols. This adds noise to the tracing, as it is an expensive process. But, as it happens at the start of the tracing, it is very easy to isolate in the captured trace.

And a performance fix

I also fixed a huge performance penalty when tracing code from snapshots, caused by calculating all the time the end line numbers of code instead of caching it.

Initialization improvements

Paolo Severini improved the initialization code, so the initialization of an ETW session was lighter, and also tracing would be started or stopped correctly.

Benchmarking ETW overhead

After all these changes I did some benchmarking with and without ETW. The goal was knowing if it would be good to enable by default ETW support in V8, not requiring to pass any JS flag.

With Sunspider in a Windows 64 bits build:

Image showing slight overhead with ETW and bigger one with interpreted frames.

Other benchmarks I tried gave similar numbers.

So far, in 64 bits architecture I could not detect any overhead of enabling ETW support when recording is not happening, and the cost when it is enabled is very low.

Though, when combined with interpreted frames native stack, the overhead is close to 10%. This was expected as explained here.

So, good news so far. We still need to benchmark 32 bit architecture to see if the impact is similar.

Try it!

The work described in this post is available in V8 10.9.0. I hope you enjoy the improvements, and specially hope these tools help in the investigation of performance issues around Javascript, in NodeJS, Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge.

What next?

There is still a lot of things to do, and I hope I can continue working on improvements for V8 ETW support next year:

  • First, finishing the benchmarks, and considering to enable ETW instrumentation by default in V8 and derivatives.
  • Add full support for WASM.
  • Bugfixing, as we still see segments missing in certain benchnarmks.
  • Create specific events for when the JIT information of already compiled symbols is sent to ETW, to make it easier to differenciate from the code compiled while recording a trace.

If you want to track the work, keep an eye on V8 issue 11043.

The end

This is the last post in the series.

Thanks to Bloomberg and Igalia for sponsoring my work in ETW Chromium integration improvements!

29 de November de 2022

Native call stack profiling (2/3): Event Tracing for Windows and Chromium

In last blog post, I introduced call stack profiling, why it is useful, and how a system wide support can be useful. This new blog post will talk about Windows native call stack tracing, and how it is integrated in Chromium.

Event Tracing for Windows (ETW)

Event Tracing for Windows, usually also named with the acronym ETW, is a Windows kernel based tool that allows to log kernel and application events to a file.

A good description of its architecture is available at Microsoft Learn: About Event Tracing.

Essentially, it is an efficient event capturing tool, in some ways similar to LTTng. Its events recording stage is as lightweight as possible to avoid processing of collected data impacting the results as much as possible, reducing the observer effect.

The main participants are:
– Providers: kernel components (including device drivers) or applications that emit log events.
– Controllers: tools that control when a recording session starts and stops, which providers to record, and what each provider is expected to log. Controllers also decide where to dump the recorded data (typically a file).
– Consumers: tools that can read and analyze the recorded data, and combine with system information (i.e. debugging information). Consumers will usually get the data from previously recorded files, but it is also possible to consume tracing information in real time.

What about call stack profiling? ETW supports call stack sampling, allowing to capture call stacks when certain events happen, and associates the call stack to that event. Bruce Dawson has written a fantastic blog post about the topic.

Chromium call stack profiling in Windows

Chromium provides support for call stack profiling. This is done at different levels of the stack:
– It allows to build with frame pointers, so CPU profile samplers can properly capture the full call stack.
– v8 can generate symbol information for for JIT-compiled code. This is supported for ETW (and also for Linux Perf).


In any platform compilation will usually benefit from compiling with the GN flag enable_profiling=true. This will enable frame pointers support. In Windows, it will also enable generation of function information for code generated by V8.

Also, symbol_level=1 should be added at least, so the compilation stage function names are available.

Chrome startup

To enable generation of V8 profiling information in Windows, these flags should be passed to chrome on launch:

chrome --js-flags="--enable-etw-stack-walking --interpreted-frames-native-stack"

--enable-etw-stack-walking will emit information of the functions compiled by V8 JIT engine, so they can be recorded while sampling the stack.

--interpreted-frames-native-stack will show the frames of interpreted code in the native stack, so external profilers as ETW can properly show those in the profiling samples.


Then, a session of the workload to analyze can be captured with Windows Performance Recorder.

An alternate tool with specific Chromium support, UIForETW can be used too. Main advantage is that it allows to select specific Chromium tracer categories, that will be emitted in the same trace. Its author, Bruce Dawson, has explained very well how to use it.


For analysis, the tool Windows Performance Analyzer (WPA) can be used. Both UIForETW and Windows Performance Recorder will offer opening the obtained trace at the end of the capture for analysis.

Before starting analysis, in WPA, add the paths where the .PDB files with debugging information are available.

Then, select Computation/CPU Usage (Sampled):


From the available charts, we are interested in the ones providing stackwalk information:


In the last post of this series, I will present the work done in 2022 to improve V8 support for Windows ETW.

16 de November de 2022

Native call stack profiling (1/3): introduction

This week I presented a lightning talk in BlinkOn 17. There I talked about the work for improving native stack profiling support
in Windows.

This post starts a series where I will provide more context and details
to the presentation.

Why callstack profiling

First, a definition:

Callstack profiling: a performance analysis tool, that samples periodically the call stacks of all threads, for a specific workload.

Why is it useful? It provides a better undestanding of performance problems, specially if they are caused by CPU-bound bottle necks.

As we sample the full stack for each thread, we are capturing a handful of information:
– Which functions are using more CPU directly.
– As we capture the full stacktrace, we know also which functions involve more CPU usage, even if it is indirectly through the calls they do.

But it is not only useful for CPU waits. It will also capture when a method is waiting for something (i.e. because of networking, or a semaphore).

The provided information is useful for initial analysis of the problem, as it will give a high level view of where time could be spent by the application. But it will also be useful in further stages of the analysis, and even for comparing different implementations and consider possible changes.

How does it work?

For call stack sampling, we need some infrastructure to be able to capture and traverse properly the callstack for each thread.

In compilation stage, information is added for function names and the frame pointers. This allows, for a specific stack, to resolve later the actual names, and even lines of code that are captured.

In runtime stage, function information will be required for generated code. I.e. in a web browser, the Javascript code that is compiled in runtime.

Then, every sample will extract the callstack of all the threads of all the analysed processes. This will happen periodically, at the rate established by the profiling tool.

System wide native callstack profiling

When possible, sampling the call stacks of the full system can be benefitial for the analysis.

First, we may want to include system libraries and other dependencies of our component in the analysis. But also, system analyzers can provide other metrics that can give a better context to the analysed workload (network or CPU load, memory usage, swappiness, …).

In the end, many problems are not bound to a single component, so capturing the interaction with other components can be useful.


In next blog posts in this series, I will present native stack profiling for Windows, and how it is integrated with Chromium.

11 de September de 2022

Tracker 3.x, a retrospect.

Time files, for better or for the worst. The last time I bored you with ramblings on this blog was more than 2 years ago already, prepping up for Tracker 3.0. Since I’m sure you don’t need a general catch up about these last 2 years, let’s stay on that same subject.

Nowadays, we are very close to GNOME 43, and an accompanying 3.4.0 release of Tracker SPARQL library and data miners, that is 4 minor releases ahead! What happened since then? Most immediately after that previous blog post, the 3.0 release did roll in, the uncertainty behind all major structural changes vanished, and the transition could largely be called a success: The overhauled internals for complete SPARQL support stood ground without large regressions; the promises of portals and data isolation delivered and to this day remains unchallenged (except for spare requests to let more pieces of metadata through); the increased genericity and versatility kept fostering further improvements.

Overall, there’s been no major regrets, and we are now sitting comfortably in 3.x. And that was all good, since we could use all that time not fixing fallout in keeping up with the improvements. Let’s revisit what happened since.

Tracker (SPARQL library)


Ever since 3.0, test coverage has been growing fairly steadily. A very good thing about SPARQL and Tracker API is that it is very “circular” altogether, every data format used in information exchange must be both parsed and produced by the SPARQL implementation, every external request made is also a external request it should be able to serve, and so on.

This makes it fairly easy to reach all corners in testing coverage, despite the involved complexity. It has been also quite a rule for some time that SPARQL language compliance fixes come with tests. The accumulated result over the years is a fairly large collection of tests to the internal machinery, there’s over 330 subtests already for the SPARQL language alone.

To the day of writing, Tracker stands at 76.4% coverage (Up-to-date for the posterity: ), we are getting very good at catching deviations from how the SPARQL library should behave, and decently good at catching how it should not misbehave. Simply following W3C standards and recommendations pays off here too, since it settles the direction and resolves most matters about what the right behavior is.

Developer Experience

3.0 marked the point where being able to create private Tracker databases with custom data models transitioned from an easter egg to a first-class feature. This also means that developers can now write an ontology (or data model, or schema, pick a name) that suits their data like a glove, instead of using the default Nepomuk one, which is well-trodden and literally written by academics, but will be overkill for the needs of individual applications.

And of course there is room for failure in writing those ontologies. Last year, GSoC student Abanoub Ghadban worked hard on “breaking it”, polishing the experience and trying to produce helpful warnings, so developer mistakes are easily visible and solvable. The CLI tools provided facilitate these checks, e.g. creating a temporary endpoint that loads the ontology being edited, and running queries against it.

The documentation front got also steady improvements, the API itself is 100% documented and there is now a fully fleshed out SPARQL tutorial. Also, drawing inspiration from SQLite, there are now miscellaneous docs on some implementation details like limits, a discussion on the security considerations of the implemented specs, or extensions and interpretations of the SPARQL spec. The examples have been also modernized, and written in Python and Javascript in addition.

A great blunder of how Tracker tended to be used in applications was having SPARQL mixed in code, or worse, built through string manipulation. The latter got better API-wise in the past with compiled statements, but the mix of code and database logic was still prevalent. Since 3.3, there is support for loading and creating compiled statements from query files located in GResources. This neatly addresses the separation of queries and code, while keeping them indissoluble to the produced binary, while preserving the benefits of compiled statements (compile once, run many times).


One of the benefits of the API provided by Tracker is that it gives a great amount of leeway in internal refactors without altering the surface. We are largely just backwards-compatibility constrained by the underlying database format. This has allowed for further optimizations to happen under the hood since 3.0, database updates both in terms of database changes and queries. Databases also take now less space, specially in the presence of many blank nodes.

Although the greatest performance boost for data producers can be obtained through the TrackerBatch API (Since 3.1). Prior to it, normally a TrackerResource would be used build RDF data, then used to produce a SPARQL update, and the SPARQL update parsed to generate and apply the RDF changes. This new API can efficiently traverse a series of TrackerResources (describing RDF already) and turn them to database modifications skipping the SPARQL middle man altogether.

In the git tree, there now is a small utility to benchmark certain uses of Tracker API, let’s see how the output looks on a modern Intel i7 for an in-memory database:

Batch size: 5000, Individual test duration: 30 sec
Opening in-memory database…
                           Test		Elements	Elems/sec	Min         	Max         	Avg
   Resource batch update (sync)		6169883.801	205662.793	4.292 usec	5.615 usec	4.862 usec
     SPARQL batch update (sync)		2430664.747	81022.158	11.889 usec	14.255 usec	12.342 usec
   Resource modification (sync)		4440988.603	148032.953	6.588 usec	8.438 usec	6.755 usec
  Resource insert+delete (sync)		3033137.552	101104.585	9.689 usec	12.669 usec	9.891 usec
Prepared statement query (sync)		8566182.714	285539.424	3.000 usec	745.000 usec	3.502 usec
            SPARQL query (sync)		1329076.956	44302.565	21.000 usec	189.000 usec	22.572 usec

After the usual disclaimer that this benchmark utility greatly relies on CPU and disk characteristics, and your mileage may vary, there’s a few things to highlight here:

  • Using modern APIs always pays off. Inserting data directly from TrackerResource (Resource batch update) is 2.5x faster than inserting data through SPARQL updates (SPARQL batch update), and querying through prepared statements (Prepared statement query) is ~6.5x faster than repeating SPARQL queries (SPARQL query).
  • Even though the tests are run synchronously on the main loop, queries can be greatly parallelized, so the actual throughput on a modern machine will be much higher in reality. Updates are single-threaded though.
  • Used the right way, Tracker code is never in the hot paths, merits there go to SQLite and production of data itself. You are expected to get results that are in the same ballpark than using SQLite directly, given similar volumes and layout of data.

But this snapshot does not fully highlight the improvements done. For a reference baseline, a backported version of this benchmark on the same computer over Tracker 3.0.x gives:

Batch size: 5000, Individual test duration: 30 sec
Opening in-memory database…
                           Test		Elements	Elems/sec	Min         	Max         	Avg
     SPARQL batch update (sync)		1387346.192	46244.873	17.035 usec	24.290 usec	21.624 usec
   Resource modification (sync)		259923.682	8664.123	49.863 usec	122.236 usec	115.418 usec
  Resource insert+delete (sync)		707638.539	23587.951	41.593 usec	73.702 usec	42.395 usec
Prepared statement query (sync)		7729898.742	257663.291	3.000 usec	527.000 usec	3.881 usec
            SPARQL query (sync)		888896.319	29629.877	31.000 usec	180.000 usec	33.750 usec

Looking past the lack of TrackerBatch there, it’s still easy to see there has been massive improvements pretty much all over the board. As we already encourage, using the latest Tracker gives you the best Tracker.

Data serialization

SPARQL was very much thought out with the task of storing RDF data, querying into RDF data, and moving RDF data around. From the tiniest resource/value existence check, to full content dumps, everything is one query away.

What we were lacking is a consistent way to convert all that data into something that could easily be piped through, saved, processed, etc. To make this task easy, there is now API to serialize and deserialize data between a Tracker database and the popular RDF file formats. This is performed efficiently, with flat RAM usage on both ends, it is even possible to pipe these APIs with the RDF data never existing anywhere at once during the process.

And since this serialization to RDF formats is a builtin feature of HTTP endpoints, it has allowed us to level up our support for these. A Tracker HTTP endpoint is now entirely compliant and indistinguishable from the larger players.

The most immediately useful usage of this serialization support is in the CLI tools, the import and export commands now use this API and can deal with these formats. But what is this for? Is this driven by a level of completionism that borders the sickness? Well, yes, but there are of course plans around these features, more on that later.

Tracker Miners


You might think the SPARQL library improvements above would be the larger improvement the filesystem miner could get, and you would be wrong.

Part of the raison d’être of a filesystem indexer is to stay up-to-date with filesystem changes. In the GNOME world, this catching up is usually done through a GFileMonitor, which provides a GLib-friendly way to do the dirty job of setting up an tracking an inotify handle to track changes on an individual directory for you. What is wrong with that? Nothing, unless you do that at a large scale like indexers do. Each of those GFileMonitors is backed by a pollable FD, and a GSource wrapping it, and iterating a GMainContext that has thousands of GSources attached to it massively, thoroughly sucks.

Is this a case of Tracker abusing a perfectly fine GLib API? Or on the contrary is this a case of bad GLib API design? I will let you debate on that, as I am unclear myself.

The first solution to alleviate that (since 3.1) was delegating file monitoring to a separate thread, so the GMainContext that is expensive to iterate only affects file monitors, as opposed to everything that goes on. Later on, FANotify finally gained the missing features that made it suitable for indexers (not requiring CAP_SYS_ADMIN was one of them) and Tracker Miners got an implementation for it (since 3.3). Most notably here, with this kernel API it is only necessary to poll a single FD to receive events for all FANotify marks set on the filesystem.

In what it sounds like a case of miscommunication between kernel developers developing independent new features that didn’t mix well, unfortunately it’s not possible nowadays to mix the bleeding edge in file monitors (FANotify) with the bleeding edge in filesystems (btrfs), for these (and other) cases Tracker Miners will still fallback on plain glib/inotify. Hopefully the situation will be resolved at some point.

At 3.1, the filesystem indexer also implemented flow control mechanisms that allowed its RAM usage to stay mostly flat independently of the filesystem size and layout. At the peak of its activity, tracker-miner-fs-3 uses 30-40MB here (per gnome-system-monitor), and idles at 5MB. Needless to say, it is also many times faster than its past 3.0 self.

But all this was about tracker-miner-fs-3, the daemon in charge of monitoring filesystem changes and mirroring file/folder structure into the database. What about tracker-extract-3, the daemon in charge of nitty-gritty file metadata extraction? When this step needs to happen (say, newly indexed or modified files). It’s for all accounts expensive, now by the sheer magic of everything else shrinking, it comparatively only got worse. There is a reason we avoid that from happening frequently at all costs.

But what is slow there? Roughly speaking, it should be just a loop going through files, getting the metadata and inserting it, and that should be fucking fast as per the benchmarks above, right? Right, the problem is in the “getting the metadata” step. This will wildly fluctuate depending on the files scattered in the filesystem, their mimetypes, and the libraries used to extract their metadata. The plain text extractor or the in-tree MP3 extractor are capable of opening, extracting metadata from, and closing multiple thousands of files per second. All the external libraries used for metadata extraction (yes, all of them) are slower, ranging from several times over to up to 4 orders of magnitude, also depending on the input files (I curated some infernal PDFs). The worst offenders are Poppler, GStreamer and libtiff.

As it’s evident here (You don’t need to believe me, add TRACKER_DEBUG=statistics to /etc/environment and reset/restart the miner), most libraries dealing with files and formats optimize for library resources being long lived across an application lifetime, while optimizing the creation and disposal of these library resources is often overlooked. The metadata extraction daemon faces that hard fact file after file, so its slowness is just a reflection of the slowness of these libraries in setting themselves up. If, after all of this, someone thinks the filesystem indexer is slow, that is where the money is.

Extending and maintaining metadata

Although the focus has been mainly on making things work reliably, rather than going crazy with extending the metadata stored (yet), a point worth noting here is last year’s GSoC work from student Nishit Patel, who worked on indexing creation time (in the filesystems that support/enable it), and allowing for its search all across the stack.

We also got support for a number of game file formats (mainly, retro ones), which GNOME Games (now Highscore) readily made use of. LOL, jk.

Handling and following failures

Whenever a file is broken or corrupted, or a 3rd party library crashes or produces a syscall that is caught up by seccomp, the tracker-extract-3 daemon would quit (with varying degrees of gracefulness) and be taught on the next restart to avoid the file that triggered this situation. This is not precisely new behavior, what is new though is that these failures are now recorded and can be easily inspected over the CLI with tracker3 status. Most bugs we receive about broken extraction are reactive (e.g. “why does Music not show this file?”), this would allow for a more proactive approach to fixing metadata extraction bugs, if users happen to look there and cooperate.

There is also a slight possibility that extraction bugs are due to Tracker itself, but these are largely a think of the past.

Coming up next…

I very much cheered when I learnt of the “Local first” initiative. In fact, I so much anticipated it that I literally anticipated it. Development of the serialization APIs started sometime around the last year, with a plan to provide facilities to transparently and neatly synchronize RDF data across instances in multiple machines owned by the same user.

Who wants that? Certainly not the filesystem indexer. However, there’s indeed a desire to avoid reliance on third party services for user sensitive data like their own health information, chat logs, or bookmarked sites. With some truckloads of optimism, I would hope that this becomes a cornerstone of that goal, for applications under the GNOME umbrella that need to deal with a non-trivial amount of data.

How would that work? What do we need to get there? We need a query language that supports it (check, duh), a data model that can handle the different patterns that might emerge in synchronizing data (check), a way to make these machines talk between each other (check), and a way to diff missing data (check). All the pieces are really set, so what is missing is putting those together, of course drawing inspiration from Christian Hergert’s Bonsai to make machines discover each other.

And of course there is still very much a desire to keep the heart of content applications compelling and relevant. There’s still opportunities to further extend and link the metadata stored by the filesystem indexer, perhaps with the help of the actual semantic web that lives out there. We already have a number of universal identifiers available (musicbrainz tags, IMDB IDs, game rom IDs) to interrelate and cross-reference data.

Now that the codebase features are settled and working well, we can start thinking on new fancy features, stay tuned for the next installment of this series in 2024, when I talk about Tracker 3.8.0, or perhaps Tracker 3.5.20. If you made it this far, you have my appreciation, until the next time!

21 de June de 2022

Thread safety support in libsoup3

In libsoup2 there’s some thread safety support that allows to send messages from a thread different than the one where the session is created. There are other APIs that can be used concurrently too, like accessing some of the session properties, and others that aren’t thread safe at all. It’s not clear what’s thread safe and even sending a message is not fully thread safe either, depending on the session features involved. However, several applications relay on the thread safety support and have always worked surprisingly well.

In libsoup3 we decided to remove the (broken) thread safety support and only allowed to use the API from the same thread where the session was created. This simplified the code and made easier to add the HTTP/2 implementation. Note that HTTP/2 supports multiple request over the same TCP connection, which is a lot more efficient than starting multiple requests from several threads in parallel.

When apps started to be ported to libsoup3, those that relied on the thread safety support ended up being a pain to be ported. Major refactorings where required to either stop using the sync API from secondary threads, or moving all the soup usage to the same secondary thread. We managed to make it work in several modules like gstreamer and gvfs, but others like evolution required a lot more work. The extra work was definitely worth it and resulted in much better and more efficient code. But we also understand that porting an application to a new version of a dependency is not a top priority task for maintainers.

So, in order to help with the migration to libsoup3, we decided to add thread safety support to libsoup3 again, but this time trying to cover all the APIs involved in sending a message and documenting what’s expected to be thread safe. Also, since we didn’t remove the sync APIs, it’s expected that we support sending messages synchronously from secondary threads. We still encourage to use only the async APIS from a single thread, because that’s the most efficient way, especially for HTTP/2 requests, but apps currently using threads can be easily ported first and then refactored later.

The thread safety support in libsoup3 is expected to cover only one use case: sending messages. All other APIs, including accessing session properties, are not thread safe and can only be used from the thread where the session is created.

There are a few important things to consider when using multiple threads in libsoup3:

  • In the case of HTTP/2, two messages for the same host sent from different threads will not use the same connection, so the advantage of HTTP/2 multiplexing is lost.
  • Only the API to send messages can be called concurrently from multiple threads. So, in case of using multiple threads, you must configure the session (setting network properties, features, etc.) from the thread it was created and before any request is made.
  • All signals associated to a message (SoupSession::request-queued, SoupSession::request-unqueued, and all SoupMessage signals) are emitted from the thread that started the request, and all the IO will happen there too.
  • The session can be created in any thread, but all session APIs except the methods to send messages must be called from the thread where the session was created.
  • To use the async API from a thread different than the one where the session was created, the thread must have a thread default main context where the async callbacks are dispatched.
  • The sync API doesn’t need any main context at all.

18 de December de 2021

geewallet 0.4.300.0 released!

10th of my 21-day quarantine*! And to celebrate, I'm going to release a new version of geewallet. It's not that I blog about geewallet releases often (or blog at all, lately), but this one is a special one for me. We decided to call it 0.4.300.0

The highlights:

  • We fixed the GTK theme for our snap package. (Long version of the story: ever since we upgraded our snap generation process to take place in Ubuntu 20.04 instead of Ubuntu 18.04, the theme stopped working so the app was not showing anymore with the default theme of the system, but with the default Gtk theme, which is very plain. Even if you might consider this issue important, we haven't had time to look at it because we've been very busy finishing Lightning support. Sorry.)
  • The chart rendering doesn't use SkiaSharp anymore, but good-old Cairo. This fixes some UI glitches that we had in the GTK frontend. (Long version: for this, we didn't just draw the chart using Cairo in our Gtk frontend, we actually wrote an implementation of the Shapes API for the Xamarin.Forms' GTK backend, and we contributed the work upstream: . Hopefully they merge it soon so that we don't need to use our own forked repo/nuget anymore.)
  • Fixed a crash when pairing with a cold-storage wallet. (Long version: user might not know that pairing is only allowed against another geewallet instance; low-hanging fruit bugfix which I shouldn't have neglected for so long, I know.)
  • Fixed a crash when scanning some QR-codes that contained unknown parameters in the bitcoin URI. (Long version: I was actually in El Salvador and when trying to use a BTM, I found this bug! Apparently some BTMs here add an extraneous "chivo" param in the URI's querystring, in case the wallet being used is the one from the government; not sure why. In this case, geewallet was failing fast instead of ignoring the unexpected intruder.)
The less important (not user-facing) work:
  • Our CI now checks that our Android, macOS, and iOS frontends don't break. Previously the only frontends that we built in CI were the Gtk one (Linux) and the Console one (cross-platform, it's just terminal-based).
  • We do snap package generation in GitLab now instead of GitHub. This is good because Microsoft keeps changing the Linux VMs being used in the GitHubActions service so we cannot keep up fixing things that just break out of the blue (so, they break independently from what we change in our commits, which is very confusing!). (Long version: we had to use GitHubActions because GitLabCI uses docker under the hood; so given that snapcraft uses systemd, it conflicts with it; now we use a "docker in docker" approach to be able to run in GitLabCI; which also allows us to publish the snap package as an artifact in the GitLabCI pipeline, not just publishing it to the Snap Store; this way, in case you somehow need a previous version in the future you can grab it from there, something that you couldn't just via snap AFAIU).
  • Even though this wallet supports two ETH currencies (ETH itself, and DAI), we don't recommend their use at the moment because of the high fees and long confirmation waits these days. This is because the wallet waits for an ETH transaction to be mined (to make sure it didn't run out of gas, and if it did, report the problem to the user), but these days this wait is longer than the time-out. The short-term fix for this is either a) assume it will never ran out of gas, since our address is not a contract anyway (so I guess it can never run out of gas, right? feel free to prove me wrong, my ETH knowledge is not top-notch), or b) have some UI indicating that a transaction has been sent but not accepted by the network yet. The long-term fix is to have off-chain (Layer2) technology supported by the wallet, but we don't know which technology we will choose for this, and of course we're giving priority to the first Layer2 technology: Lightning (which is only compatible with BTC and LTC). All this aside, the wallet works well with ETC (an Ethereum-compatible technology). Anyway, this doesn't worry me too much because... what is the ETH blockchain used for these days, mainly? NFTs and DeFi pyramid schemes. In case you didn't get the memo, most of the former (if not all) are scams, and the latter are all of them mainly based on dubious centralized stablecoins (which could suffer fractional reserve and therefore cause bank runs, as Elizabeth Warren has already warned about).
  • Despite this wallet being implemented with .NET (F#), our Windows compatibility story is very poor :'-( We ran into limitations of the Microsoft's AOT technology being used for UWP apps (required by the official process required to publish it in the WindowsStore) in the past. Nowadays apparently you can publish apps in the WindowsStore without these limitations, but we haven't tried again. Maybe by the next time we give it another go, we might have moved to MAUI already (which means WinUI instead of UWP under the hood). As always, if this is your cup of tea, we accept MRs!
BTW on the topic of F#, I augmented my tiny C#-to-F# tutorial to include Python (so Python devs can try how it feels to switch to a more typed approach without the need to be so verbose, thanks to F# type inference!), as both languages have a very similar style (indentation based, no curly braces!). Check it out.

* And on the topic of quarantine (which was increased from 14 to 21 days for me just because of the omicron panic) I just wanted to share some rambling that is in my head: if the omicron strain is more infectious but at the same time is less dangerous (I think it was only yesterday that the first death happened because of it, right? at least the first one covered by the media) than the others, then wouldn't this be a good outcome? Or rather, a least worse one. I mean, if this variant gets more prevalent around the pandemic, this coronavirus might actually become just the next flu, right? So: endemic, but with much less mortality rate. I don't know, hopefully something along these lines happens, just sharing some positive perspective! Be safe.

NB: if you're looking for this version in Android, please be aware that the validation from Google takes a bit of time, hopefully the update will be available in the Play store in less than 24h.

Xamarin forks and whatnots

Busy days in geewallet world! I just released version which brings some interesting fixes, but I wanted to talk about the internal work that had to be done for each of them, in case you're interested.
  • In Linux(GTK), cold storage mode when pairing was broken, because the absence of internet connection was not being detected properly. The bug was in a 3rd-party nuget library we were using: Xam.Plugin.Connectivity. But we couldn't migrate to Xamarin.Essentials for this feature because Xamarin.Essentials lacks support for some platforms that we already supported (not officially, but we know geewallet worked on them even if we haven't released binaries/packages for all of them yet). The solution? We forked Xamarin.Essentials to include support for these platforms (macOS and Linux), fixed the bug in our fork, and published our fork in nuget under the name `DotNetEssentials`. Whenever Xamarin.Essentials starts supporting these platforms, we will stop using our fork.
  • The clipboard functionality in geewallet depended on another 3rd-party nuget library: Xamarin.Plugins.Clipboard. The GTK bits of this were actually contributed by me to their github repository as a Pull Request some time ago, so we just packaged the same code to include it in our new DotNetEssentials fork. One dependency less to care about!
  • Xamarin.Forms had a strange bug that caused some buttons sometimes to not be re-enabled. This bug has been fixed by one of our developers and its fix was included in the new pre-release of Xamarin.Forms 4.5, so we have upgraded geewallet to use this new version instead of v4.3.
PS: Apologies if the previous blogpost or this one shows up in planets again, as it might be a side-effect of updating its links to point to the new git repo!

Introducing geewallet

Version of geewallet has just been published to the snap store! You can install it by looking for its name in the store or by installing it from the command line with `snap install geewallet`. It features a very simplistic and minimalistic UI/UX. Nothing very fancy, especially because it has a single codebase that targets many (potential) platforms, e.g. you can also find it in the Android App Store.

What was my motivation to create geewallet in the first place, around 2 years ago? Well, I was very excited about the “global computing platform” that Ethereum was promising. At the time, I thought it would be like the best replacement of Namecoin: decentralised naming system, but not just focusing on this aspect, but just bringing Turing-completeness so that you can build whatever you want on top of it, not just a key-value store. So then, I got ahold of some ethers to play with the platform. But by then, I didn’t find any wallet that I liked, especially when considering security. Most people were copy+pasting their private keys into a website (!) called MyEtherWallet. Not only this idea was terrifying (since you had to trust not just the security skills of the sysadmin who was in charge of the domain&server, but also that the developers of the software don’t turn rogue…), it was even worse than that, it was worse than using a normal hot wallet. And what I wanted was actually a cold wallet, a wallet that could run in an offline device, to make sure hacking it would be impossible (not faraday-cage-impossible, but reasonably impossible).

So there I did it, I created my own wallet.

After some weeks, I added bitcoin support on it thanks to the library NBitcoin (good work Nicholas!). After some months, I added a cross-platform UI besides the first archaic command-line frontend. These days it looks like this:

What was my motivation to make geewallet a brain wallet? Well, at the time (and maybe nowadays too, before I unveil this project at least), the only decent brain wallet out there that seemed sufficiently secure (against brute force attacks) was WarpWallet, from the Keybase company. If you don’t believe in their approach, they even have placed a bounty in a decently small passphrase (so if you ever think that this kind of wallet would be hacked, you would be certainly safe to think that any cracker would target this bounty first, before thinking of you). The worst of it, again, was that to be able to use it you had again to use a web interface, so you had the double-trust problem again. Now geewallet brings the same WarpWallet seed generation algorithm (backed by unit tests of course) but on a desktop/mobile approach, so that you can own the hardware where the seed is generated. No need to write anymore long seeds of random words in pieces of paper: your mind is the limit! (And of course geewallet will warn the user in case the passphrase is too short and simple: it even detects if all the words belong to the dictionary, to deter low entropy, from the human perspective.)

Why did I add support for Litecoin and Ethereum Classic to the wallet? First, let me tell you that bitcoin and ethereum, as technological innovations and network effects, are very difficult to beat. And in fact, I’m not a fan of the proliferation of dubious portrayed awesome new coins/tokens that claim to be as efficient and scalable as these first two. They would need not only to beat the network effect when it comes to users, but also developers (all the best cryptographers are working in Bitcoin and Ethereum technologies). However, Litecoin and Ethereum-Classic are so similar to Bitcoin and Ethereum, respectively, that adding support for them was less than a day’s work. And they are not completely irrelevant: Litecoin may bring zero-knowledge proofs in an upcoming update soon (plus, its fees are lower today, so it’s an alternative cheaper testnet with real value); and Ethereum-Classic has some inherent characteristics that may make it more decentralised than Ethereum in the long run (governance not following any cult of personality, plus it will remain as a Turing-complete platform on top of Proof Of Work, instead of switching to Proof of Stake; to understand why this is important, I recommend you to watch this video).

Another good reason of why I started something like this from scratch is because I wanted to use F# in a real open source project. I had been playing with it for a personal (private) project 2 years before starting this one, so I wanted to show the world that you can build a decent desktop app with simple and not too opinionated/academic functional programming. It reuses all the power of the .NET platform: you get debuggers, you can target mobile devices, you get immutability by default; all three in one, in this decade, at last. (BTW, everything is written in F#, even the build scripts.)

What’s the roadmap of geewallet? The most important topics I want to cover shortly are three:
  • Make it even more user friendly: blockchain addresses are akin to the numeric IP addresses of the early 80s when DNS still didn’t exist. We plan to use either ENS or IPNS or BNS or OpenCAP so that people can identify recipients much more easily.
  • Implement Layer2 technologies: we’re already past the proof of concept phase. We have branches that can open channels. The promise of these technologies is instantaneous transactions (no waits!) and ridiculous (if not free) fees.
  • Switch the GTK Xamarin.Forms driver to work with the new “GtkSharp” binding under the hood, which doesn’t require glue libraries. (I’ve had quite a few nightmares with native dependencies/libs when building the sandboxed snap package!)
With less priority:
  • Integrate with some Rust projects: MimbleWimble(Grin) lib, the distributed COMIT project for trustless atomic swaps, or other Layer2-related ones such as rust-lightning.
  • Cryptography work: threshold keys or deniable encryption (think "duress" passwords).
  • NFC support (find recipients without QR codes!).
  • Tizen support (watches!).
  • Acceptance testing via UI Selenium tests (look up the Uno Platform).

Areas where I would love contributions from the community:
  • Flatpak support: unfortunately I haven’t had time to look at this sandboxing technology, but it shouldn’t be too hard to do, especially considering that there’s already a Mono-based project that supports it: SparkleShare.
  • Ubuntu packaging: there’s a patch blocked on some Ubuntu bug that makes the wallet (or any .NET app these days, as it affects the .NET package manager: nuget) not build in Ubuntu 19.10. If this patch is not merged soon, the next LTS of Ubuntu will have this bug :( As far as I understand, what needs to be solved is this issue so that the latest hotfixes are bundled. (BTW I have to thank Timotheus Pokorra, the person in charge to package Mono in Fedora, for his help on this matter so far.)
  • GNOME community: I’m in search for a home for this project. I don’t like that it lives in my GitLab username, because it’s not easy to find. One of the reasons I’ve used GitLab is because I love the fact that being open source, many communities are adopting this infrastructure, like Debian and GNOME. That’s why I’ve used as a bug tracker, for merge requests and to run CI jobs. This means that it should be easy to migrate to GNOME’s GitLab, isn’t it? There are unmaintained projects (e.g. banshee, which I couldn’t continue maintaining due to changes in life priorities...) already hosted there, so maybe it’s not much to ask if I could host a maintained one? It's probably the first Gtk-based wallet out there.

And just in case I wasn't clear:
  • Please don’t ask me to add support for your favourite %coin% or <token>.
  • If you want to contribute, don’t ask me what to work on, just think of your personal itch you want to scratch and discuss it with me filing a GitLab issue. If you’re a C# developer, I wrote a quick F# tutorial for you.
  • Thanks for reading up until here! It’s my pleasure to write about this project.

I'm excited about the world of private-key management. I think we can do much better than what we have today: most people think of hardware wallets to be unhackable or cold storage, but most of them are used via USB or Bluetooth! Which means they are not actually cold storage, so software wallets with offline-support (also called air-gapped) are more secure! I think that eventually these tools will even merge with other ubiquitous tools with which we’re more familiar today: password managers!

You can follow the project on twitter (yes I promise I will start using this platform to publish updates).

PS: If you're still not convinced about these technologies or if you didn't understand that PoW video I posted earlier, I recommend you to go back to basics by watching this other video produced by a mathematician educator which explains it really well.

PS II: Apologies if this blogpost shows up in planets again, as it might be a side-effect of updating it to fix broken links or typos.

08 de July de 2020

​Chromium now migrated to the new C++ Mojo types

At the end of the last year I wrote a long blog post summarizing the main work I was involved with as part of Igalia’s Chromium team. In it I mentioned that a big chunk of my time was spent working on the migration to the new C++ Mojo types across the entire codebase of Chromium, in the context of the Onion Soup 2.0 project.

For those of you who don’t know what Mojo is about, there is extensive information about it in Chromium’s documentation, but for the sake of this post, let’s simplify things and say that Mojo is a modern replacement to Chromium’s legacy IPC APIs which enables a better, simpler and more direct way of communication among all of Chromium’s different processes.

One interesting thing about this conversion is that, even though Mojo was already “the new thing” compared to Chromium’s legacy IPC APIs, the original Mojo API presented a few problems that could only be fixed with a newer API. This is the main reason that motivated this migration, since the new Mojo API fixed those issues by providing less confusing and less error-prone types, as well as additional checks that would force your code to be safer than before, and all this done in a binary compatible way. Please check out the Mojo Bindings Conversion Cheatsheet for more details on what exactly those conversions would be about.

Another interesting aspect of this conversion is that, unfortunately, it wouldn’t be as easy as running a “search & replace” operation since in most cases deeper changes would need to be done to make sure that the migration wouldn’t break neither existing tests nor production code. This is the reason why we often had to write bigger refactorings than what one would have anticipated for some of those migrations, or why sometimes some patches took a bit longer to get landed as they would span way too much across multiple directories, making the merging process extra challenging.

Now combine all this with the fact that we were confronted with about 5000 instances of the old types in the Chromium codebase when we started, spanning across nearly every single subdirectory of the project, and you’ll probably understand why this was a massive feat that would took quite some time to tackle.

Turns out, though, that after just 6 months since we started working on this and more than 1100 patches landed upstream, our team managed to have nearly all the existing uses of the old APIs migrated to the new ones, reaching to a point where, by the end of December 2019, we had completed 99.21% of the entire migration! That is, we basically had almost everything migrated back then and the only part we were missing was the migration of //components/arc, as I already announced in this blog back in December and in the chromium-mojo mailing list.

Progress of migrations to the new Mojo syntax by December 2019

This was good news indeed. But the fact that we didn’t manage to reach 100% was still a bit of a pain point because, as Kentaro Hara mentioned in the chromium-mojo mailing list yesterday, “finishing 100% is very important because refactoring projects that started but didn’t finish leave a lot of tech debt in the code base”. And surely we didn’t want to leave the project unfinished, so we kept collaborating with the Chromium community in order to finish the job.

The main problem with //components/arc was that, as explained in the bug where we tracked that particular subtask, we couldn’t migrate it yet because the external libchrome repository was still relying on the old types! Thus, even though almost nothing else in Chromium was using them at that point, migrating those .mojom files under //components/arc to the new types would basically break libchrome, which wouldn’t have a recent enough version of Mojo to understand them (and no, according to the people collaborating with us on this effort at that particular moment, getting Mojo updated to a new version in libchrome was not really a possibility).

So, in order to fix this situation, we collaborated closely with the people maintaining the libchrome repository (external to Chromium’s repository and still relies in the old mojo types) to get the remaining migration, inside //components/arc, unblocked. And after a few months doing some small changes here and there to provide the libchrome folks with the tools they’d need to allow them to proceed with the migration, they could finally integrate the necessary changes that would ultimately allow us to complete the task.

Once this important piece of the puzzle was in place, all that was left was for my colleague Abhijeet to land the CL that would migrate most of //components/arc to the new types (a CL which had been put on hold for about 6 months!), and then to land a few CLs more on top to make sure we did get rid of any trace of old types that might still be in codebase (special kudos to my colleague Gyuyoung, who wrote most of those final CLs).

Progress of migrations to the new Mojo syntax by July 2020

After all this effort, which would sit on top of all the amazing work that my team had already done in the second half of 2019, we finally reached the point where we are today, when we can proudly and loudly announce that the migration of the old C++ Mojo types to the new ones is finally complete! Please feel free to check out the details on the spreadsheet tracking this effort.

So please join me in celebrating this important milestone for the Chromium project and enjoy the new codebase free of the old Mojo types. It’s been difficult but it definitely pays off to see it completed, something which wouldn’t have been possible without all the people who contributed along the way with comments, patches, reviews and any other type of feedback. Thank you all! 👌 🍻

IgaliaLast, while the main topic of this post is to celebrate the unblocking of these last migrations we had left since December 2019, I’d like to finish acknowledging the work of all my colleagues from Igalia who worked along with me on this task since we started, one year ago. That is, Abhijeet, Antonio, Gyuyoung, Henrique, Julie and Shin.

Now if you’ll excuse me, we need to get back to working on the Onion Soup 2.0 project because we’re not done yet: at the moment we’re mostly focused on converting remote calls using Chromium’s legacy IPC to Mojo (see the status report by Dave Tapuska) and helping finish Onion Soup’ing the remaining directores under //content/renderer (see the status report by Kentaro Hara), so there’s no time to waste. But those migrations will be material for another post, of course.

14 de May de 2020

The Web Platform Tests project

Web Browsers and Test Driven Development

Working on Web browsers development is not an easy feat but if there’s something I’m personally very grateful for when it comes to collaborating with this kind of software projects, it is their testing infrastructure and the peace of mind that it provides me with when making changes on a daily basis.

To help you understand the size of these projects, they involve millions of lines of code (Chromium is ~25 million lines of code, followed closely by Firefox and WebKit) and around 200-300 new patches landing everyday. Try to imagine, for one second, how we could make changes if we didn’t have such testing infrastructure. It would basically be utter and complete chao​s and, more especially, it would mean extremely buggy Web browsers, broken implementations of the Web Platform and tens (hundreds?) of new bugs and crashes piling up every day… not a good thing at all for Web browsers, which are these days some of the most widely used applications (and not just ‘the thing you use to browse the Web’).

The Chromium Trybots in action
The Chromium Trybots in action

Now, there are all different types of tests that Web engines run automatically on a regular basis: Unit tests for checking that APIs work as expected, platform-specific tests to make sure that your software runs correctly in different environments, performance tests to help browsers keep being fast and without increasing too much their memory footprint… and then, of course, there are the tests to make sure that the Web engines at the core of these projects implement the Web Platform correctly according to the numerous standards and specifications available.

And it’s here where I would like to bring your attention with this post because, when it comes to these last kind of tests (what we call “Web tests” or “layout tests”), each Web engine used to rely entirely on their own set of Web tests to make sure that they implemented the many different specifications correctly.

Clearly, there was some room for improvement here. It would be wonderful if we could have an engine-independent set of tests to test that a given implementation of the Web Platform works as expected, wouldn’t it? We could use that across different engines to make sure not only that they work as expected, but also that they also behave exactly in the same way, and therefore give Web developers confidence on that they can rely on the different specifications without having to implement engine-specific quirks.

Enter the Web Platform Tests project

Good news is that just such an ideal thing exists. It’s called the Web Platform Tests project. As it is concisely described in it’s official site:

“The web-platform-tests project is a cross-browser test suite for the Web-platform stack. Writing tests in a way that allows them to be run in all browsers gives browser projects confidence that they are shipping software which is compatible with other implementations, and that later implementations will be compatible with their implementations.”

I’d recommend visiting its website if you’re interested in the topic, watching the “Introduction to the web-platform-tests” video or even glance at the git repository containing all the tests here. Here, you can also find specific information such as how to run WPTs or how to write them. Also, you can have a look as well at the dashboard to get a sense of what tests exists and how some of the main browsers are doing.

In short: I think it would be safe to say that this project is critical to the health of the whole Web Platform, and ultimately to Web developers. What’s very, very surprising is how long it took to get to where it is, since it came into being only about halfway into the history of the Web (there were earlier testing efforts at the W3C, but none that focused on automated & shared testing). But regardless of that, this is an interesting challenge: Filling in all of the missing unified tests, while new things are being added all the time!

Luckily, this was a challenge that did indeed took off and all the major Web engines can now proudly say that they are regularly running about 36500 of these Web engine-independent tests (providing ~1.7 million sub-tests in total), and all the engines are showing off a pass rate between 91% and 98%. See the numbers below, as extracted from today’s WPT data:

Chrome 84 Edge 84 Firefox 78 Safari 105 preview
Pass Total Pass Total Pass Total Pass Total
1680105 1714711 1669977 1714195 1640985 1698418 1543625 1695743
Pass rate: 97.98% Pass rate: 97.42% Pass rate: 96.62% Pass rate: 91.03%

And here at Igalia, we’ve recently had the opportunity to work on this for a little while and so I’d like to write a bit about that…

Upstreaming Chromium’s tests during the Coronavirus Outbreak

As you all know, we’re in the middle of an unprecedented world-wide crisis that is affecting everyone in one way or another. One particular consequence of it in the context of the Chromium project is that Chromium releases were paused for a while. On top of this, some constraints on what could be landed upstream were put in place to guarantee quality and stability of the Chromium platform during this strange period we’re going through these days.

These particular constraints impacted my team in that we couldn’t really keep working on the tasks we were working on up to that point, in the context of the Chromium project. Our involvement with the Blink Onion Soup 2.0 project usually requires the landing of relatively large refactors, and these kind of changes were forbidden for the time being.

Fortunately, we found an opportunity to collaborate in the meantime with the Web Platform Tests project by analyzing and trying to upstream many of the existing Chromium-specific tests that haven’t yet been unified. This is important because tests exist for widely used specifications, but if they aren’t in Web Platform Tests, their utility and benefits are limited to Chromium. If done well, this would mean that all of the tests that we managed to upstream would be immediately available for everyone else too. Firefox and WebKit-based browsers would not only be able to identify missing features and bugs, but also be provided with an extra set of tests to check that they were implementing these features correctly, and interoperably.

The WPT Dashboard
The WPT Dashboard

It was an interesting challenge considering that we had to switch very quickly from writing C++ code around the IPC layers of Chromium to analyzing, migrating and upstreaming Web tests from the huge pool of Chromium tests. We focused mainly on CSS Grid Layout, Flexbox, Masking and Filters related tests… but I think the results were quite good in the end:

As of today, I’m happy to report that, during the ~4 weeks we worked on this my team migrated 240 Chromium-specific Web tests to the Web Platform Tests’ upstream repository, helping increase test coverage in other Web Engines and thus helping towards improving interoperability among browsers:

  • CSS Flexbox: 89 tests migrated
  • CSS Filters: 44 tests migrated
  • CSS Masking: 13 tests migrated
  • CSS Grid Layout: 94 tests migrated

But there is more to this than just numbers. Ultimately, as I said before, these migrations should help identifying missing features and bugs in other Web engines, and that was precisely the case here. You can easily see this by checking the list of automatically created bugs in Firefox’s bugzilla, as well as some of the bugs filed in WebKit’s bugzilla during the time we worked on this.

…and note that this doesn’t even include the additional 96 Chromium-specific tests that we analyzed but determined were not yet eligible for migrating to WPT (normally because they relied on some internal Chromium API or non-standard behaviour), which would require further work to get them upstreamed. But that was a bit out of scope for those few weeks we could work on this, so we decided to focus on upstreaming the rest of tests instead.

Personally, I think this was a big win for the Web Platform and I’m very proud and happy to have had an opportunity to have contributed to it during these dark times we’re living, as part of my job at Igalia. Now I’m back to working on the Blink Onion Soup 2.0 project, where I think I should write about too, but that’s a topic for a different blog post.

Credit where credit is due

IgaliaI wouldn’t want to finish off this blog post without acknowledging all the different contributors who tirelessly worked on this effort to help improve the Web Platform by providing the WPT project with these many tests more, so here it is:

From the Igalia side, my whole team was the one which took on this challenge, that is: Abhijeet, Antonio, Gyuyoung, Henrique, Julie, Shin and myself. Kudos everyone!

And from the reviewing side, many people chimed in but I’d like to thank in particular the following persons, who were deeply involved with the whole effort from beginning to end regardless of their affiliation: Christian Biesinger, David Grogan, Robert Ma, Stephen Chenney, Fredrik Söderquist, Manuel Rego Casasnovas and Javier Fernandez. Many thanks to all of you!

Take care and stay safe!

09 de May de 2020

Tracker 2.99.1 and miners released

TL;DR: $TITLE, and a call for distributors to make it easily available in stable distros, more about that at the bottom.

Sometime this week (or last, depending how you count), Tracker 2.99.1 was released. Sam has been doing a fantastic series of blog posts documenting the progress. With my blogging frequency I’m far from stealing his thunder :), I will still add some retrospect here to highlight how important of a milestone this is.

First of all, let’s give an idea of the magnitude of the changes so far:

[carlos@irma tracker]$ git diff origin/tracker-2.3..origin/master --stat -- docs examples src tests utils |tail -n 1
788 files changed, 20475 insertions(+), 66384 deletions(-)

[carlos@irma tracker-miners]$ git diff origin/tracker-miners-2.3..origin/master --stat -- data docs src tests | tail -n 1
354 files changed, 39422 insertions(+), 6027 deletions(-)

What did happen there? A little more than half of the insertions in tracker-miners (and corresponding deletions in tracker) can be attributed to code from libtracker-miner, libtracker-control and corresponding tests moving to tracker-miners. Those libraries are no longer public, but given those are either unused or easily replaceable, that’s not even the most notable change :).

The changes globally could be described as “things falling in place”, Tracker got more cohesive, versatile and tested than it ever was, we put a lot of care and attention to detail, and we hope you like the result. Let’s break down the highlights.

Understanding SPARQL

Sometime a couple years ago, I got fed up after several failed attempts at implementing support for property paths, this wound up into a rewrite of the SPARQL parser. This was part of Tracker 2.2.0 and brought its own benefits, ancient history.

Getting to the point, having the expression tree in the new parser closely modeled after SPARQL 1.1 grammar definition helped getting a perfect snapshot of what we don’t do, what we don’t do correctly and what we do extra. The parser was made to accept all correct SPARQL, and we had an `_unimplemented()` define in place to error out when interpreting the expression tree.

But that also gave me something to grep through and sigh, this turned into many further reads of SPARQL 1.1 specs, and a number of ideas about how to tackle them. Or if we weren’t restricted by compatibility concerns, as for some things we were limited by our own database structure.

Fast forward to today, the define is gone. Tracker covers the SPARQL 1.1 language in its entirety, warts and everything. The spec is from 2013, we just got there 7 years late :). Most notably, there’s:

  • Graphs: In a triple store, the aptly named triples consist of subject/predicate/object, and they belong within graphs. The object may point to elements in other graphs.

    In prior versions, we “supported graphs” in the language, but those were more a property of the triple’s object. This changes the semantics slightly in appearance but in fundamental ways, eg. no two graphs may have the same triple, and the ownership of the triple is backwards if subject and object are in different graphs.

    Now the implementation of graphs perfectly matches the description, and becomes a good isolated unit to let access in the case of sandboxing.

    We also support the ADD/MOVE/CLEAR/LOAD/DROP wholesome operations on graphs, to ease their management.

  • Services: The SERVICE syntax allows to federate portions of your query graph pattern to external services, and operate transparently on that data as if local. This is not exactly new in Tracker 2.99.x, but now supports dbus services in addition to http ones. More notes about why this is key further down.
  • New query forms, DESCRIBE/CONSTRUCT: This syntax sits alongside SELECT. DESCRIBE is a simple form to get RDF triples fully describing a resource, CONSTRUCT is a more powerful data extraction clause that allows serializing arbitrary portions of the triple set, even all of it, and even across RDF schemas.

Of all 11 documents from the SPARQL recommendations, we are essentially missing support for HTTP endpoints to entirely pass for a SPARQL 1.1 store. We obviously don’t mean to compete wrt enterprise-level databases, but we are completionists and will get to implementing the full recommendations someday :).

There is no central store

The tracker-store service got stripped of everything that makes it special. You were already able to create private stores, making those public via DBus is now one API call away. And its simple DBus API to perform/restore backups is now superseded by CONSTRUCT and LOAD syntax.

We have essentially democratized triple stores, in this picture (and a sandboxed world) it does not make sense to have a singleton default one, so the tracker-store process itself is no more. Each miner (Filesystem, RSS) has its own store, made public on its DBus name. TrackerSparqlConnection constructors let you specifically create a local store, or connect to a specific DBus/HTTP service.

No central service? New paradigm!

Did you use to store/modify data in tracker-store? There’s some bad news: It’s no longer for you to do that, scram from our lawn!

You are still much welcome to create your own private store, there you can do as you please, even rolling something else than Nepomuk.

But wait, how can you keep your own store and still consume data indexed by tracker miners? Here comes the SERVICE syntax to play, allowing you to deal with miner data and your own altogether. A simple hypothetical example:

# Query favorite files
  SERVICE <dbus:org.freedesktop.Tracker3.Miner.Files> {
    ?u a nfo:FileDataObject
  ?u mylocaldata:isFavorite true

As per the grammar definition, the SERVICE syntax can only be used from Query forms, not Update ones. This is essentially the language conspiring to keep a clear ownership model, where other services are not yours to modify.

If you are only interested in accessing one service, you can use tracker_sparql_connection_bus_new and perform queries directly to the remote service.

A web presence

It’s all about appearance these days, that’s why newscasters don’t switch the half of the suit they wear. A long time ago, we used to have the domain, the domain expired and eventually got squatted.

That normally sucks on itself, for us it was a bit of a pickle, as RDF (and our own ontologies) stands largely on URIs, that means live software producing links out of our control, and it going to pastes/bugs/forums all over the internet. Luckily for us, is a terrible choice of name for a porn site.

We couldn’t simply do the change either, in many regards those links were ABI. With 3.x on the way, ABI was no longer a problem, Sam did things properly so we have a site, and a proper repository of ontologies.

Nepomuk is dead, long live Nepomuk

Nepomuk is a dead project. Despite its site being currently alive, it’s been dead for extended periods of time over the last 2 years. That’s 11.5M EUR of your european taxpayer money slowly fading away.

We no longer consider we should consider it “an upstream”, so we have decided to go our own. After some minor sanitization and URI rewriting, the Nepomuk ontology is preserved mostly as-is, under our own control.

But remember, Nepomuk is just our “reference” ontology, a swiss army knife for whatever a might need to be stored in a desktop. You can always roll your own.

Tracker-miner-fs data layout

For sandboxing to be any useful, there must be some actual data separation. The tracker-miner-fs service now stores things in several graphs:

  • tracker:FileSystem
  • tracker:Audio
  • tracker:Video
  • tracker:Documents
  • tracker:Software

And commits further to the separation between “Data Objects” (e.g. files) and “Information Elements” (e.g. what its content represents). Both aspects of a “file” still reference each other, but simply used to be the same previously.

The tracker:FileSystem graph is the backbone of file system data, it contains all file Data Objects, and folders. All other graphs store the related Information Elements (eg. a song in a flac file).

Resources are interconnected between graphs, depending on the graphs you have access to, you will get a partial (yet coherent) view of the data.

CLI improvements

We have been doing some changes around our CLI tools, with tracker shifting its scope to being a good SPARQL triple store, the base set of CLI tools revolves around that, and can be seen as an equivalent to sqlite3 CLI command.

We also have some SPARQL specific sugar, like tracker endpoint that lets you create transient SPARQL services.

All miner-specific subcommands, or those that relied implicitly on their details did move to the tracker-miners repo, the tracker3 command is extensible to allow this.


In case this was not clear, we want to be a general purpose data storage solution. We did spend quite some time improving and extending the developer and ontology documentation, adding migration notes… there’s even an incipient SPARQL tutorial!

There is a sneak preview of the API documentation at our site. It’s nice being able to tell that again!

Better tests

Tracker additionally ships a small helper python library to make it easy writing tests against Tracker infrastructure. There’s many new and deeper tests all over the place, e.g. around new syntax support.

Up next…

You’ve seen some talk about sandboxing, but nothing about sandboxing itself. That’s right, support for it is in a branch and will probably be part of 2.99.2. Now the path is paved for it to be transparent.

We currently are starting the race to update users. Sam got some nice progress on nautilus, and I just got started at shaving a yak on a cricket.

The porting is not completely straightforward. With few nice exceptions, a good amount of the tracker code around is stuck in some time frozen “as long as it works”, cargo-culted state. This sounds like a good opportunity to modernize queries, and introduce the usage of compiled statements. We are optimist that we’ll get most major players ported in time, and made 3.x able to install and run in parallel in case we miss the goal.

A call to application developers

We are no longer just “that indexer thingy”. If you need to store data with more depth than a table. If you missed your database design and relational algebra classes, or don’t miss them at all. We’ve got to talk :), come visit us at #tracker.

A call to distributors

We made tracker and tracker-miners 3.x able to install and run in parallel to tracker 2.x, and we expect users to get updated to it over time.

Given that it will get reflected in nightly flatpaks, and Tracker miners are host services, we recommend that tracker3 development releases are made available or easy to install in current stable distribution releases. Early testers and ourselves will thank you.

08 de February de 2020


I started my career writing web applications. I had struggles with PHP web-frameworks, javascript libraries, and rendering differences (CSS and non-CSS glitches) across browsers. After leaving that world, I started focusing more on the backend side of things, fleeing from the frontend camp (mainly actually just scared of that abomination that was javascript; because, in my spare time, I still did things with frontends: I hacked on a GTK media player called Banshee and a GTK chat app called Smuxi).

So there you had me: a backend dev by day, desktop dev by night. But in the GTK world I had similar struggles as the ones I had as a frontend dev when the browsers wouldn’t behave in the same way. I’m talking about GTK bugs in other non-Linux OSs, i.e. Mac and Windows.

See, I wanted to bring a desktop app to the masses, but these problems (and others of different kinds) prevented me to do it. And while all this was happening, another major shift was happening as well: desktop environments were fading while mobile (and not so mobile: tablets!) platforms were rising in usage. This meant yet more platforms that I wished GTK supported. As I’m not a C language expert (nor I wanted to be), I kept googling for the terms “gtk” and “android” or “gtk” and “iOS”, to see if some hacker put something together that I could use. But that day never happened.

Plus, I started noticing a trend: big companies with important mobile apps started to stop using HTML5 within their apps in favour of native apps, mainly chasing the “native look & feel”. This meant, clearly, that even if someone cooked a hack that made gtk+ run in Android, it would still feel foreign, and nobody would dare to use it.

So I started to become a fan of abstraction layers that were a common denominator of different native toolkits and kept their native look&feel. For example, XWT, the widget toolkit that Mono uses in MonoDevelop to target all 3 toolkits depending on the platform: Cocoa (on macOS), Gtk (on Linux) and WPF (on Windows). Pretty cool hack if you ask me. But using this would contradict my desires of using a toolkit that would already support Android!

And there it was Xamarin.Forms, an abstraction layer between iOS, Android and WindowsPhone, but that didn’t support desktops. Plus, at the time, Xamarin was proprietary (and I didn’t want to get out of my open source world). It was a big dilemma.

But then, some years passed, and many events happened around Xamarin.Forms:
  • Xamarin (the company) was bought by Microsoft and, at the same time, Xamarin (the product) was open sourced.
  • Xamarin.Forms is opensource now (TBH not sure if it was proprietary before, or it was always opensource).
  • Xamarin.Forms started supporting macOS and Windows UWP.
  • Xamarin.Forms 3.0 included support for GTK and WPF.

So that was the last straw that made me switch completely all my desktop efforts toward Xamarin.Forms. Not only I can still target Linux+GTK (my favorite platform), I can also make my apps run in mobile platforms, and desktop OSs that most people use. So both my niche and mainstream covered! But this is not the end: Xamarin.Forms has been recently ported to Tizen too! (A Linux-based OS used by Samsung in SmartTVs and watches.)

Now let me ask you something. Do you know of any graphical toolkit that allows you to target 6 different platforms with the same codebase? I repeat: Linux(GTK), Windows(UWP/WPF), macOS, iOS, Android, Tizen. The old Java saying is finally here! (but for the frontend side): “write once, run anywhere” (WORA) to which I add “with native look’n’feel” (WORA-WNLF)

If you want to know who is the hero that made the GTK driver of Xamarin.Forms, follow @jsuarezruiz which BTW has been recently hired by Microsoft to work on their non-Windows IDE ;-)

PS: If you like .NET and GTK, my employer is also hiring! (remote positions might be available too) ping me 

23 de December de 2019

End of the year Update: 2019 edition

It’s the end of December and it seems that yet another year has gone by, so I figured that I’d write an EOY update to summarize my main work at Igalia as part of our Chromium team, as my humble attempt to make up for the lack of posts in this blog during this year.

I did quit a few things this year, but for the purpose of this blog post I’ll focus on what I consider the most relevant ones: work on the Servicification and the Blink Onion Soup projects, the migration to the new Mojo APIs and the BrowserInterfaceBroker, as well as a summary of the conferences I attended, both as a regular attendee and a speaker.

But enough of an introduction, let’s dive now into the gory details…

Servicification: migration to the Identity service

As explained in my previous post from January, I’ve started this year working on the Chromium Servicification (s13n) Project. More specifically, I joined my team mates in helping with the migration to the Identity service by updating consumers of several classes from the sign-in component to ensure they now use the new IdentityManager API instead of directly accessing those other lower level APIs.

This was important because at some point the Identity Service will run in a separate process, and a precondition for that to happen is that all access to sign-in related functionality would have to go through the IdentityManager, so that other process can communicate with it directly via Mojo interfaces exposed by the Identity service.

I’ve already talked long enough in my previous post, so please take a look in there if you want to know more details on what that work was exactly about.

The Blink Onion Soup project

Interestingly enough, a bit after finishing up working on the Identity service, our team dived deep into helping with another Chromium project that shared at least one of the goals of the s13n project: to improve the health of Chromium’s massive codebase. The project is code-named Blink Onion Soup and its main goal is, as described in the original design document from 2015, to “simplify the codebase, empower developers to implement features that run faster, and remove hurdles for developers interfacing with the rest of the Chromium”. There’s also a nice slide deck from 2016’s BlinkOn 6 that explains the idea in a more visual way, if you’re interested.

“Layers”, by Robert Couse-Baker (CC BY 2.0)

In a nutshell, the main idea is to simplify the codebase by removing/reducing the several layers of located between Chromium and Blink that were necessary back in the day, before Blink was forked out of WebKit, to support different embedders with their particular needs (e.g. Epiphany, Chromium, Safari…). Those layers made sense back then but these days Blink’s only embedder is Chromium’s content module, which is the module that Chrome and other Chromium-based browsers embed to leverage Chromium’s implementation of the Web Platform, and also where the multi-process and sandboxing architecture is implemented.

And in order to implement the multi-process model, the content module is split in two main parts running in separate processes, which communicate among each other over IPC mechanisms: //content/browser, which represents the “browser process” that you embed in your application via the Content API, and //content/renderer, which represents the “renderer process” that internally runs the web engine’s logic, that is, Blink.

With this in mind, the initial version of the Blink Onion Soup project (aka “Onion Soup 1.0”) project was born about 4 years ago and the folks spearheading this proposal started working on a 3-way plan to implement their vision, which can be summarized as follows:

  1. Migrate usage of Chromium’s legacy IPC to the new IPC mechanism called Mojo.
  2. Move as much functionality as possible from //content/renderer down into Blink itself.
  3. Slim down Blink’s public APIs by removing classes/enums unused outside of Blink.

Three clear steps, but definitely not easy ones as you can imagine. First of all, if we were to remove levels of indirection between //content/renderer and Blink as well as to slim down Blink’s public APIs as much as possible, a precondition for that would be to allow direct communication between the browser process and Blink itself, right?

In other words, if you need your browser process to communicate with Blink for some specific purpose (e.g. reacting in a visual way to a Push Notification), it would certainly be sub-optimal to have something like this:

…and yet that is what would happen if we kept using Chromium’s legacy IPC which, unlike Mojo, doesn’t allow us to communicate with Blink directly from //content/browser, meaning that we’d need to go first through //content/renderer and then navigate through different layers to move between there and Blink itself.

In contrast, using Mojo would allow us to have Blink implement those remote services internally and then publicly declare the relevant Mojo interfaces so that other processes can interact with them without going through extra layers. Thus, doing that kind of migration would ultimately allow us to end up with something like this:

…which looks nicer indeed, since now it is possible to communicate directly with Blink, where the remote service would be implemented (either in its core or in a module). Besides, it would no longer be necessary to consume Blink’s public API from //content/renderer, nor the other way around, enabling us to remove some code.

However, we can’t simply ignore some stuff that lives in //content/renderer implementing part of the original logic so, before we can get to the lovely simplification shown above, we would likely need to move some logic from //content/renderer right into Blink, which is what the second bullet point of the list above is about. Unfortunately, this is not always possible but, whenever it is an option, the job here would be to figure out what of that logic in //content/renderer is really needed and then figure out how to move it into Blink, likely removing some code along the way.

This particular step is what we commonly call “Onion Soup’ing //content/renderer/<feature>(not entirely sure “Onion Soup” is a verb in English, though…) and this is for instance how things looked before (left) and after (right) Onion Souping a feature I worked on myself: Chromium’s implementation of the Push API:

Onion Soup’ing //content/renderer/push_messaging

Note how the whole design got quite simplified moving from the left to the right side? Well, that’s because some abstract classes declared in Blink’s public API and implemented in //content/renderer (e.g. WebPushProvider, WebPushMessagingClient) are no longer needed now that those implementations got moved into Blink (i.e. PushProvider and PushMessagingClient), meaning that we can now finally remove them.

Of course, there were also cases where we found some public APIs in Blink that were not used anywhere, as well as cases where they were only being used inside of Blink itself, perhaps because nobody noticed when that happened at some point in the past due to some other refactoring. In those cases the task was easier, as we would just remove them from the public API, if completely unused, or move them into Blink if still needed there, so that they are no longer exposed to a content module that no longer cares about that.

Now, trying to provide a high-level overview of what our team “Onion Soup’ed” this year, I think I can say with confidence that we migrated (or helped migrate) more than 10 different modules like the one I mentioned above, such as android/, appcache/, media/stream/, media/webrtc, push_messaging/ and webdatabase/, among others. You can see the full list with all the modules migrated during the lifetime of this project in the spreadsheet tracking the Onion Soup efforts.

In my particular case, I “Onion Soup’ed” the PushMessagingWebDatabase and SurroundingText features, which was a fairly complete exercise as it involved working on all the 3 bullet points: migrating to Mojo, moving logic from //content/renderer to Blink and removing unused classes from Blink’s public API.

And as for slimming down Blink’s public API, I can tell that we helped get to a point where more than 125 classes/enums were removed from that Blink’s public APIs, simplifying and reducing the Chromium code- base along the way, as you can check in this other spreadsheet that tracked that particular piece of work.

But we’re not done yet! While overall progress for the Onion Soup 1.0 project is around 90% right now, there are still a few more modules that require “Onion Soup’ing”, among which we’ll be tackling media/ (already WIP) and accessibility/ (starting in 2020), so there’s quite some more work to be done on that regard.

Also, there is a newer design document for the so-called Onion Soup 2.0 project that contains some tasks that we have been already working on for a while, such as “Finish Onion Soup 1.0”, “Slim down Blink public APIs”, “Switch Mojo to new syntax” and “Convert legacy IPC in //content to Mojo”, so definitely not done yet. Good news here, though: some of those tasks are already quite advanced already, and in the particular case of the migration to the new Mojo syntax it’s nearly done by now, which is precisely what I’m talking about next…

Migration to the new Mojo APIs and the BrowserInterfaceBroker

Along with working on “Onion Soup’ing” some features, a big chunk of my time this year went also into this other task from the Onion Soup 2.0 project, where I was lucky enough again not to be alone, but accompanied by several of my team mates from Igalia‘s Chromium team.

This was a massive task where we worked hard to migrate all of Chromium’s codebase to the new Mojo APIs that were introduced a few months back, with the idea of getting Blink updated first and then having everything else migrated by the end of the year.

Progress of migrations to the new Mojo syntax: June 1st – Dec 23rd, 2019

But first things first: you might be wondering what was wrong with the “old” Mojo APIs since, after all, Mojo is the new thing we were migrating to from Chromium’s legacy API, right?

Well, as it turns out, the previous APIs had a few problems that were causing some confusion due to not providing the most intuitive type names (e.g. what is an InterfacePtrInfo anyway?), as well as being quite error-prone since the old types were not as strict as the new ones enforcing certain conditions that should not happen (e.g. trying to bind an already-bound endpoint shouldn’t be allowed). In the Mojo Bindings Conversion Cheatsheet you can find an exhaustive list of cases that needed to be considered, in case you want to know more details about these type of migrations.

Now, as a consequence of this additional complexity, the task wouldn’t be as simple as a “search & replace” operation because, while moving from old to new code, it would often be necessary to fix situations where the old code was working fine just because it was relying on some constraints not being checked. And if you top that up with the fact that there were, literally, thousands of lines in the Chromium codebase using the old types, then you’ll see why this was a massive task to take on.

Fortunately, after a few months of hard work done by our Chromium team, we can proudly say that we have nearly finished this task, which involved more than 1100 patches landed upstream after combining the patches that migrated the types inside Blink (see bug 978694) with those that tackled the rest of the Chromium repository (see bug 955171).

And by “nearly finished” I mean an overall progress of 99.21% according to the Migration to new mojo types spreadsheet where we track this effort, where Blink and //content have been fully migrated, and all the other directories, aggregated together, are at 98.64%, not bad!

On this regard, I’ve been also sending a bi-weekly status report mail to the chromium-mojo and platform-architecture-dev mailing lists for a while (see the latest report here), so make sure to subscribe there if you’re interested, even though those reports might not last much longer!

Now, back with our feet on the ground, the main roadblock at the moment preventing us from reaching 100% is //components/arc, whose migration needs to be agreed with the folks maintaining a copy of Chromium’s ARC mojo files for Android and ChromeOS. This is currently under discussion (see chromium-mojo ML and bug 1035484) and so I’m confident it will be something we’ll hopefully be able to achieve early next year.

Finally, and still related to this Mojo migrations, my colleague Shin and I took a “little detour” while working on this migration and focused for a while in the more specific task of migrating uses of Chromium’s InterfaceProvider to the new BrowserInterfaceBroker class. And while this was not a task as massive as the other migration, it was also very important because, besides fixing some problems inherent to the old InterfaceProvider API, it also blocked the migration to the new mojo types as InterfaceProvider did usually rely on the old types!

Architecture of the BrowserInterfaceBroker

Good news here as well, though: after having the two of us working on this task for a few weeks, we can proudly say that, today, we have finished all the 132 migrations that were needed and are now in the process of doing some after-the-job cleanup operations that will remove even more code from the repository! \o/

Attendance to conferences

This year was particularly busy for me in terms of conferences, as I did travel to a few events both as an attendee and a speaker. So, here’s a summary about that as well:

As usual, I started the year attending one of my favourite conferences of the year by going to FOSDEM 2019 in Brussels. And even though I didn’t have any talk to present in there, I did enjoy my visit like every year I go there. Being able to meet so many people and being able to attend such an impressive amount of interesting talks over the weekend while having some beers and chocolate is always great!

Next stop was Toronto, Canada, where I attended BlinkOn 10 on April 9th & 10th. I was honoured to have a chance to present a summary of the contributions that Igalia made to the Chromium Open Source project in the 12 months before the event, which was a rewarding experience but also quite an intense one, because it was a lightning talk and I had to go through all the ~10 slides in a bit under 3 minutes! Slides are here and there is also a video of the talk, in case you want to check how crazy that was.

Took a bit of a rest from conferences over the summer and then attended, also as usual, the Web Engines Hackfest that we at Igalia have been organising every single year since 2009. Didn’t have a presentation this time, but still it was a blast to attend it once again as an Igalian and celebrate the hackfest’s 10th anniversary sharing knowledge and experiences with the people who attended this year’s edition.

Finally, I attended two conferences in the Bay Area by mid November: first one was the Chrome Dev Summit 2019 in San Francisco on Nov 11-12, and the second one was BlinkOn 11 in Sunnyvale on Nov 14-15. It was my first time at the Chrome Dev Summit and I have to say I was fairly impressed by the event, how it was organised and the quality of the talks in there. It was also great for me, as a browsers developer, to see first hand what are the things web developers are more & less excited about, what’s coming next… and to get to meet people I would have never had a chance to meet in other events.

As for BlinkOn 11, I presented a 30 min talk about our work on the Onion Soup project, the Mojo migrations and improving Chromium’s code health in general, along with my colleague Antonio Gomes. It was basically a “extended” version of this post where we went not only through the tasks I was personally involved with, but also talked about other tasks that other members of our team worked on during this year, which include way many other things! Feel free to check out the slides here, as well as the video of the talk.

Wrapping Up

As you might have guessed, 2019 has been a pretty exciting and busy year for me work-wise, but the most interesting bit in my opinion is that what I mentioned here was just the tip of the iceberg… many other things happened in the personal side of things, starting with the fact that this was the year that we consolidated our return to Spain after 6 years living abroad, for instance.

Also, and getting back to work-related stuff here again, this year I also became accepted back at Igalia‘s Assembly after having re-joined this amazing company back in September 2018 after a 6-year “gap” living and working in the UK which, besides being something I was very excited and happy about, also brought some more responsibilities onto my plate, as it’s natural.

Last, I can’t finish this post without being explicitly grateful for all the people I got to interact with during this year, both at work and outside, which made my life easier and nicer at so many different levels. To all of you,  cheers!

And to everyone else reading this… happy holidays and happy new year in advance!

24 de October de 2019

VCR to WebM with GStreamer and hardware encoding

My family had bought many years ago a Panasonic VHS video camera and we had recorded quite a lot of things, holidays, some local shows, etc. I even got paid 5000 pesetas (30€ more than 20 years ago) a couple of times to record weddings in a amateur way. Since my father passed less than a year ago I have wanted to convert those VHS tapes into something that can survive better technologically speaking.

For the job I bought a USB 2.0 dongle and connected it to a VHS VCR through a SCART to RCA cable.

The dongle creates a V4L2 device for video and is detected by Pulseaudio for audio. As I want to see what I am converting live I need to tee both audio and video to the corresponding sinks and the other part would go to to the encoders, muxer and filesink. The command line for that would be:

gst-launch-1.0 matroskamux name=mux ! filesink location=/tmp/test.webm \
v4l2src device=/dev/video2 norm=255 io-mode=mmap ! queue ! vaapipostproc ! tee name=video_t ! \
queue ! vaapivp9enc rate-control=4 bitrate=1536 ! mux.video_0 \
video_t. ! queue ! xvimagesink \
pulsesrc device=alsa_input.usb-MACROSIL_AV_TO_USB2.0-02.analog-stereo ! 'audio/x-raw,rate=48000,channels=2' ! tee name=audio_t ! \
queue ! pulsesink \
audio_t. ! queue ! vorbisenc ! mux.audio_0

As you can see I convert to WebM with VP9 and Vorbis. Something interesting can be passing norm=255 to the v4l2src element so it’s capturing PAL and the rate-control=4 for VBR to the vaapivp9enc element, otherwise it will use cqp as default and file size would end up being huge.

You can see the pipeline, which is beatiful, here:

As you can see, we’re using vaapivp9enc here which is hardware enabled and having this pipeline running in my computer was consuming more or less 20% of CPU with the CPU absolutely relaxed, leaving me the necessary computing power for my daily work. This would not be possible without GStreamer and GStreamer VAAPI plugins, which is what happens with other solutions whose instructions you can find online.

If for some reason you can’t find vaapivp9enc in Debian, you should know there are a couple of packages for the intel drivers and that the one you should install is intel-media-va-driver. Thanks go to my colleague at Igalia Víctor Jáquez, who maintains gstreamer-vaapi and helped me solving this problem.

My workflow for this was converting all tapes into WebM and then cutting them in the different relevant pieces with PiTiVi running GStreamer Editing Services both co-maintained by my colleague at Igalia, Thibault Saunier.

17 de October de 2019

Gnome-shell Hackfest 2019 – Day 3

As promised, some late notes on the 3rd and last day of the gnome-shell hackfest, so yesterday!

Some highlights from my partial view:

  • We had a mind blowing in depth discussion about the per-crtc frame clocks idea that’s been floating around for a while. What started as “light” before-bedtime conversation the previous night continued the day after straining our neurons in front of a whiteboard. We came out wiser nonetheless, and have a much more concrete idea about how should it work.
  • Georges updated his merge request to replace Cogl structs with graphene ones. This now passes CI and was merged \o/
  • Much patch review happened in place, and some other pretty notable refactors and cleanups were merged.
  • The evening was more rushed than usual, with some people leaving already. The general feeling seemed good!
  • In my personal opinion the outcome was pretty good too. There’s been progress at multiple levels and new ideas sparked, you should look forward to posts from others :). It was also great to put a face to some IRC nicks, and meet again all the familiar ones.

Kudos to the RevSpace members and especially Hans, without them this hackfest couldn’t have happened.

16 de October de 2019

Gnome-shell Hackfest 2019 – Day 2

Well, we are starting the 3rd and last day of this hackfest… I’ll write about yesterday, which probably means tomorrow I’ll blog about today :).

Some highlights of what I was able to participate/witness:

  • Roman Gilg of KDE fame came to the hackfest, it was a nice opportunity to discuss mixed DPI densities for X11/Xwayland clients. We first thought about having one server per pixel density, but later on we realized we might not be that far from actually isolating all X11 clients from each other, so why stop there.
  • The conversation drifted into other topics relevant to desktop interoperation. We did discuss about window activation and focus stealing prevention, this is a topic “fixed” in Gnome but in a private protocol. I had already a protocol draft around which was sent today to wayland-devel ML.
  • A plan was devised for what is left of Xwayland-on-demand, and an implementation is in progress.
  • The designers have been doing some exploration and research on how we interact with windows, the overview and the applications menu, and thinking about alternatives. At the end of the day they’ve demoed to us the direction they think we should take.

    I am very much not a designer and I don’t want to spoil their fine work here, so stay tuned for updates from them :).

  • As the social event, we had a very nice BBQ with some hackerspace members. Again kindly organized by Revspace.

14 de October de 2019

Gnome-shell Hackfest 2019 – Day 1

So today kickstarted the gnome-shell hackfest in Leidschendam, the Netherlands.

There’s a decent number of attendants from multiple parties (Red Hat, Canonical, Endless, Purism, …). We all brought various items and future plans for discussion, and have a number of merge requests in various states to go through. Some exciting keywords are Graphene, YUV, mixed DPI, Xwayland-on-demand, …

But that is not all! Our finest designers also got together here, and I overheard they are discussing usability of the lock screen between other topics.

This event wouldn’t have been possible without the Revspace hackerspace people and specially our host Hans de Goede. They kindly provided the venue and necessary material, I am deeply thankful for that.

As there are various discussions going on simultaneously it’s kind of hard to keep track of everything, but I’ll do my best to report back over this blog. Stay tuned!

21 de July de 2019

What am I doing with Tracker?

“Colored net”by Chris Vees (priorité maison) is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Some years ago I was asked to come up with some support for sandboxed apps wrt indexed data. This drummed up into Tracker 2.0 and domain ontologies, allowing those sandboxed apps to keep their own private data and collection of Tracker services to populate it.

Fast forward to today and… this is still largely unused, Tracker-using flatpak applications still whitelist org.freedesktop.Tracker, and are thus allowed to read and change content there. Despite I’ve been told it’s been mostly lack of time… I cannot blame them, domain ontologies offer the perfect isolation at the cost of the perfect duplication. It may do the job, but is far from optimal.

So I got asked again “we have a credible story for sandboxed tracker?”. One way or another, seems we don’t, back to the drawing board.

Somehow, the web world seems to share some problems with our case, and seems to handle it with some degree of success. Let’s have a look at some excerpts of the Sparql 1.1 recommendation (emphasis mine):

RDF is often used to represent, among other things, personal information, social networks, metadata about digital artifacts, as well as to provide a means of integration over disparate sources of information.

A Graph Store is a mutable container of RDF graphs managed by a single service. […] named graphs can be added to or deleted from a Graph Store. […] a Graph Store can keep local copies of RDF graphs defined elsewhere […] independently of the original graph.

The execution of a SERVICE pattern may fail due to several reasons: the remote service may be down, the service IRI may not be dereferenceable, or the endpoint may return an error to the query. […] Queries may explicitly allow failed SERVICE requests with the use of the SILENT keyword. […] (SERVICE pattern) results are returned to the federated query processor and are combined with results from the rest of the query.

So according to Sparql 1.1, we have multiple “Graph Stores” that manage multiple RDF graphs. They may federate queries to other endpoints with disparate RDF formats and whose availability may vary. This remote data is transparent, and may be used directly or processed for local storage.

Let’s look back at Tracker, we have a single Graph Store, which really is not that good at graphs. Responsibility of keeping that data updated is spread across multiple services, and ownership of that data is equally scattered.

It snapped me, if we transpose those same concepts from the web to the network of local services that your session is, we can use those same mechanisms to cut a number of drawbacks short:

  • Ownership is clear: If a service wants to store data, it would get its own Graph Store instead of modifying “the one”. Unless explicitly supported, Graph Stores cannot be updated from the outside.
  • So is lifetime: There’s been debate about whether data indexed “in Tracker” is permanent data or a cache. Everyone would get to decide their best fit, unaffected by everyone else’s decisions. The data from tracker-miners would totally be a cache BTW :).
  • Increases trustability: If Graph Stores cannot be tampered with externally, you can trust their content to represent the best effort of their only producer, instead of the minimum common denominator of all services updating “the Graph Store”.
  • Gives a mechanism for data isolation: Graph Stores may choose limiting the number of graphs seen on queries federated from other services.
  • Is sandboxing friendly: From inside a sandbox, you may get limited access to the other endpoints you see, or to the graphs offered. Updates are also limited by nature.
  • But works the same without a sandbox. It also has some benefits, like reducing data duplication, and make for smaller databases.

Domain ontologies from Tracker 2.0 also handle some of those differently, but very very roughly. So the first thing to do to get to that RDF nirvana was muscling up that Sparql support in Tracker, and so I did! I already had some “how could it be possible to do…” plans in my head to tackle most of those, but unfortunately they require changes to the internal storage format.

As it seems the time to do one (FTR, storage format has been “unchanged” since 0.15) I couldn’t just do the bare minimum work, it seemed too much of a good opportunity to miss, instead of maybe making future changes for leftover Sparql 1.1 syntax support.

Things ended up escalating into, where It can be said that Tracker supports 100% of the Sparql 1.1 syntax. No buts, maybe bugs.

Some notable additions are:

  • Graphs are fully supported there, along with all graph management syntax.
  • Support for query federation through SERVICE {}
  • Data dumping through DESCRIBE and CONSTRUCT query forms.
  • Data loading through LOAD update form.
  • The pesky negated property path operator.
  • Support for rdf:langString and rdf:List
  • All missing builtin functions

This is working well, and is almost drop-in (One’s got to mind the graph semantics), making it material for Gnome 3.34 starts to sound realistic.

As Sparql 1.1 is a recommendation finished in 2013, and no other newer versions seem to be in the works, I think it can be said Tracker is reaching maturity. Only HTTP Graph Store Protocol (because why not) remains the big-ish item to reasonably tell we implement all 11 documents. Note that Tracker’s bet for RDF and Sparql started at a time when 1.0 was the current document and 1.1 just an early draft.

And sandboxing support? You might guess already the features it’ll draw from. It’s coming along, actually using Tracker as described above will go a bit deeper than the required query language syntax, more on that when I have the relevant pieces in place. I just thought I’d stop a moment to announce this huge milestone :).

31 de January de 2019

A mutter and gnome-shell update

Some personal highlights:

Emoji OSK

The reworked OSK was featured a couple of cycles ago, but a notable thing that was still missing from the design reference was emoji input.

No more, sitting in a branch as of yet:

This UI feeds from the same emoji list than GtkEmojiChooser, and applies the same categorization/grouping, all the additional variants to an emoji are available as a popover. There’s also a (less catchy) keypad UI in place, ultimately hooked to applications through the GtkInputPurpose.

I do expect this to be in place for 3.32 for the Wayland session.

X11 vs Wayland

Ever since the wayland work started on mutter, there’s been ideas and talks about how mutter “core” should become detached of X11 code. It has been a long and slow process, every design decision has been directed towards this goal, we leaped forward on 2017 GSOC, and eg. Georges sums up some of his own recent work in this area.

For me it started with a “Hey, I think we are not that far off” comment in #gnome-shell earlier this cycle. Famous last words. After rewriting several, many, seemingly unrelated subsystems, and shuffling things here and there, and there we are to a point where gnome-shell might run with --no-x11 set. A little push more and we will be able to launch mutter as a pure wayland compositor that just spawns Xwayland on demand.

What’s after that? It’s certainly an important milestone but by no means we are done here. Also, gnome-settings-daemon consists for the most part X11 clients, which spoils the fun by requiring Xwayland very early in a real session, guess what’s next!

At the moment about 80% of the patches have been merged. I cannot assure at this point will all be in place for 3.32, but 3.34 most surely. But here’s a small yet extreme proof of work:


It’s been nice to see some of the performance improvements I did last cycle being finally merged. Some notable ones, like that one that stopped triggering full surface redraws on every surface invalidation. Also managed to get some blocking operations out of the main loop, which should fix many of the seemingly random stalls some people were seeing.

Those are already in 3.31.x, with many other nice fixes in this area from Georges, Daniel Van Vugt et al.


As a minor note, I will be attending Fosdem and the GTK+ Hackfest happening right after. Feel free to say hi or find Wally, whatever comes first.

29 de January de 2019

Working on the Chromium Servicification Project

Igalia & ChromiumIt’s been a few months already since I (re)joined Igalia as part of its Chromium team and I couldn’t be happier about it: right since the very first day, I felt perfectly integrated as part of the team that I’d be part of and quickly started making my way through the -fully upstream- project that would keep me busy during the following months: the Chromium Servicification Project.

But what is this “Chromium servicification project“? Well, according to the Wiktionary the word “servicification” means, applied to computing, “the migration from monolithic legacy applications to service-based components and solutions”, which is exactly what this project is about: as described in the Chromium servicification project’s website, the whole purpose behind this idea is “to migrate the code base to a more modular, service-oriented architecture”, in order to “produce reusable and decoupled components while also reducing duplication”.

Doing so would not only make Chromium a more manageable project from a source code-related point of view and create better and more stable interfaces to embed chromium from different projects, but should also enable teams to experiment with new features by combining these services in different ways, as well as to ship different products based in Chromium without having to bundle the whole world just to provide a particular set of features. 

For instance, as Camille Lamy put it in the talk delivered (slides here) during the latest Web Engines Hackfest,  “it might be interesting long term that the user only downloads the bits of the app they need so, for instance, if you have a very low-end phone, support for VR is probably not very useful for you”. This is of course not the current status of things yet (right now everything is bundled into a big executable), but it’s still a good way to visualise where this idea of moving to a services-oriented architecture should take us in the long run.

Chromium Servicification Layers

With this in mind, the idea behind this project would be to work on the migration of the different parts of Chromium depending on those components that are being converted into services, which would be part of a “foundation” base layer providing the core services that any application, framework or runtime build on top of chromium would need.

As you can imagine, the whole idea of refactoring such an enormous code base like Chromium’s is daunting and a lot of work, especially considering that currently ongoing efforts can’t simply be stopped just to perform this migration, and that is where our focus is currently aimed at: we integrate with different teams from the Chromium project working on the migration of those components into services, and we make sure that the clients of their old APIs move away from them and use the new services’ APIs instead, while keeping everything running normally in the meantime.

At the beginning, we started working on the migration to the Network Service (which allows to run Chromium’s network stack even without a browser) and managed to get it shipped in Chromium Beta by early October already, which was a pretty big deal as far as I understand. In my particular case, that stage was a very short ride since such migration was nearly done by the time I joined Igalia, but still something worth mentioning due to the impact it had in the project, for extra context.

After that, our team started working on the migration of the Identity service, where the main idea is to encapsulate the functionality of accessing the user’s identities right through this service, so that one day this logic can be run outside of the browser process. One interesting bit about this migration is that this particular functionality (largely implemented inside the sign-in component) has historically been located quite high up in the stack, and yet it’s now being pushed all the way down into that “foundation” base layer, as a core service. That’s probably one of the factors contributing to making this migration quite complicated, but everyone involved is being very dedicated and has been very helpful so far, so I’m confident we’ll get there in a reasonable time frame.

If you’re curious enough, though, you can check this status report for the Identity service, where you can see the evolution of this particular migration, along with the impact our team had since we started working on this part, back on early October. There are more reports and more information in the mailing list for the Identity service, so feel free to check it out and/or subscribe there if you like.

One clarification is needed, tough: for now, the scope of this migrations is focused on using the public C++ APIs that such services expose (see //services/<service_name>/public/cpp), but in the long run the idea is that those services will also provide Mojo interfaces. That will enable using their functionality regardless of whether you’re running those services as part of the browser’s process, or inside their own & separate processes, which will then allow the flexibility that chromium will need to run smoothly and safely in different kind of environments, from the least constrained ones to others with a less favourable set of resources at their disposal.

And this is it for now, I think. I was really looking forward to writing a status update about what I’ve been up to in the past months and here it is, even though it’s not the shortest of all reports.


One last thing, though: as usual, I’m going to FOSDEM this year as well, along with a bunch of colleagues & friends from Igalia, so please feel free to drop me/us a line if you want to chat and/or hangout, either to talk about work-related matters or anything else really.

And, of course, I’d be also more than happy to talk about any of the open job positions at Igalia, should you consider applying. There are quite a few of them available at the moment for all kind of things (most of them available for remote work): from more technical roles such as graphicscompilersmultimedia, JavaScript engines, browsers (WebKitChromium, Web Platform) or systems administration (this one not available for remotes, though), to other less “hands-on” types of roles like developer advocatesales engineer or project manager, so it’s possible there’s something interesting for you if you’re considering to join such an special company like this one.

See you in FOSDEM!

08 de January de 2019

Epiphany automation mode

Last week I finally found some time to add the automation mode to Epiphany, that allows to run automated tests using WebDriver. It’s important to note that the automation mode is not expected to be used by users or applications to control the browser remotely, but only by WebDriver automated tests. For that reason, the automation mode is incompatible with a primary user profile. There are a few other things affected by the auotmation mode:

  • There’s no persistency. A private profile is created in tmp and only ephemeral web contexts are used.
  • URL entry is not editable, since users are not expected to interact with the browser.
  • An info bar is shown to notify the user that the browser is being controlled by automation.
  • The window decoration is orange to make it even clearer that the browser is running in automation mode.

So, how can I write tests to be run in Epiphany? First, you need to install a recently enough selenium. For now, only the python API is supported. Selenium doesn’t have an Epiphany driver, but the WebKitGTK driver can be used with any WebKitGTK+ based browser, by providing the browser information as part of session capabilities.

from selenium import webdriver

options = webdriver.WebKitGTKOptions()
options.binary_location = 'epiphany'
options.set_capability('browserName', 'Epiphany')
options.set_capability('version', '3.31.4')

ephy = webdriver.WebKitGTK(options=options, desired_capabilities={})

This is a very simple example that just opens Epiphany in automation mode, loads and closes Epiphany. A few comments about the example:

  • Version 3.31.4 will be the first one including the automation mode.
  • The parameter desired_capabilities shouldn’t be needed, but there’s a bug in selenium that has been fixed very recently.
  • WebKitGTKOptions.set_capability was added in selenium 3.14, if you have an older version you can use the following snippet instead
from selenium import webdriver

options = webdriver.WebKitGTKOptions()
options.binary_location = 'epiphany'
capabilities = options.to_capabilities()
capabilities['browserName'] = 'Epiphany'
capabilities['version'] = '3.31.4'

ephy = webdriver.WebKitGTK(desired_capabilities=capabilities)

To simplify the driver instantation you can create your own Epiphany driver derived from the WebKitGTK one:

from selenium import webdriver

class Epiphany(webdriver.WebKitGTK):
    def __init__(self):
        options = webdriver.WebKitGTKOptions()
        options.binary_location = 'epiphany'
        options.set_capability('browserName', 'Epiphany')
        options.set_capability('version', '3.31.4')

        webdriver.WebKitGTK.__init__(self, options=options, desired_capabilities={})

ephy = Epiphany()

The same for selenium < 3.14

from selenium import webdriver

class Epiphany(webdriver.WebKitGTK):
    def __init__(self):
        options = webdriver.WebKitGTKOptions()
        options.binary_location = 'epiphany'
        capabilities = options.to_capabilities()
        capabilities['browserName'] = 'Epiphany'
        capabilities['version'] = '3.31.4'

        webdriver.WebKitGTK.__init__(self, desired_capabilities=capabilities)

ephy = Epiphany()

25 de November de 2018

Frogr 1.5 released

It’s almost one year later and, despite the acquisition by SmugMug a few months ago and the predictions from some people that it would mean me stopping from using Flickr & maintaining Frogr, here comes the new release of frogr 1.5.Frogr 1.5 screenshot

Not many changes this time, but some of them hopefully still useful for some people, such as the empty initial state that is now shown when you don’t have any pictures, as requested a while ago already by Nick Richards (thanks Nick!), or the removal of the applications menu from the shell’s top panel (now integrated in the hamburger menu), in line with the “App Menu Retirement” initiative.

Then there were some fixes here and there as usual, and quite so many updates to the translations this time, including a brand new translation to Icelandic! (thanks Sveinn).

So this is it this time, I’m afraid. Sorry there’s not much to report and sorry as well for the long time that took me to do this release, but this past year has been pretty busy between hectic work at Endless the first time of the year, a whole international relocation with my family to move back to Spain during the summer and me getting back to work at Igalia as part of the Chromium team, where I’m currently pretty busy working on the Chromium Servicification project (which is material for a completely different blog post of course).

Anyway, last but not least, feel free to grab frogr from the usual places as outlined in its main website, among which I’d recommend the Flatpak method, either via GNOME Software  or from the command line by just doing this:

flatpak install --from \

For more information just check the main website, which I also updated to this latest release, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or comments.

Hope you enjoy it. Thanks!

25 de October de 2018

3 events in a month

As part of my job at Igalia, I have been attending 2-3 events per year. My role mostly as a Chromium stack engineer is not usually much demanding regarding conference trips, but they are quite important as an opportunity to meet collaborators and project mates.

This month has been a bit different, as I ended up visiting Santa Clara LG Silicon Valley Lab in California, Igalia headquarters in A Coruña, and Dresden. It was mostly because I got involved in the discussions for the web runtime implementation being developed by Igalia for AGL.

AGL f2f at LGSVL

It is always great to visit LG Silicon Valley Lab (Santa Clara, US), where my team is located. I have been participating for 6 years in the development of the webOS web stack you can most prominently enjoy in LG webOS smart TV.

One of the goals for next months at AGL is providing an efficient web runtime. In LGSVL we have been developing and maintaining WAM, the webOS web runtime. And as it was released with an open source license in webOS Open Source Edition, it looked like a great match for AGL. So my team did a proof of concept in May and it was succesful. At the same time Igalia has been working on porting Chromium browser to AGL. So, after some discussions AGL approved sponsoring my company, Igalia for porting the LG webOS web runtime to AGL.

As LGSVL was hosting the september 2018 AGL f2f meeting, Igalia sponsored my trip to the event.

AGL f2f Santa Clara 2018, AGL wiki CC BY 4.0

So we took the opportunity to continue discussions and progress in the development of the WAM AGL port. And, as we expected, it was quite beneficial to unblock tasks like AGL app framework security integration, and the support of AGL latest official release, Funky Flounder. Julie Kim from Igalia attended the event too, and presented an update on the progress of the Ozone Wayland port.

The organization and the venue were great. Thanks to LGSVL!

Web Engines Hackfest 2018 at Igalia

Next trip was definitely closer. Just 90 minutes drive to our Igalia headquarters in A Coruña.

Igalia has been organizing this event since 2009. It is a cross-web-engine event, where engineers of Mozilla, Chromium and WebKit have been meeting yearly to do some hacking, and discuss the future of the web.

This time my main interest was participating in the discussions about the effort by Igalia and Google to support Wayland natively in Chromium. I was pleased to know around 90% of the work had already landed in upstream Chromium. Great news as it will smooth integration of Chromium for embedders using Ozone Wayland, like webOS. It was also great to know the work for improving GPU performance reducing the number of copies required for painting web contents.

Web Engines Hackfest 2018 CC BY-SA 2.0

Other topics of my interest:
– We did a follow-up of the discussion in last BlinkOn about the barriers for Chromium embedders, sharing the experiences maintaining a downstream Chromium tree.
– Joined the discussions about the future of WebKitGTK. In particular the graphics pipeline adaptation to the upcoming GTK+ 4.

As usual, the organization was great. We had 70 people in the event, and it was awesome to see all the activity in the office, and so many talented engineers in the same place. Thanks Igalia!

Web Engines Hackfest 2018 CC BY-SA 2.0

AGL All Members Meeting Europe 2018 at Dresden

The last event in barely a month was my first visit to the beautiful town of Dresden (Germany).

The goal was continuing the discussions for the projects Igalia is developing for AGL platform: Chromium upstream native Wayland support, and the WAM web runtime port. We also had a booth showcasing that work, but also our lightweight WebKit port WPE that was, as usual, attracting interest with its 60fps video playback performance in a Raspberry Pi 2.

I co-presented with Steve Lemke a talk about the automotive activities at LGSVL, taking the opportunity to update on the status of the WAM web runtime work for AGL (slides here). The project is progressing and Igalia should be landing soon the first results of the work.

Igalia booth at AGL AMM Europe 2018

It was great to meet all this people, and discuss in person the architecture proposal for the web runtime, unblocking several tasks and offering more detailed planning for next months.

Dresden was great, and I can’t help highlighting the reception and guided tour in the Dresden Transportation Museum. Great choice by the organization. Thanks to Linux Foundation and the AGL project community!

Next: Chrome Dev Summit 2018

So… what’s next? I will be visiting San Francisco in November for Chrome Dev Summit.

I can only thank Igalia for sponsoring my attendance to these events. They are quite important for keeping things moving forward. But also, it is also really nice to meet friends and collaborators. Thanks Igalia!

03 de August de 2018

On Moving

Winds of Change. One of my favourite songs ever and one that comes to my mind now that me and my family are going through quite some important changes, once again. But let’s start from the beginning…

A few years ago, back in January 2013, my family and me moved to the UK as the result of my decision to leave Igalia after almost 7 years in the company to embark ourselves in the “adventure” or living abroad. This was an idea we had been thinking about for a while already at that time, and our current situation back then suggested that it could be the right moment to try it out… so we did.

It was kind of a long process though: I first arrived alone in January to make sure I would have time to figure things out and find a permanent place for us to live in, and then my family joined me later in May, once everything was ready. Not great, if you ask me, to be living separated from your loved ones for 4 full months, not to mention the juggling my wife had to do during that time to combine her job with looking after the kids mostly on her own… but we managed to see each other every 2-3 weekends thanks to the London – Coruña direct flights in the meantime, so at least it was bearable from that point of view.

But despite of those not so great (yet expected) beginnings, I have to say that this past 5+ years have been an incredible experience overall, and we don’t have a single regret about making the decision to move, maybe just a few minor and punctual things only if I’m completely honest, but that’s about it. For instance, it’s been just beyond incredible and satisfying to see my kids develop their English skills “from zero to hero”, settle at their school, make new friends and, in one word, evolve during these past years. And that alone would have been a good reason to justify the move already, but it turns out we also have plenty of other reasons as we all have evolved and enjoyed the ride quite a lot as well, made many new friends, knew many new places, worked on different things… a truly enriching experience indeed!

In a way, I confess that this could easily be one of those things we’d probably have never done if we knew in advance of all the things we’d have to do and go through along the way, so I’m very grateful for that naive ignorance, since that’s probably how we found the courage, energy and time to do it. And looking backwards, it seems clear to me that it was the right time to do it.

But now it’s 2018 and, even though we had such a great time here both from personal and work-related perspectives, we have decided that it’s time for us to come back to Galicia (Spain), and try to continue our vital journey right from there, in our homeland.

And before you ask… no, this is not because of Brexit. I recognize that the result of the referendum has been a “contributing factor” (we surely didn’t think as much about returning to Spain before that 23 of June, that’s true), but there were more factors contributing to that decision, which somehow have aligned all together to tell us, very clearly, that Now It’s The Time…

For instance, we always knew that we would eventually move back for my wife to take over the family business, and also that we’d rather make the move in a way that it would be not too bad for our kids when it happened. And having a 6yo and a 9yo already it feels to us like now it’s the perfect time, since they’re already native English speakers (achievement unlocked!) and we believe that staying any longer would only make it harder for them, especially for my 9yo, because it’s never easy to leave your school, friends and place you call home behind when you’re a kid (and I know that very well, as I went through that painful experience precisely when I was 9).

Besides that, I’ve also recently decided to leave Endless after 4 years in the company and so it looks like, once again, moving back home would fit nicely with that work-related change, for several reasons. Now, I don’t want to enter into much detail on why exactly I decided to leave Endless, so I think I’ll summarize it as me needing a change and a rest after these past years working on Endless OS, which has been an equally awesome and intense experience as you can imagine. If anything, I’d just want to be clear on that contributing to such a meaningful project surrounded by such a team of great human beings, was an experience I couldn’t be happier and prouder about, so you can be certain it was not an easy decision to make.

Actually, quite the opposite: a pretty hard one I’d say… but a nice “side effect” of that decision, though, is that leaving at this precise moment would allow me to focus on the relocation in a more organized way as well as to spend some quality time with my family before leaving the UK. Besides, it will hopefully be also useful for us to have enough time, once in Spain, to re-organize our lives there, settle properly and even have some extra weeks of true holidays before the kids start school and we start working again in September.

Now, taking a few weeks off and moving back home is very nice and all that, but we still need to have jobs, and this is where our relocation gets extra interesting as it seems that we’re moving home in multiple ways at once…

For once, my wife will start taking over the family business with the help of her dad in her home town of Lalín (Pontevedra), where we plan to be living for the foreseeable future. This is the place where she grew up and where her family and many friends live in, but also a place she hasn’t lived in for the last 15 years, so the fact that we’ll be relocating there is already quite a thing in the “moving back home” department for her…

Second, for my kids this will mean going back to having their relatives nearby once again as well as friends they only could see and play with during holidays until now, which I think it’s a very good thing for them. Of course, this doesn’t feel as much moving home for them as it does for us, since they obviously consider the UK their home for now, but our hope is that it will be ok in the medium-long term, even though it will likely be a bit challenging for them at the beginning.

Last, I’ll be moving back to work at Igalia after almost 6 years since I left which, as you might imagine, feels to me very much like “moving back home” too: I’ll be going back to working in a place I’ve always loved so much for multiple reasons, surrounded by people I know and who I consider friends already (I even would call some of them “best friends”) and with its foundations set on important principles and values that still matter very much to me, both from technical (e.g. Open Source, Free Software) and not so technical (e.g. flat structure, independence) points of view.

Those who know me better might very well think that I’ve never really moved on as I hinted in the title of the blog post I wrote years ago, and in some way that’s perhaps not entirely wrong, since it’s no secret I always kept in touch throughout these past years at many levels and that I always felt enormously proud of my time as an Igalian. Emmanuele even told me that I sometimes enter what he seems to call an “Igalia mode” when I speak of my past time in there, as if I was still there… Of course, I haven’t seen any formal evidence of such thing happening yet, but it certainly does sound like a possibility as it’s true I easily get carried away when Igalia comes to my mind, maybe as a mix of nostalgia, pride, good memories… those sort of things. I suppose he’s got a point after all…

So, I guess it’s only natural that I finally decided to apply again since, even though both the company and me have evolved quite a bit during these years, the core foundations and principles it’s based upon remain the same, and I still very much align with them. But applying was only one part, so I couldn’t finish this blog post without stating how grateful I am for having been granted this second opportunity to join Igalia once again because, being honest, more often than less I was worried on whether I would be “good enough” for the Igalia of 2018. And the truth is that I won’t know for real until I actually start working and stay in the company for a while, but knowing that both my former colleagues and newer Igalians who joined since I left trust me enough to join is all I need for now, and I couldn’t be more excited nor happier about it.

Anyway, this post is already too long and I think I’ve covered everything I wanted to mention On Moving (pun intended with my post from 2012, thanks Will Thompson for the idea!), so I think I’ll stop right here and re-focus on the latest bits related to the relocation before we effectively leave the UK for good, now that we finally left our rented house and put all our stuff in a removals van. After that, I expect a few days of crazy unpacking and bureaucracy to properly settle in Galicia and then hopefully a few weeks to rest and get our batteries recharged for our new adventure, starting soon in September (yet not too soon!).

As usual, we have no clue of how future will be, but we have a good feeling about this thing of moving back home in multiple ways, so I believe we’ll be fine as long as we stick together as a family as we always did so far.

But in any case, please wish us good luck.That’s always welcome! :-)

06 de May de 2018

Updating Endless OS to GNOME Shell 3.26 (Video)

It’s been a pretty hectic time during the past months for me here at Endless, busy with updating our desktop to the latest stable version of GNOME Shell (3.26, at the time the process started), among other things. And in all this excitement, it seems like I forgot to blog so I think this time I’ll keep it short for once, and simply link to a video I made a couple of months ago, right when I was about to finish the first phase of the process (which ended up taking a bit longer than expected).

Note that the production of this video is far from high quality (unsurprisingly), but the feedback I got so far is that it has been apparently very useful to explain to less technically inclined people what doing a rebase of this characteristics means, and with that in mind I woke up this morning realizing that it might be good to give it its own entry in my personal blog, so here it is.

(Pro-tip: Enable video subtitles to see contextual info)

Granted, this hasn’t been a task as daunting as The Great Rebase I was working on one year ago, but still pretty challenging for a different set of reasons that I might leave for a future, and more detailed, post.

Hope you enjoy watching the video as much as I did making it.

28 de December de 2017

Frogr 1.4 released

Another year goes by and, again, I feel the call to make one more release just before 2017 over, so here we are: frogr 1.4 is out!

Screenshot of frogr 1.4

Yes, I know what you’re thinking: “Who uses Flickr in 2017 anyway?”. Well, as shocking as this might seem to you, it is apparently not just me who is using this small app, but also another 8,935 users out there issuing an average of 0.22 Queries Per Second every day (19008 queries a day) for the past year, according to the stats provided by Flickr for the API key.

Granted, it may be not a huge number compared to what other online services might be experiencing these days, but for me this is enough motivation to keep the little green frog working and running, thus worth updating it one more time. Also, I’d argue that these numbers for a niche app like this one (aimed at users of the Linux desktop that still use Flickr to upload pictures in 2017) do not even look too bad, although without more specific data backing this comment this is, of course, just my personal and highly-biased opinion.

So, what’s new? Some small changes and fixes, along with other less visible modifications, but still relevant and necessary IMHO:

  • Fixed integration with GNOME Software (fixed a bug regarding appstream data).
  • Fixed errors loading images from certain cameras & phones, such as the OnePlus 5.
  • Cleaned the code by finally migrating to using g_auto, g_autoptr and g_autofree.
  • Migrated to the meson build system, and removed all the autotools files.
  • Big update to translations, now with more than 22 languages 90% – 100% translated.

Also, this is the first release that happens after having a fully operational centralized place for Flatpak applications (aka Flathub), so I’ve updated the manifest and I’m happy to say that frogr 1.4 is already available for i386, arm, aarch64 and x86_64. You can install it either from GNOME Software (details on how to do it at, or from the command line by just doing this:

flatpak install --from

Also worth mentioning that, starting with Frogr 1.4, I will no longer be updating my PPA at Launchpad. I did that in the past to make it possible for Ubuntu users to have access to the latest release ASAP, but now we have Flatpak that’s a much better way to install and run the latest stable release in any supported distro (not just Ubuntu). Thus, I’m dropping the extra work required to deal with the PPA and flat-out recommending users to use Flatpak or wait until their distro of choice packages the latest release.

And I think this is everything. As usual, feel free to check the main website for extra information on how to get frogr and/or how to contribute to it. Feedback and/or help is more than welcome.

Happy new year everyone!

09 de September de 2017

WebDriver support in WebKitGTK+ 2.18

WebDriver is an automation API to control a web browser. It allows to create automated tests for web applications independently of the browser and platform. WebKitGTK+ 2.18, that will be released next week, includes an initial implementation of the WebDriver specification.

WebDriver in WebKitGTK+

There’s a new process (WebKitWebDriver) that works as the server, processing the clients requests to spawn and control the web browser. The WebKitGTK+ driver is not tied to any specific browser, it can be used with any WebKitGTK+ based browser, but it uses MiniBrowser as the default. The driver uses the same remote controlling protocol used by the remote inspector to communicate and control the web browser instance. The implementation is not complete yet, but it’s enough for what many users need.

The clients

The web application tests are the clients of the WebDriver server. The Selenium project provides APIs for different languages (Java, Python, Ruby, etc.) to write the tests. Python is the only language supported by WebKitGTK+ for now. It’s not yet upstream, but we hope it will be integrated soon. In the meantime you can use our fork in github. Let’s see an example to understand how it works and what we can do.

from selenium import webdriver

# Create a WebKitGTK driver instance. It spawns WebKitWebDriver 
# process automatically that will launch MiniBrowser.
wkgtk = webdriver.WebKitGTK()

# Let's load the WebKitGTK+ website.

# Find the GNOME link.
gnome = wkgtk.find_element_by_partial_link_text("GNOME")

# Click on the link.

# Find the search form. 
search = wkgtk.find_element_by_id("searchform")

# Find the first input element in the search form.
text_field = search.find_element_by_tag_name("input")

# Type epiphany in the search field and submit.

# Let's count the links in the contents div to check we got results.
contents = wkgtk.find_element_by_class_name("content")
links = contents.find_elements_by_tag_name("a")
assert len(links) > 0

# Quit the driver. The session is closed so MiniBrowser 
# will be closed and then WebKitWebDriver process finishes.

Note that this is just an example to show how to write a test and what kind of things you can do, there are better ways to achieve the same results, and it depends on the current source of public websites, so it might not work in the future.

Web browsers / applications

As I said before, WebKitWebDriver process supports any WebKitGTK+ based browser, but that doesn’t mean all browsers can automatically be controlled by automation (that would be scary). WebKitGTK+ 2.18 also provides new API for applications to support automation.

  • First of all the application has to explicitly enable automation using webkit_web_context_set_automation_allowed(). It’s important to know that the WebKitGTK+ API doesn’t allow to enable automation in several WebKitWebContexts at the same time. The driver will spawn the application when a new session is requested, so the application should enable automation at startup. It’s recommended that applications add a new command line option to enable automation, and only enable it when provided.
  • After launching the application the driver will request the browser to create a new automation session. The signal “automation-started” will be emitted in the context to notify the application that a new session has been created. If automation is not allowed in the context, the session won’t be created and the signal won’t be emitted either.
  • A WebKitAutomationSession object is passed as parameter to the “automation-started” signal. This can be used to provide information about the application (name and version) to the driver that will match them with what the client requires accepting or rejecting the session request.
  • The WebKitAutomationSession will emit the signal “create-web-view” every time the driver needs to create a new web view. The application can then create a new window or tab containing the new web view that should be returned by the signal. This signal will always be emitted even if the browser has already an initial web view open, in that case it’s recommened to return the existing empty web view.
  • Web views are also automation aware, similar to ephemeral web views, web views that allow automation should be created with the constructor property “is-controlled-by-automation” enabled.

This is the new API that applications need to implement to support WebDriver, it’s designed to be as safe as possible, but there are many things that can’t be controlled by WebKitGTK+, so we have several recommendations for applications that want to support automation:

  • Add a way to enable automation in your application at startup, like a command line option, that is disabled by default. Never allow automation in a normal application instance.
  • Enabling automation is not the only thing the application should do, so add an automation mode to your application.
  • Add visual feedback when in automation mode, like changing the theme, the window title or whatever that makes clear that a window or instance of the application is controllable by automation.
  • Add a message to explain that the window is being controlled by automation and the user is not expected to use it.
  • Use ephemeral web views in automation mode.
  • Use a temporal user profile in application mode, do not allow automation to change the history, bookmarks, etc. of an existing user.
  • Do not load any homepage in automation mode, just keep an empty web view (about:blank) that can be used when a new web view is requested by automation.

The WebKitGTK client driver

Applications need to implement the new automation API to support WebDriver, but the WebKitWebDriver process doesn’t know how to launch the browsers. That information should be provided by the client using the WebKitGTKOptions object. The driver constructor can receive an instance of a WebKitGTKOptions object, with the browser information and other options. Let’s see how it works with an example to launch epiphany:

from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver import WebKitGTKOptions

options = WebKitGTKOptions()
options.browser_executable_path = "/usr/bin/epiphany"
epiphany = webdriver.WebKitGTK(browser_options=options)

Again, this is just an example, Epiphany doesn’t even support WebDriver yet. Browsers or applications could create their own drivers on top of the WebKitGTK one to make it more convenient to use.

from selenium import webdriver
epiphany = webdriver.Epiphany()


During the next release cycle, we plan to do the following tasks:

  • Complete the implementation: add support for all commands in the spec and complete the ones that are partially supported now.
  • Add support for running the WPT WebDriver tests in the WebKit bots.
  • Add a WebKitGTK driver implementation for other languages in Selenium.
  • Add support for automation in Epiphany.
  • Add WebDriver support to WPE/dyz.

04 de August de 2017

Back from GUADEC

After spending a few days in Manchester with other fellow GNOME hackers and colleagues from Endless, I’m finally back at my place in the sunny land of Surrey (England) and I thought it would be nice to write some sort of recap, so here it is:

The Conference

Getting ready for GUADECI arrived in Manchester on Thursday the 27th just on time to go to the pre-registration event where I met the rest of the gang and had some dinner, and that was already a great start. Let’s forget about the fact that I lost my badge even before leaving the place, which has to be some type of record (losing the badge before the conference starts, really?), but all in all it was great to meet old friends, as well as some new faces, that evening already.

Then the 3 core days of GUADEC started. My first impression was that everything (including the accommodation at the university, which was awesome) was very well organized in general, and the venue make it for a perfect place to organize this type of event, so I was already impressed even before things started.

I attended many talks and all of them were great, but if I had to pick my 5 favourite ones I think those would be the following ones, in no particular order:

  • The GNOME Way, by Allan: A very insightful and inspiring talk, made me think of why we do the things we do, and why it matters. It also kicked an interesting pub conversation with Allan later on and I learned a new word in English (“principled“), so believe me it was great.
  • Keynote: The Battle Over Our Technology, by Karen: I have no words to express how much I enjoyed this talk. Karen was very powerful on stage and the way she shared her experiences and connected them to why Free Software is important did leave a mark.
  • Mutter/gnome-shell state of the union, by Florian and Carlos: As a person who is getting increasingly involved with Endless’s fork of GNOME Shell, I found this one particularly interesting. Also, I found it rather funny at points, specially during “the NVIDIA slide”.
  • Continuous: Past, Present, and Future, by Emmanuele: Sometimes I talk to friends and it strikes me how quickly they dismiss things as CI/CD as “boring” or “not interesting”, which I couldn’t disagree more with. This is very important work and Emmanuele is kicking ass as the build sheriff, so his talk was very interesting to me too. Also, he’s got a nice cat.
  • The History of GNOME, by Jonathan: Truth to be told, Jonathan already did a rather similar talk internally in Endless a while ago, so it was not entirely new to me, but I enjoyed it a lot too because it brought so many memories to my head: starting with when I started with Linux (RedHat 5.2 + GNOME pre-release!), when I used GNOME 1.x at the University and then moved to GNOME 2.x later on… not to mention the funny anecdotes he mentioned (never imagined the phone ringing while sleeping could be a good thing). Perfectly timed for the 20th anniversary of GNOME indeed!

As I said, I attended other talks too and all were great too, so I’d encourage you to check the schedule and watch the recordings once they are available online, you won’t regret it.

Closing ceremony

And the next GUADEC will be in… Almería!

One thing that surprised me this time was that I didn’t do as much hacking during the conference as in other occasions. Rather than seeing it as a bad thing, I believe that’s a clear indicator of how interesting and engaging the talks were this year, which made it for a perfect return after missing 3 edition (yes, my last GUADEC was in 2013).

All in all it was a wonderful experience, and I can thank and congratulate the local team and the volunteers who run the conference this year well enough, so here’s is a picture I took where you can see all the people standing up and clapping during the closing ceremony.

Many thanks and congratulations for all the work done. Seriously.

The Unconference

After 3 days of conference, the second part started: “2 days and a bit” (I was leaving on Wednesday morning) of meeting people and hacking in a different venue, where we gathered to work on different topics, plus the occasional high-bandwith meeting in person.

GUADEC unconferenceAs you might expect, my main interest this time was around GNOME Shell, which is my main duty in Endless right now. This means that, besides trying to be present in the relevant BoFs, I’ve spent quite some time participating of discussions that gathered both upstream contributors and people from different companies (e.g. Endless, Red Hat, Canonical).

This was extremely helpful and useful for me since, now we have rebased our fork of GNOME Shell 3.22, we’re in a much better position to converge and contribute back to upstream in a more reasonable fashion, as well as to collaborate implementing new features that we already have in Endless but that didn’t make it to upstream yet.

And talking about those features, I’d like to highlight two things:

First, the discussion we held with both developers and designers to talk about the new improvements that are being considered for both the window picker and the apps view, where one of the ideas is to improve the apps view by (maybe) adding a new grid of favourite applications that the users could customize, change the order… and so forth.

According to the designers this proposal was partially inspired by what we have in Endless, so you can imagine I would be quite happy to see such a plan move forward, as we could help with the coding side of things upstream while reducing our diff for future rebases. Thing is, this is a proposal for now so nothing is set in stone yet, but I will definitely be interested in following and participating of the relevant discussions regarding to this.

Second, as my colleague Georges already vaguely mentioned in his blog post, we had an improvised meeting on Wednesday with one of the designers from Red Hat (Jakub Steiner), where we discussed about a very particular feature upstream has wanted to have for a while and which Endless implemented downstream: management of folders using DnD, right from the apps view.

This is something that Endless has had in its desktop since the beginning of times, but the implementation relied in a downstream-specific version of folders that Endless OS implemented even before folders were available in the upstream GNOME Shell, so contributing that back would have been… “interesting”. But fortunately, we have now dropped that custom implementation of folders and embraced the upstream solution during the last rebase to 3.22, and we’re in a much better position now to contribute our solution upstream. Once this lands, you should be able to create, modify, remove and use folders without having to open GNOME Software at all, just by dragging and dropping apps on top of other apps and folders, pretty much in a similat fashion compared to how you would do it in a mobile OS these days.

We’re still in an early stage for this, though. Our current solution in Endless is based on some assumptions and tools that will simply not be the case upstream, so we will have to work with both the designers and the upstream maintainers to make this happen over the next months. Thus, don’t expect anything to land for the next stable release yet, but simply know we’ll be working on it  and that should hopefully make it not too far in the future.

The Rest

This GUADEC has been a blast for me, and probably the best and my most favourite edition ever among all those I’ve attended since 2008. Reasons for such a strong statement are diverse, but I think I can mention a few that are clear to me:

From a personal point of view, I never felt so engaged and part of the community as this time. I don’t know if that has something to do with my recent duties in Endless (e.g. flatpak, GNOME Shell) or with something less “tangible” but that’s the truth. Can’t state it well enough.

From the perspective of Endless, the fact that 17 of us were there is something to be very excited and happy about, specially considering that I work remotely and only see 4 of my colleagues from the London area on a regular basis (i.e. one day a week). Being able to meet people I don’t regularly see as well as some new faces in person is always great, but having them all together “under the same ceilings” for 6 days was simply outstanding.

GNOME 20th anniversary dinner

GNOME 20th anniversary dinner

Also, as it happened, this year was the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the GNOME project and so the whole thing was quite emotional too. Not to mention that Federico’s birthday happened during GUADEC, which was a more than nice… coincidence? :-) Ah! And we also had an incredible dinner on Saturday to celebrate that, couldn’t certainly be a better opportunity for me to attend this conference!

Last, a nearly impossible thing happened: despite of the demanding schedule that an event like this imposes (and I’m including our daily visit to the pubs here too), I managed to go running every single day between 5km and 10km, which I believe is the first time it happened in my life. I definitely took my running gear with me to other conferences but this time was the only one I took it that seriously, and also the first time that I joined other fellow GNOME runners in the process, which was quite fun as well.

Final words

I couldn’t finish this extremely long post without a brief note to acknowledge and thank all the many people who made this possible this year: the GNOME Foundation and the amazing group of volunteers who helped organize it, the local team who did an outstanding job at all levels (venue, accomodation, events…), my employer Endless for sponsoring my attendance and, of course, all the people who attended the event and made it such an special GUADEC this year.

Thank you all, and see you next year in Almería!

Credit to Georges Stavracas